Vitamin C Complex by TriStar Naturals

NatMed Pro Brand Evidence-based Rating (NMBER)
NMBER Rating 2

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Each capsule contains: Quercetin (3,3',4',5,7-pentahydroxyflavone) 100 mg • Citrus aurantium (27% bioflavonoids) 50 mg • Rosa canina 50 mg • Vaccinium myrtillus 120:1 extract (DHE: 6000 mg) 50 mg • Vitamin C 500 mg. Other Ingredients: Colloidal Silicon Dioxide, Hypromellose, Magnesium Stearate, Microcrystalline Cellulose.

Brand name products often contain multiple ingredients. To read detailed information about each ingredient, click on the link for the individual ingredient shown above.

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Canada Licensed
This product is a Licensed Natural Health Product in Canada
(NPN 80025535)
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Editor's Comments    hide details

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Synephrine/Bitter Orange This product contains the ingredient synephrine. Synephrine is a stimulant similar to ephedrine, which is contained in the herb ephedra (ma huang). Ephedra products were removed from the U.S. market due to safety concerns. Ephedra is linked to stroke, heart attack, seizure, and other serious side effects. Many manufacturers have now substituted synephrine in products that used to contain ephedra. These products are typically promoted for weight loss. Many of these products are now labeled as ephedra-free or ma huang-free, but they often still contain the stimulant synephrine. These synephrine-containing products likely have the same risks as the ephedra-containing products. Synephrine is a constituent of the bitter orange (Citrus aurantium). Products that list bitter orange or Citrus aurantium on the label also likely contain synephrine. Advise patients about the potential risks associated with this and other synephrine-containing products.

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