Ingredients | Amount Per Serving |
100 Calorie(s) |
Total Fat
0 Gram(s) |
5 mg |
Total Carbohydrates
2 Gram(s) |
20 Gram(s) |
80 mg |
56 mg | |
17 mg |
50 mg |
150 mg |
(from Whey Protein Isolate)
(Protein (Form: from Whey Protein Isolate) )
20 Gram(s) |
(Caffeine Note: from )
130 mg |
1 Gram(s) |
145 mg |
natural Vanilla flavor, Monk Fruit extract, Xanthan Gum, Sunflower Lecithin
Below is general information about the effectiveness of the known ingredients contained in the product W+ 100% Whey Isolate Protein Energy. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
Below is general information about the safety of the known ingredients contained in the product W+ 100% Whey Isolate Protein Energy. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally, parenterally, or rectally and appropriately. Caffeine has Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) status in the US (4912,98806). Caffeine is also an FDA-approved product and a component of several over-the-counter and prescription products (4912,11832). According to a review by Health Canada, and a subsequent large meta-analysis conducted in the US, doses of caffeine up to 400 mg daily are not associated with significant adverse cardiovascular, bone, behavioral, or reproductive effects in healthy adults (11733,98806). The US Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee states that there is strong and consistent evidence that consumption of caffeine 400 mg daily is not associated with increased risk of major chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease or cancer, in healthy adults (98806). This amount of caffeine is similar to the amount of caffeine found in approximately 4 cups of coffee. Keep in mind that only the amount of ADDED caffeine must be stated on product labels. The amount of caffeine from caffeine-containing natural ingredients such as coffee or green tea does not need to be provided. This can make it difficult to determine the total amount of caffeine in a given product.
POSSIBLY UNSAFE ...when used orally, long-term or in high doses (91063). Chronic use, especially in large amounts, can produce tolerance, habituation, psychological dependence, and other adverse effects (3719). Acute use of high doses, typically above 400 mg daily, has been associated with significant adverse effects such as tachyarrhythmia and sleep disturbances (11832). Keep in mind that only the amount of ADDED caffeine must be stated on product labels. The amount of caffeine from caffeine-containing natural ingredients such as coffee or green tea does not need to be provided. This can make it difficult to determine the total amount of caffeine in a given product.
LIKELY UNSAFE ...when used orally in very high doses. The fatal acute oral dose of caffeine is estimated to be 10-14 grams (150-200 mg/kg). Serious toxicity can occur at lower doses depending on variables in caffeine sensitivity such as smoking, age, or prior caffeine use (11832,95700,97454,104573). Caffeine products sold to consumers in highly concentrated or pure formulations are considered to a serious health concern because these products have a risk of being used in very high doses. Concentrated liquid caffeine can contain about 2 grams of caffeine in a half cup. Powdered pure caffeine can contain about 3.2 grams of caffeine in one teaspoon. Powdered pure caffeine can be fatal in adults when used in doses of 2 tablespoons or less. As of 2018, these products are considered by the FDA to be unlawful when sold to consumers in bulk quantities (95700).
when used orally or intravenously and appropriately in neonates under the guidance of a healthcare professional (6371,38340,38344,91084,91087,97452).
...when used orally in amounts commonly found in foods and beverages in children and adolescents (4912,11833,36555). Daily intake of caffeine in doses of less than 2.5 mg/kg daily are not associated with significant adverse effects in children and adolescents (11733,98806). Keep in mind that only the amount of ADDED caffeine must be stated on product labels. The amount of caffeine from caffeine-containing natural ingredients such as coffee or green tea does not need to be provided. This can make it difficult to determine the total amount of caffeine in a given product.
when used orally in amounts commonly found in foods.
Intakes of caffeine should be monitored during pregnancy. Caffeine crosses the human placenta, but is not considered a teratogen (38048,38252,91032). Fetal blood and tissue levels are similar to maternal concentrations (4260). The use of caffeine during pregnancy is controversial; however, moderate consumption has not been associated with clinically important adverse fetal effects (2708,2709,2710,2711,9606,16014,16015,98806,108814). In some studies consuming amounts over 200 mg daily is associated with a significantly increased risk of miscarriage (16014,37960). This increased risk seems to occur in those with genotypes that confer a slow rate of caffeine metabolism (98806). According to a review by Health Canada, and a subsequent large meta-analysis conducted in the US, up to 300 mg daily can be consumed during pregnancy without an increased risk of spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, preterm birth, fetal growth retardation, or congenital malformations (11733,98806). However, observational research in a Norwegian cohort found that caffeine consumption is associated with a 16% increased odds of the baby being born small for gestational age when compared with no consumption (100369,103707). The same Norwegian cohort found that low to moderate caffeine consumption during pregnancy is not associated with changes in neurodevelopment in children up to 8 years of age (103699). Advise patients to keep caffeine consumption below 300 mg daily during pregnancy. This is similar to the amount of caffeine in about 3 cups of coffee or tea.
when used orally in amounts over 300 mg daily.
Caffeine crosses the placenta, producing fetal blood concentrations similar to maternal levels (4260,98806). Consumption of caffeine in amounts over 300 mg daily is associated with a significantly increased risk of miscarriage in some studies (16014,98806). Advise patients to keep caffeine consumption below 300 mg daily during pregnancy. This is similar to the amount of caffeine in about 3 cups of coffee or tea. Additionally, high doses of caffeine throughout pregnancy have resulted in symptoms of caffeine withdrawal in newborn infants (9891). High doses of caffeine have also been associated with spontaneous abortion, premature delivery, and low birth weight (2709,2711,91033,91048,95949). In a cohort of mother/infant pairs with a median maternal plasma caffeine level of 168.5 ng/mL (range 29.5-650.5 ng/mL) during pregnancy, birth weights and lengths were lower in the 4th quartile of caffeine intake compared with the 1st. By age 7, heights and weights were lower by 1.5 cm and 1.1 kg respectively. In another cohort of mother/infant pairs with higher maternal pregnancy plasma caffeine levels, median 625.5 ng/mL (range 86.2 to 1994.7 ng/mL), heights at age 8 were 2.2 cm lower, but there was no difference in weights (109846).
when used orally in amounts commonly found in foods.
Caffeine intake should be closely monitored while breast-feeding. During lactation, breast milk concentrations of caffeine are thought to be approximately 50% of serum concentrations and caffeine peaks in breastmilk approximately 1-2 hours after consumption (23590).
when used orally in large amounts.
Caffeine is excreted slowly in infants and may accumulate. Caffeine can cause sleep disturbances, irritability, and increased bowel activity in breast-fed infants exposed to caffeine (2708,6026).
