• Poison Ivy
    Professional Monograph
    Bois de Chien, Caquistle, Caxuistle, Herbe à la Puce, Herbe à Puce, Hiedra Venenosa, Markweed, Poison Vine, Rhus Tox, Sumac Grimpant, Sumac Vénéneux, Three-Leafed Ivy.
  • Tonka Bean
    Professional Monograph
    Almendrillo Negro, Coumarou, Cumaru, Cumarú, Dutch Tonka, English Tonka, Fève Tonka, Gaïac de Cayenne, Legume, Tonka, Tonka Seed, Tonquin Bean, Torquin Bean.
  • Androstenediol
    Professional Monograph
    1-Androstene-3beta, 17beta-diol; 4-AD; 4-Androstenediol; 4-Androstènediol; 4-Androstene 3, 17-diol; 5-AD; 5-Androstenediol; 5-Androstènediol; Androdiol; Androstènediol. CA…
  • Clematis recta
    Professional Monograph
    Clemátide Recta, Clematis,Clématite, Clématite Dressée, Clématite Droite, Ground Virginsbower, Upright Virgin's Bower, Virgin's Bower. CAUTION: Clematis recta should not be confused with Clemati…
  • Lauric Acid
    Professional Monograph
    Acide Laurique, Acide N-dodécanoïque, Ácido Láurico, Coconut Oil Extract, Extrait d'Huile de Noix de Coco, N-dodecanoic Acid, N-alkanoic Acid. CAUTION: Lauric acid is a constituent of coconut. See…
  • Focusing
    Professional Monograph
    Attentional Focus, Attentional Focus And Symptom Management Intervention (AFSMI), Body-State Focusing, External Focusing, Focusing-Oriented Therapy, Focusing Process, Focusing Therapy, Interactive Fo…
  • Bridelia
    Professional Monograph
    Asas, Assas, Mist Bredina.
  • Globemallow
    Professional Monograph
    Common Globemallow, Copper Globemallow, Desert Mallow, False Mallow, Flame Mallow, Hierba del Negro, Hierba de vara de San José, Hierba del golpe, Moss Rose, Narrowleaf Desertmallow, Narrowleaf Globe…
  • Weight Watchers Diet
    Professional Monograph
    Dieta Weight Watchers, Méthode Weight Watchers, Régime Weight Watchers, Programme Weight Watchers, WW. CAUTION: Do no confuse the Weight Watchers diet with other Diets & Dietary Modifications.
  • Autogenic Training
    Professional Monograph
    AT, Autogenic, Autogenic Relaxation, Autogenic Relaxation Training, Autogenic Relaxation Technique, Autorelaxation Concentrative, Autosuggestion, Entraînement Autogène, Entrenamiento Autógeno,…