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally or intravenously and appropriately. Calcium is safe when used in appropriate doses (7555,12928,12946,95817). However, excessive doses should be avoided. The Institute of Medicine sets the daily tolerable upper intake level (UL) for calcium according to age as follows: Age 0-6 months, 1000 mg; 6-12 months, 1500 mg; 1-8 years, 2500 mg; 9-18 years, 3000 mg; 19-50 years, 2500 mg; 51+ years, 2000 mg (17506). Doses over these levels can increase the risk of side effects such as kidney stone, hypercalciuria, hypercalcemia, and milk-alkali syndrome. There has also been concern that calcium intake may be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary heart disease (CHD), including myocardial infarction (MI). Some clinical research suggests that calcium intake, often in amounts over the recommended daily intake level of 1000-1300 mg daily for adults, is associated with an increased risk of CVD, CHD, and MI (16118,17482,91350,107233). However, these studies, particularly meta-analyses, have been criticized for excluding trials in which calcium was administered with vitamin D (94137). Many of these trials also only included postmenopausal females. Other analyses report conflicting results, and have not shown that calcium intake affects the risk of CVD, CHD, or MI (92994,93533,97308,107231). Advise patients not to consume more than the recommended daily intake of 1000-1200 mg per day and to consider total calcium intake from both dietary and supplemental sources (17484). Also, advise patients taking calcium supplements to take calcium along with vitamin D (93533).
POSSIBLY UNSAFE ...when used orally in excessive doses. The National Academy of Medicine sets the daily tolerable upper intake level (UL) for calcium according to age as follows: 19-50 years, 2500 mg; 51 years and older, 2000 mg (17506). Doses over these levels can increase the risk of side effects such as kidney stones, hypercalciuria, hypercalcemia, and milk-alkali syndrome. There has also been concern that calcium intake may be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary heart disease (CHD), including myocardial infarction (MI). Some clinical research suggests that calcium intake, often in amounts over the recommended daily intake level of 1000-1300 mg daily for adults, is associated with an increased risk of CVD, CHD, and MI (16118,17482,91350,107233). However, these studies, particularly meta-analyses, have been criticized for excluding trials in which calcium was administered with vitamin D (94137). Many of these trials also only included postmenopausal females. Other analyses report conflicting results, and have not shown that calcium intake affects the risk of CVD, CHD, or MI (92994,93533,97308,107231). Advise patients to not consume more than the recommended daily intake of 1000-1200 mg per day and to consider total calcium intake from both dietary and supplemental sources (17484). Also, advise patients taking calcium supplements to take calcium along with vitamin D (93533).
when used orally and appropriately.
Calcium is safe when used in appropriate doses (17506).
when used orally in excessive doses.
The Institute of Medicine sets the daily tolerable upper intake level (UL) for calcium according to age as follows: 0-6 months, 1000 mg; 6-12 months, 1500 mg; 1-8 years, 2500 mg; 9-18 years, 3000 mg (17506). Doses over these levels can increase the risk of side effects such as kidney stones, hypercalciuria, hypercalcemia, and milk-alkali syndrome.
when used orally and appropriately (945,1586,3263,3264,17506).
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends prescribing oral calcium supplementation 1.5-2 grams daily during pregnancy to those with low dietary calcium intake to prevent pre-eclampsia (97347).
when used orally in excessive doses.
The Institute of Medicine sets the same daily tolerable upper intake level (UL) for calcium according to age independent of pregnancy status: 9-18 years, 3000 mg; 19-50 years, 2500 mg (17506). Doses over these amounts might increase the risk of neonatal hypocalcemia-induced seizures possibly caused by transient neonatal hypoparathyroidism in the setting of excessive calcium supplementation during pregnancy, especially during the third trimester. Neonatal hypocalcemia is a risk factor for neonatal seizures (97345).
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally and appropriately. Drinking decaffeinated coffee or coffee containing caffeine in low to moderate amounts is safe (15,98806). According to a review by Health Canada, and a subsequent large meta-analysis conducted in the US, drinking up to 4 cups of coffee daily providing caffeine 400 mg daily is not associated with significant adverse cardiovascular, bone, behavioral, or reproductive effects in healthy adults (11733,98806). The US Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee states that there is strong and consistent evidence that consumption of beverages such as coffee that contain caffeine 400 mg daily is not associated with increased risk of major chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease or cancer, in healthy adults (98806).
POSSIBLY UNSAFE ...when used orally in excessive amounts. Acute use of high doses of caffeine (more than 400 mg per day), which is found in more than 4 cups of caffeinated coffee, has been associated with significant adverse effects such as tachyarrhythmia and sleep disturbances (11832). Drinking caffeinated coffee in amounts greater than 6 cups per day (about 600 mg caffeine) short-term or long-term can also cause caffeinism, with symptoms of anxiety possibly progressing to delirium and agitation. Chronic use of caffeine, especially in large amounts, can sometimes produce tolerance, habituation, and psychological dependence (3719). Abrupt discontinuance of caffeine can cause physical withdrawal symptoms (11733). Keep in mind that only the amount of ADDED caffeine must be stated on product labels. The amount of caffeine found in ingredients such as coffee, which naturally contains caffeine, does not need to be provided. This can make it difficult to determine the total amount of caffeine in a given product. ...when used rectally as an enema. Coffee enemas have been linked to cases of severe electrolyte abnormalities and septicemia leading to severe side effects including death (3026,3347,3349,6652).
when coffee containing caffeine is consumed orally in moderate amounts.
Oral intake of caffeine in doses of less than 2.5 mg/kg daily is not associated with significant adverse effects in children and adolescents (11733,98806). However, higher doses should be avoided. The adverse effects typically associated with caffeine-containing coffee are usually more severe in children than adults (11733).
when used orally in moderate amounts.
Intake of caffeine from coffee and other sources should be monitored during pregnancy. Caffeine crosses the human placenta, but is not considered a teratogen. Fetal blood and tissue levels are similar to maternal concentrations (4260). The use of caffeine during pregnancy is controversial; however, moderate consumption has not been associated with clinically important adverse fetal effects (2708,2709,2710,2711,9606,11733,16014,16015). However, some research has also found that intrauterine exposure to even modest amounts of caffeine, based on maternal blood levels during the first trimester, is associated with a shorter stature in children ages 4-8 years (109846). In some studies, consuming amounts over 200 mg daily has been associated with a significantly increased risk of miscarriage (16014). This increased risk may be most likely to occur in people with genotypes that confer a slow rate of caffeine metabolism (98806). According to a review by Health Canada, and a subsequent large meta-analysis conducted in the US, most healthy pregnant patients can safely consume caffeine in doses up to 300 mg daily without an increased risk of spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, preterm birth, fetal growth retardation, or congenital malformations (11733,98806). Advise patients to keep caffeine consumption below 300 mg daily during pregnancy. This is similar to the amount of caffeine in about 3 cups of coffee. Keep in mind that only the amount of ADDED caffeine must be stated on product labels. The amount of caffeine found in ingredients such as coffee, which naturally contains caffeine, does not need to be provided. This can make it difficult to determine the total amount of caffeine in a given product.
when caffeinated coffee providing more than 300 mg of caffeine daily is consumed orally.
Caffeine from coffee crosses the placenta, producing fetal blood concentrations similar to maternal levels (4260). Consumption of caffeine in amounts over 300 mg daily is associated with a significantly increased risk of miscarriage in some studies (16014,98806). Advise patients to keep caffeine consumption from all sources below 300 mg daily during pregnancy. This is similar to the amount of caffeine in about 3 cups of coffee. High doses of caffeine throughout pregnancy have resulted in symptoms of caffeine withdrawal in newborn infants (9891). High doses of caffeine have also been associated with spontaneous abortion, premature delivery, and low birth weight (2709,2711). Drinking more than 6 cups of coffee daily increases the risk of spontaneous abortion (2709). Drinking 8 or more cups of coffee daily doubles the risk of stillbirth when compared with those who do not drink coffee during pregnancy (10621).
when used orally.
Drinking one or two caffeine-containing beverages daily during lactation is not associated with unacceptable levels of caffeine in human milk (11734).
when used orally in large amounts.
Caffeine from coffee can cause wakefulness or irritability in breast-fed infants. Caffeine can also cause feeding intolerance and gastrointestinal irritation in infants (6026).
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally and appropriately. Oral magnesium is safe when used in doses below the tolerable upper intake level (UL) of 350 mg daily (7555). ...when used parenterally and appropriately. Parenteral magnesium sulfate is an FDA-approved prescription product (96484).
POSSIBLY UNSAFE ...when used orally in excessive doses. Doses greater than the tolerable upper intake level (UL) of 350 mg daily frequently cause loose stools and diarrhea (7555).
when used orally and appropriately.
Magnesium is safe when used in doses below the tolerable upper intake level (UL) of 65 mg daily for children 1 to 3 years, 110 mg daily for children 4 to 8 years, and 350 mg daily for children older than 8 years (7555,89396). ...when used parenterally and appropriately (96483).
when used orally in excessive doses.
Tell patients not to use doses above the tolerable upper intake level (UL). Higher doses can cause diarrhea and symptomatic hypermagnesemia including hypotension, nausea, vomiting, and bradycardia (7555,8095).
when used orally and appropriately.
Magnesium is safe for those pregnant and breast-feeding when used in doses below the tolerable upper intake level (UL) of 350 mg daily (7555).
when prescription magnesium sulfate is given intramuscularly and intravenously prior to delivery for up to 5 days (12592,89397,99354,99355).
However, due to potential adverse effects associated with intravenous and intramuscular magnesium, use during pregnancy is limited to patients with specific conditions such as severe pre-eclampsia or eclampsia. There is some evidence that intravenous magnesium can increase fetal mortality and adversely affect neurological and skeletal development (12590,12593,60818,99354,99355). However, a more recent analysis of clinical research shows that increased risk of fetal mortality seems to occur only in the studies where antenatal magnesium is used for tocolysis and not for fetal neuroprotection or pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (102457). Furthermore, antenatal magnesium does not seem to be associated with increased risk of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants (104396). There is also concern that magnesium increases the risk of maternal adverse events. A meta-analysis of clinical research shows that magnesium sulfate might increase the risk of maternal adverse events, especially in Hispanic mothers compared to other racial and ethnic groups (60971,99319).
when used orally in excessive doses.
Tell patients to avoid exceeding the tolerable upper intake level (UL) of 350 mg daily. Taking magnesium orally in higher doses can cause diarrhea (7555). ...when prescription magnesium sulfate is given intramuscularly and intravenously prior to delivery for longer than 5 days (12592,89397,99354,99355). Maternal exposure to magnesium for longer than 5-7 days is associated with an increase in neonatal bone abnormalities such as osteopenia and fractures. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that magnesium injection not be given for longer than 5-7 days (12590,12593,60818,99354,99355).
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally and appropriately short-term (15). ...when sodium phosphate is used rectally and appropriately, no more than once every 24 hours, short-term (104471). Long-term use or high doses used orally or rectally require monitoring of serum electrolytes (2494,2495,2496,2497,2498,3092,112922). ...when used intravenously. Potassium phosphate is an FDA-approved prescription drug (15).
POSSIBLY UNSAFE ...when phosphate (expressed as phosphorus) intake exceeds the tolerable upper intake level (UL) of 4 grams daily for adults under 70 years and 3 grams daily for adults older than 70. Hyperphosphatemia, resulting in electrolyte disturbances, alterations in calcium homeostasis, and calcification of nonskeletal tissues, may occur (7555). ...when used rectally more frequently than once every 24 hours, in excessive doses, with longer retention enema time, or in older patients with comorbidity or renal impairment (112922). The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that this may increase the risk of hyperphosphatemia, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalances leading to kidney and heart damage (104471).
when used orally and appropriately at recommended dietary allowances (RDAs).
The daily RDAs are: children 1-3 years, 460 mg; children 4-8 years, 500 mg; males and females 9-18 years, 1250 mg (7555). ...when sodium phosphate is used rectally and appropriately, no more than once every 24 hours, short-term in children 2 years and older (104471). ...when used intravenously. Intravenous potassium phosphate is an FDA-approved prescription drug (15).
when phosphate (expressed as phosphorus) intake exceeds the tolerable upper intake level (UL) of 3 grams daily for children 1-8 years of age and 4 grams daily for children 9 years and older.
Hyperphosphatemia, resulting in electrolyte disturbances, alterations in calcium homeostasis, and calcification of nonskeletal tissues, may occur (7555). ...when sodium phosphate is used rectally more frequently than once every 24 hours, or in children under 2 years of age or with Hirchsprung disease (112922). The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that these uses may increase the risk of hyperphosphatemia, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalances leading to kidney and heart damage (104471).
when used orally and appropriately at the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of 1250 mg daily for individuals 14-18 years of age and 700 mg daily for those over 18 years of age (7555).
...when sodium phosphate is used rectally and appropriately short-term (15). ...when used intravenously. Intravenous potassium phosphate is an FDA-approved prescription drug (15).
when phosphate (expressed as phosphorus) intake exceeds the tolerable upper intake level (UL).
Hyperphosphatemia, resulting in electrolyte disturbances, alterations in calcium homeostasis, and calcification of nonskeletal tissues, may occur. The UL during pregnancy is 3.5 grams daily. During lactation, the UL is 4 grams daily (7555).
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally in doses up to 100 mEq total potassium daily, not to exceed 200 mEq in a 24-hour period (95010,107989). Oral potassium chloride and potassium citrate are FDA-approved prescription products (95010,107989). Larger doses increase the risk of hyperkalemia (15). ...when administered intravenously (IV) at appropriate infusion rates (95011). Parenteral potassium is an FDA-approved prescription product (15,95011). A tolerable upper intake level (UL) for potassium has not been established; however, potassium levels should be monitored in individuals at increased risk for hyperkalemia, such as those with kidney disease, heart failure, and adrenal insufficiency (100310,107966).
when used orally and appropriately in dietary amounts.
A tolerable upper intake level (UL) has not been established for healthy individuals (6243,100310).
when used orally in dietary amounts of 40-80 mEq daily (15).
A tolerable upper intake level (UL) has not been established for healthy individuals (100310).
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally and appropriately. Sodium is safe in amounts that do not exceed the Chronic Disease Risk Reduction (CDRR) intake level of 2.3 grams daily (100310). Higher doses can be safely used therapeutically with appropriate medical monitoring (26226,26227).
POSSIBLY UNSAFE ...when used orally in high doses. Tell patients to avoid exceeding the CDRR intake level of 2.3 grams daily (100310). Higher intake can cause hypertension and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (26229,98176,98177,98178,98181,98183,98184,100310,109395,109396,109398,109399). There is insufficient reliable information available about the safety of sodium when used topically.
when used orally and appropriately (26229,100310).
Sodium is safe in amounts that do not exceed the CDRR intake level of 1.2 grams daily for children 1 to 3 years, 1.5 grams daily for children 4 to 8 years, 1.8 grams daily for children 9 to 13 years, and 2.3 grams daily for adolescents (100310).
when used orally in high doses.
Tell patients to avoid prolonged use of doses exceeding the CDRR intake level of 1.2 grams daily for children 1 to 3 years, 1.5 grams daily for children 4 to 8 years, 1.8 grams daily for children 9 to 13 years, and 2.3 grams daily for adolescents (100310). Higher intake can cause hypertension (26229).
when used orally and appropriately.
Sodium is safe in amounts that do not exceed the CDRR intake level of 2.3 grams daily (100310).
when used orally in higher doses.
Higher intake can cause hypertension (100310). Also, both the highest and the lowest pre-pregnancy sodium quintile intakes are associated with an increased risk of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, including gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia, and the delivery of small for gestational age (SGA) infants when compared to the middle intake quintile (106264).
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally and appropriately. Whey protein up to 30 grams has been safely used in clinical trials for up to 6 months (4930,16728,16729,105587).
when used orally and appropriately as a dietary protein in food or infant formula.
Hydrolyzed whey protein-based formula has been safely used in infants for up to 6 months in clinical trials (4927,105585,105594).
Insufficient reliable information available; avoid using.
Below is general information about the interactions of the known ingredients contained in the product W+ 100% Whey Isolate Protein Energy. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
Theoretically, caffeine might decrease the vasodilatory effects of adenosine and interfere with its use prior to stress testing.
Some evidence shows that caffeine is a competitive inhibitor of adenosine and can reduce the vasodilatory effects of adenosine in humans (38172). However, other research shows that caffeine does not seem to affect supplemental adenosine because high interstitial levels of adenosine overcome the antagonistic effects of caffeine (11771). It is recommended that methylxanthines and methylxanthine-containing products be stopped 24 hours prior to pharmacological stress tests (11770). However, methylxanthines appear more likely to interfere with dipyridamole (Persantine) than adenosine-induced stress testing (11771).
Theoretically, concomitant use might increase levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Alcohol reduces caffeine metabolism. Concomitant use of alcohol can increase caffeine serum concentrations and the risk of caffeine adverse effects (6370).
Theoretically, caffeine may increase the risk of bleeding if used with anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs.
Theoretically, taking caffeine with antidiabetes drugs might interfere with blood glucose control.
Theoretically, large amounts of caffeine might increase the cardiac inotropic effects of beta-agonists (15).
Theoretically, caffeine might reduce the effects of carbamazepine and increase the risk for convulsions.
Animal research suggests that taking caffeine can lower the anticonvulsant effects of carbamazepine and can induce seizures when taken in doses above 400 mg/kg (23559,23561). Human research has shown that taking caffeine 300 mg in three divided doses along with carbamazepine 200 mg reduces the bioavailability of carbamazepine by 32% and prolongs the plasma half-life of carbamazepine 2-fold in healthy individuals (23562).
Theoretically, cimetidine might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Cimetidine decreases the rate of caffeine clearance by 31% to 42% (11736).
Caffeine might increase the levels and adverse effects of clozapine and acutely exacerbate psychotic symptoms.
Caffeine might increase the effects and toxicity of clozapine. Caffeine doses of 400-1000 mg per day inhibit clozapine metabolism (5051). Clozapine is metabolized by cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2). Although researchers speculate that caffeine might inhibit CYP1A2, there is no reliable evidence that caffeine affects CYP1A2. There is also speculation that genetic factors might make some patients more sensitive to an interaction between clozapine and caffeine (13741). In one case report, severe, life-threatening clozapine toxicity and multiorgan system failure occurred in a patient with schizophrenia stabilized on clozapine who consumed caffeine 600 mg daily (108817).
Theoretically, contraceptive drugs might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Theoretically, concomitant use might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Theoretically, caffeine might decrease the vasodilatory effects of dipyridamole and interfere with its use prior to stress testing.
Caffeine inhibits dipyridamole-induced vasodilation (11770,11772). It is recommended that methylxanthines and methylxanthine-containing products be stopped 24 hours prior to pharmacological stress tests (11770). Methylxanthines appear more likely to interfere with dipyridamole (Persantine) than adenosine-induced stress testing (11771).
Theoretically, disulfiram use might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Disulfiram decreases the rate of caffeine clearance (11840).
Theoretically, using caffeine with diuretic drugs might increase the risk of hypokalemia.
Theoretically, concomitant use might increase the risk for stimulant adverse effects.
Use of ephedrine with caffeine can increase the risk of stimulatory adverse effects. There is evidence that using ephedrine with caffeine might increase the risk of serious life-threatening or debilitating adverse effects such as hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, seizures, and death (1275,6486,10307).
Theoretically, estrogens might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Theoretically, caffeine might reduce the effects of ethosuximide and increase the risk for convulsions.
Animal research suggests that caffeine 92.4 mg/kg can decrease the anticonvulsant activity of ethosuximide (23560). However, this effect has not been reported in humans.
Theoretically, caffeine might reduce the effects of felbamate and increase the risk for convulsions.
Animal research suggests that a high dose of caffeine 161.7 mg/kg can decreases the anticonvulsant activity of felbamate (23563). However, this effect has not been reported in humans.
Theoretically, fluconazole might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Fluconazole decreases caffeine clearance by approximately 25% (11022).
Theoretically, caffeine might increase the levels and adverse effects of flutamide.
In vitro evidence suggests that caffeine can inhibit the metabolism of flutamide (23553). However, this effect has not been reported in humans.
Theoretically, fluvoxamine might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Fluvoxamine reduces caffeine metabolism (6370).
Abrupt caffeine withdrawal might increase the levels and adverse effects of lithium.
Caffeine has diuretic activity. When abruptly discontinued, caffeine may alter the clearance of lithium (609). There are two case reports of lithium tremor that worsened upon abrupt coffee withdrawal (610) and 6 case reports of elevated serum lithium levels after reducing or eliminating caffeine intake (114665). In one case, a male with schizoaffective disorder stabilized on lithium had an elevated lithium level after reducing his caffeine intake by 87%. At a later date, he increased his caffeine intake by 6-fold, resulting in a subtherapeutic lithium level and a recurrence of psychiatric symptoms (114665).
Theoretically, metformin might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Animal research suggests that metformin can reduce caffeine metabolism (23571). However, this effect has not been reported in humans.
Theoretically, methoxsalen might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Methoxsalen reduces caffeine metabolism (23572).
Theoretically, mexiletine might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Theoretically, concomitant use might increase the risk of a hypertensive crisis.
Caffeine has been shown to inhibit monoamine oxidase (MAO) A and B in laboratory studies (37724,37877,37912,38108). Concomitant intake of large amounts of caffeine with MAOIs might precipitate a hypertensive crisis (15). In a case report, a patient that consumed 10-12 cups of caffeinated coffee and took the MAOI tranylcypromine presented with severe hypertension (91086). Hypertension was resolved after the patient switched to drinking decaffeinated coffee.
Theoretically, concomitant use might increase the risk of hypertension.
Concomitant use of caffeine and nicotine has been shown to have additive cardiovascular effects, including increased heart rate and blood pressure. Blood pressure was increased by 10.8/12.4 mmHg when the agents were used concomitantly (36549).
Theoretically, caffeine might decrease the effects of pentobarbital.
Caffeine might negate the hypnotic effects of pentobarbital (13742).
Theoretically, caffeine might reduce the effects of phenobarbital and increase the risk for convulsions.
Theoretically, phenothiazines might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Theoretically, phenylpropanolamine might increase the risk of hypertension, as well as the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Theoretically, caffeine might reduce the effects of phenytoin and increase the risk for convulsions.
Theoretically, caffeine might increase the levels and clinical effects of pioglitazone.
Animal research suggests that caffeine can modestly increase the maximum concentration, area under the curve, and half-life of pioglitazone, and also reduce its clearance. This increased the antidiabetic effects of pioglitazone (108812). However, the exact mechanism of this interaction is unclear.
Theoretically, quinolone antibiotics might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Theoretically, concomitant use might increase the levels and adverse effects of both caffeine and riluzole.
Caffeine and riluzole are both metabolized by cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2), and concomitant use might reduce the metabolism of one or both agents (11739).
Theoretically, concomitant use might increase stimulant adverse effects.
Due to the central nervous system (CNS) stimulant effects of caffeine, concomitant use with stimulant drugs can increase the risk of adverse effects (11832).
Theoretically, terbinafine might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Terbinafine decreases the clearance of intravenous caffeine by 19% (11740).
Theoretically, caffeine might increase the levels and adverse effects of theophylline.
Large amounts of caffeine might inhibit theophylline metabolism (11741).
Theoretically, caffeine might increase the levels and adverse effects of tiagabine.
Animal research suggests that chronic caffeine administration can increase the serum concentrations of tiagabine. However, concomitant use does not seem to reduce the antiepileptic effects of tiagabine (23561).
Theoretically, ticlopidine might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
In vitro evidence suggests that ticlopidine can inhibit caffeine metabolism (23557). However, this effect has not been reported in humans.
Theoretically, caffeine might reduce the effects of valproate and increase the risk for convulsions.
Theoretically, verapamil might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Verapamil increases plasma caffeine concentrations by 25% (11741).
Calcium citrate might increase aluminum absorption and toxicity. Other types of calcium do not increase aluminum absorption.
Calcium citrate can increase the absorption of aluminum when taken with aluminum hydroxide. The increase in aluminum levels may become toxic, particularly in individuals with kidney disease (21631). However, the effect of calcium citrate on aluminum absorption is due to the citrate anion rather than calcium cation. Calcium acetate does not appear to increase aluminum absorption (93006).
Calcium reduces the absorption of bisphosphonates.
Advise patients to take bisphosphonates at least 30 minutes before calcium, but preferably at a different time of day. Calcium supplements decrease absorption of bisphosphonates (12937).
Taking calcipotriene with calcium might increase the risk for hypercalcemia.
Calcipotriene is a vitamin D analog used topically for psoriasis. It can be absorbed in sufficient amounts to cause systemic effects, including hypercalcemia (12938). Theoretically, combining calcipotriene with calcium supplements might increase the risk of hypercalcemia.
Intravenous calcium may decrease the effects of calcium channel blockers; oral calcium is unlikely to have this effect.
Intravenous calcium is used to decrease the effects of calcium channel blockers in the management of overdose. Intravenous calcium gluconate has been used before intravenous verapamil (Isoptin) to prevent or reduce the hypotensive effects without affecting the antiarrhythmic effects (6124). But there is no evidence that dietary or supplemental calcium when taken orally interacts with calcium channel blockers (12939,12947).
Co-administration of intravenous calcium and ceftriaxone can result in precipitation of a ceftriaxone-calcium salt in the lungs and kidneys.
Avoid administering intravenous calcium in any form, such as parenteral nutrition or Lactated Ringers, within 48 hours of intravenous ceftriaxone. Case reports in neonates show that administering intravenous ceftriaxone and calcium can result in precipitation of a ceftriaxone-calcium salt in the lungs and kidneys. In several cases, neonates have died as a result of this interaction (15794,21632). So far there are no reports in adults; however, there is still concern that this interaction might occur in adults.
Using intravenous calcium with digoxin might increase the risk of fatal cardiac arrhythmias.
Theoretically, calcium may reduce the therapeutic effects of diltiazem.
Hypercalcemia can reduce the effectiveness of verapamil in atrial fibrillation (10574). Theoretically, calcium might increase this risk of hypercalcemia and reduce the effectiveness of diltiazem.
Calcium seems to reduce levels of dolutegravir.
Advise patients to take dolutegravir either 2 hours before or 6 hours after taking calcium supplements. Pharmacokinetic research suggests that taking calcium carbonate 1200 mg concomitantly with dolutegravir 50 mg reduces plasma levels of dolutegravir by almost 40%. Calcium appears to decrease levels of dolutegravir through chelation (93578).
Calcium seems to reduce levels of elvitegravir.
Advise patients to take elvitegravir either 2 hours before or 2 hours after taking calcium supplements. Pharmacokinetic research suggests that taking calcium along with elvitegravir can reduce blood levels of elvitegravir through chelation (94166).
Calcium seems to reduce the absorption and effectiveness of levothyroxine.
Theoretically, concomitant use of calcium and lithium may increase this risk of hypercalcemia.
Clinical research suggests that long-term use of lithium may cause hypercalcemia in 10% to 60% of patients (38953). Theoretically, concomitant use of lithium and calcium supplements may further increase this risk.
Calcium seems to reduce the absorption of quinolone antibiotics.
Calcium may reduce levels of raltegravir.
Pharmacokinetic research shows that taking a single dose of calcium carbonate 3000 mg along with raltegravir 400 mg twice daily modestly decreases the mean area under the curve of raltegravir, but the decrease does not necessitate a dose adjustment of raltegravir (94164). However, a case of elevated HIV-1 RNA levels and documented resistance to raltegravir has been reported for a patient taking calcium carbonate 1 gram three times daily plus vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 400 IU three times daily in combination with raltegravir 400 mg twice daily for 11 months. It is thought that calcium reduced raltegravir levels by chelation, leading to treatment failure (94165).
Calcium seems to reduce the absorption of sotalol.
Advise patients to separate doses by at least 2 hours before or 4-6 hours after calcium. Calcium appears to reduce the absorption of sotalol, probably by forming insoluble complexes (10018).
Calcium seems to reduce the absorption of tetracycline antibiotics.
Advise patients to take oral tetracyclines at least 2 hours before, or 4-6 hours after calcium supplements. Taking calcium at the same time as oral tetracyclines can reduce tetracycline absorption. Calcium binds to tetracyclines in the gut (1843).
Taking calcium along with thiazides might increase the risk of hypercalcemia and renal failure.
Thiazides reduce calcium excretion by the kidneys (1902). Using thiazides along with moderately large amounts of calcium carbonate increases the risk of milk-alkali syndrome (hypercalcemia, metabolic alkalosis, renal failure). Patients may need to have their serum calcium levels and/or parathyroid function monitored regularly.
Theoretically, calcium may reduce the therapeutic effects of verapamil.
Hypercalcemia can reduce the effectiveness of verapamil in atrial fibrillation (10574). Theoretically, use of calcium supplements may increase this risk of hypercalcemia and reduce the effectiveness of verapamil.
Theoretically, coffee might decrease the vasodilatory effects of adenosine and interfere with its use prior to stress testing.
Coffee contains caffeine. Caffeine is a competitive inhibitor of adenosine at the cellular level (38172). However, caffeine does not seem to affect supplemental adenosine because high interstitial levels of adenosine overcome the antagonistic effects of caffeine (11771). It is recommended that methylxanthines such as caffeine, as well as methylxanthine-containing products, be stopped 24 hours prior to pharmacological stress tests (11770). However, methylxanthines appear more likely to interfere with dipyridamole (Persantine) than adenosine-induced stress testing (11771).
Theoretically, alcohol might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Coffee reduces alendronate bioavailability.
Separate coffee ingestion and alendronate administration by two hours. Coffee reduces alendronate bioavailability by 60% (11735).
Theoretically, coffee may increase the risk of bleeding if used with anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs.
Coffee contains caffeine. Caffeine is reported to have antiplatelet activity (8028,8029). Theoretically, the caffeine in coffee might increase the risk of bleeding when used concomitantly with these agents. However, this interaction has not been reported in humans. There is some evidence that caffeinated coffee might increase the fibrinolytic activity in blood (8030).
Theoretically, concomitant use of coffee and antidiabetes drugs might interfere with blood glucose control.
Theoretically, concomitant use of large amounts of coffee might increase cardiac inotropic effects of beta-agonists.
Coffee contains caffeine. Caffeine can increase cardiac inotropic effects of beta-agonists (15).
Theoretically, cimetidine might increase the effects and adverse effects of caffeine in coffee.
Theoretically, coffee might increase the levels and adverse effects of clozapine and acutely exacerbate psychotic symptoms.
Coffee contains caffeine. Caffeine can increase the effects and toxicity of clozapine. Caffeine doses of 400-1000 mg daily inhibit clozapine metabolism (5051). Clozapine is metabolized by cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2). Researchers speculate that caffeine might inhibit CYP1A2. However, there is no reliable evidence that caffeine affects CYP1A2. There is also speculation that genetic factors might make some patients be more sensitive to the interaction between clozapine and caffeine (13741).
Theoretically, concomitant use might increase the effects and adverse effects of caffeine found in coffee.
Theoretically, coffee might decrease the vasodilatory effects of dipyridamole and interfere with its use prior to stress testing.
Coffee contains caffeine. Caffeine is a methylxyanthine that may inhibit dipyridamole-induced vasodilation (11770,11772,24974,37985,53795). It is recommended that methylxanthines such as caffeine, as well as methylxanthine-containing products such as coffee, be stopped 24 hours prior to pharmacological stress tests (11770). Methylxanthines appear more likely to interfere with dipyridamole (Persantine) than adenosine-induced stress testing (11771).
Theoretically, disulfiram might increase the risk of adverse effects from caffeine.
Coffee contains caffeine. In human research, disulfiram decreases the clearance and increases the half-life of caffeine (11840).
Theoretically, concomitant use might increase the risk of hypokalemia.
Theoretically, concomitant use might increase the risk of stimulant adverse effects.
Coffee contains caffeine. There is evidence that using ephedrine with caffeine might increase the risk of serious life-threatening or debilitating adverse effects such as hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, seizures, and death (1275,6486,9740,10307). Tell patients to avoid taking caffeine with ephedrine and other stimulants.
Theoretically, estrogens might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Coffee contains caffeine. Estrogen inhibits caffeine metabolism (2714).
Theoretically, fluconazole might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Theoretically, fluvoxamine might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Coffee consumption can decrease the levels and clinical effects of lamotrigine.
A pharmacokinetic study in patients taking lamotrigine shows that consumption of coffee, both caffeinated and decaffeinated, can decrease the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) and the peak plasma level (Cmax) of lamotrigine. Each additional cup of coffee reduced the AUC and Cmax by 4% and 3%, respectively. It is unclear whether this interaction is due to induction of lamotrigine metabolism or inhibition of lamotrigine absorption (107837).
Coffee can reduce the absorption of levothyroxine.
In some patients, coffee can reduce levothyroxine absorption, possibly through the formation of non-absorbable complexes. A pharmacokinetic study in these patients found that 25-30 mL of espresso coffee consumed with levothyroxine tablets delayed the time to peak plasma levels by 38-43 minutes, reduced the peak plasma level (Cmax) by 19% to 36%, and reduced the area under the curve (AUC) by 27% to 36%. Coffee consumed one hour after levothyroxine did not affect absorption (16401). It is not known whether this interaction occurs with other types of coffee. Tell patients to avoid drinking coffee at the same time that they take their levothyroxine, and for up to an hour afterwards.
Theoretically, abrupt coffee withdrawal might increase the levels and adverse effects of lithium.
Coffee contains caffeine. Abrupt caffeine withdrawal can increase serum lithium levels (609). Two cases of lithium tremor that worsened with abrupt coffee withdrawal have been reported (609,610). There is also one case of a 2.8-fold increase in blood lithium levels after a patient taking lithium reduced his coffee consumption from 13-20 cups daily to 10 cups daily (97369).
Theoretically, mexiletine might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Theoretically, concomitant use might increase the risk of a hypertensive crisis.
Coffee contains caffeine. Caffeine has been shown to inhibit monoamine oxidase (MAO) A and B in laboratory studies (37724,37877,37912,38108). Concomitant intake of large amounts of caffeine with MAOIs might precipitate a hypertensive crisis (15). In a case report, a patient that consumed 10-12 cups of caffeinated coffee and took the MAOI tranylcypromine presented with severe hypertension (91086). Hypertension was resolved after the patient switched to drinking decaffeinated coffee.
Theoretically, concomitant use might increase the risk of hypertension.
Coffee contains caffeine. Concomitant use of caffeine and nicotine has been shown to have additive cardiovascular effects, including increased heart rate and blood pressure. Blood pressure was increased by 10.8/12.4 mmHg when the agents were used concomitantly (36549).
Theoretically, coffee might reduce the effects of pentobarbital.
Coffee contains caffeine. Theoretically, caffeine might negate the hypnotic effects of pentobarbital (13742).
Theoretically, phenothiazines might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine. Also, coffee may bind to phenothiazines and reduce their absorption.
Theoretically, phenylpropanolamine might increase the risk of hypertension, as well as the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Theoretically, coffee might increase the levels and clinical effects of pioglitazone.
Coffee contains caffeine. Animal research suggests that caffeine can modestly increase the maximum concentration, area under the curve, and half-life of pioglitazone, and also reduce its clearance. This increased the antidiabetic effects of pioglitazone (108812). However, the exact mechanism of this interaction is unclear.
Theoretically, quinolone antibiotics might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Theoretically, concomitant use might increase the levels and adverse effects of both caffeine and riluzole.
Coffee contains caffeine. Caffeine and riluzole are both metabolized by cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2), and concomitant use might reduce metabolism of one or both agents (11739).
Theoretically, concomitant use might increase stimulant adverse effects.
Coffee contains caffeine. Due to the central nervous system (CNS) stimulant effects of caffeine, concomitant use with stimulant drugs can increase the risk of adverse effects (11832).
Theoretically, terbinafine might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Coffee contains caffeine. Terbinafine decreases the clearance of intravenous caffeine by 19% (11740).
Theoretically, coffee might increase the levels and adverse effects of theophylline.
Theoretically, TCAs might bind with coffee constituents when taken at the same time.
Theoretically, concomitant use might increase the levels and adverse effects of caffeine.
Coffee contains caffeine. Verapamil increases plasma caffeine concentrations by 25% (11741).
Concomitant use of aminoglycoside antibiotics and magnesium can increase the risk for neuromuscular weakness.
Both aminoglycosides and magnesium reduce presynaptic acetylcholine release, which can lead to neuromuscular blockade and possible paralysis. This is most likely to occur with high doses of magnesium given intravenously (13362).
Use of acid reducers may reduce the laxative effect of magnesium oxide.
A retrospective analysis shows that, in the presence of H2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) or proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), a higher dose of magnesium oxide is needed for a laxative effect (90033). This may also occur with antacids. Under acidic conditions, magnesium oxide is converted to magnesium chloride and then to magnesium bicarbonate, which has an osmotic laxative effect. By reducing acidity, antacids may reduce the conversion of magnesium oxide to the active bicarbonate salt.
Theoretically, magnesium may have antiplatelet effects, but the evidence is conflicting.
In vitro evidence shows that magnesium sulfate inhibits platelet aggregation, even at low concentrations (20304,20305). Some preliminary clinical evidence shows that infusion of magnesium sulfate increases bleeding time by 48% and reduces platelet activity (20306). However, other clinical research shows that magnesium does not affect platelet aggregation, although inhibition of platelet-dependent thrombosis can occur (60759).
Magnesium can decrease absorption of bisphosphonates.
Cations, including magnesium, can decrease bisphosphonate absorption. Advise patients to separate doses of magnesium and these drugs by at least 2 hours (13363).
Magnesium can have additive effects with calcium channel blockers, although evidence is conflicting.
Magnesium inhibits calcium entry into smooth muscle cells and may therefore have additive effects with calcium channel blockers. Severe hypotension and neuromuscular blockades may occur when nifedipine is used with intravenous magnesium (3046,20264,20265,20266), although some contradictory evidence suggests that concurrent use of magnesium with nifedipine does not increase the risk of neuromuscular weakness (60831). High doses of magnesium could theoretically have additive effects with other calcium channel blockers.
Magnesium salts may reduce absorption of digoxin.
Gabapentin absorption can be decreased by magnesium.
Clinical research shows that giving magnesium oxide orally along with gabapentin decreases the maximum plasma concentration of gabapentin by 33%, time to maximum concentration by 36%, and area under the curve by 43% (90032). Advise patients to take gabapentin at least 2 hours before, or 4 to 6 hours after, magnesium supplements.
Magnesium might precipitate ketamine toxicity.
In one case report, a 62-year-old hospice patient with terminal cancer who had been stabilized on sublingual ketamine 150 mg four times daily experienced severe ketamine toxicity lasting for 2 hours after taking a maintenance dose of ketamine following an infusion of magnesium sulfate 2 grams (105078). Since both magnesium and ketamine block the NMDA receptor, magnesium is thought to have potentiated the effects of ketamine.
Magnesium can reduce the bioavailability of levodopa/carbidopa.
Clinical research in healthy volunteers shows that taking magnesium oxide 1000 mg with levodopa 100 mg/carbidopa 10 mg reduces the area under the curve (AUC) of levodopa by 35% and of carbidopa by 81%. In vitro and animal research shows that magnesium produces an alkaline environment in the digestive tract, which might lead to degradation and reduced bioavailability of levodopa/carbidopa (100265).
Potassium-sparing diuretics decrease excretion of magnesium, possibly increasing magnesium levels.
Potassium-sparing diuretics also have magnesium-sparing properties, which can counteract the magnesium losses associated with loop and thiazide diuretics (9613,9614,9622). Theoretically, increased magnesium levels could result from concomitant use of potassium-sparing diuretics and magnesium supplements.
Magnesium decreases absorption of quinolones.
Magnesium can form insoluble complexes with quinolones and decrease their absorption (3046). Advise patients to take these drugs at least 2 hours before, or 4 to 6 hours after, magnesium supplements.
Sevelamer may increase serum magnesium levels.
In patients on hemodialysis, sevelamer use was associated with a 0.28 mg/dL increase in serum magnesium. The mechanism of this interaction remains unclear (96486).
Parenteral magnesium alters the pharmacokinetics of skeletal muscle relaxants, increasing their effects and accelerating the onset of effect.
Parenteral magnesium shortens the time to onset of skeletal muscle relaxants by about 1 minute and prolongs the duration of action by about 2 minutes. Magnesium potentiates the effects of skeletal muscle relaxants by decreasing calcium-mediated release of acetylcholine from presynaptic nerve terminals, reducing postsynaptic sensitivity to acetylcholine, and having a direct effect on the membrane potential of myocytes (3046,97492,107364). Magnesium also has vasodilatory actions and increases cardiac output, allowing a greater amount of muscle relaxant to reach the motor end plate (107364). A clinical study found that low-dose rocuronium (0.45 mg/kg), when given after administration of magnesium 30 mg/kg over 10 minutes, has an accelerated onset of effect, which matches the onset of effect seen with a full-dose rocuronium regimen (0.6 mg/kg) (96485). In another clinical study, onset times for rocuronium doses of 0.3, 0.6, and 1.2 mg/kg were 86, 76, and 50 seconds, respectively, when given alone, but were reduced to 66, 44, and 38 seconds, respectively, when the doses were given after a 15-minute infusion of magnesium sulfate 60 mg/kg (107364). Giving intraoperative intravenous magnesium sulfate, 50 mg/kg loading dose followed by 15 mg/kg/hour, reduces the onset time of rocuronium, enhances its clinical effects, reduces the dose of intraoperative opiates, and prolongs the spontaneous recovery time (112781,112782). It does not affect the activity of subsequently administered neostigmine (112782).
Magnesium increases the systemic absorption of sulfonylureas, increasing their effects and side effects.
Clinical research shows that administration of magnesium hydroxide with glyburide increases glyburide absorption, increases maximal insulin response by 35-fold, and increases the risk of hypoglycemia, when compared with glyburide alone (20307). A similar interaction occurs between magnesium hydroxide and glipizide (20308). The mechanism of this effect appears to be related to the elevation of gastrointestinal pH by magnesium-based antacids, increasing solubility and enhancing absorption of sulfonylureas (22364).
Magnesium decreases absorption of tetracyclines.
Magnesium can form insoluble complexes with tetracyclines in the gut and decrease their absorption and antibacterial activity (12586). Advise patients to take these drugs 1 hour before or 2 hours after magnesium supplements.
Theoretically, taking phosphate salts with bisphosphonates might increase the risk of hypocalcemia.
Combining bisphosphonates and phosphate can cause hypocalcemia. In one report, hypocalcemic tetany developed in a patient taking alendronate (Fosamax) who received a large dose of phosphate salts as a pre-operative laxative (14589).
Taking erdafitinib with phosphate salts increases the risk of hyperphosphatemia.
Erdafitinib increases phosphate levels. It is recommended that patients taking erdafitinib restrict phosphate intake to no more than 600-800 mg daily (104470).
Taking futibatinib with phosphate salts increases the risk of hyperphosphatemia.
Futibatinib can cause hyperphosphatemia, as reported in 88% of patients in clinical studies. In addition, 77% of patients in clinical studies required use of a phosphate binder to manage hyperphosphatemia. Phosphate salts should generally be avoided by people taking this medication (112912).
Using ACEIs with high doses of potassium increases the risk of hyperkalemia.
ACEIs block the actions of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and reduce potassium excretion (95628). Concomitant use of these drugs with potassium supplements increases the risk of hyperkalemia (15,23207). However, concomitant use of these drugs with moderate dietary potassium intake (about 3775-5200 mg daily) does not increase serum potassium levels (95628).
Using ARBs with high doses of potassium increases the risk of hyperkalemia.
ARBs block the actions of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and reduce potassium excretion (95628). Concomitant use of these drugs with potassium supplements increases the risk of hyperkalemia (15,23207). However, concomitant use of these drugs with moderate dietary potassium intake (about 3775-5200 mg daily) does not increase serum potassium levels (95628).
Concomitant use increases the risk of hyperkalemia.
Using potassium-sparing diuretics with potassium supplements increases the risk of hyperkalemia (15).
Theoretically, a high intake of dietary sodium might reduce the effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs.
Concomitant use of mineralocorticoids and some glucocorticoids with sodium supplements might increase the risk of hypernatremia.
Mineralocorticoids and some glucocorticoids (corticosteroids) cause sodium retention. This effect is dose-related and depends on mineralocorticoid potency. It is most common with hydrocortisone, cortisone, and fludrocortisone, followed by prednisone and prednisolone (4425).
Altering dietary intake of sodium might alter the levels and clinical effects of lithium.
High sodium intake can reduce plasma concentrations of lithium by increasing lithium excretion (26225). Reducing sodium intake can significantly increase plasma concentrations of lithium and cause lithium toxicity in patients being treated with lithium carbonate (26224,26225). Stabilizing sodium intake is shown to reduce the percentage of patients with lithium level fluctuations above 0.8 mEq/L (112909). Patients taking lithium should avoid significant alterations in their dietary intake of sodium.
Concomitant use of sodium-containing drugs with additional sodium from dietary or supplemental sources may increase the risk of hypernatremia and long-term sodium-related complications.
The Chronic Disease Risk Reduction (CDRR) intake level of 2.3 grams of sodium daily indicates the intake at which it is believed that chronic disease risk increases for the apparently healthy population (100310). Some medications contain high quantities of sodium. When used in conjunction with sodium supplements or high-sodium diets, the CDRR may be exceeded. Additionally, concomitant use may increase the risk for hypernatremia; this risk is highest in the elderly and people with other risk factors for electrolyte disturbances.
Theoretically, concomitant use of tolvaptan with sodium might increase the risk of hypernatremia.
Tolvaptan is a vasopressin receptor 2 antagonist that is used to increase sodium levels in patients with hyponatremia (29406). Patients taking tolvaptan should use caution with the use of sodium salts such as sodium chloride.
Theoretically, whey protein might reduce the absorption of bisphosphonates.
Theoretically, whey protein might decrease levodopa absorption.
Theoretically, whey protein might decrease quinolone absorption.
Theoretically, whey protein might decrease tetracycline absorption.
Below is general information about the adverse effects of the known ingredients contained in the product W+ 100% Whey Isolate Protein Energy. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
...Caffeine in moderate doses is typically well tolerated.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Orally: Anxiety, dependence with chronic use, diarrhea, diuresis, gastric irritation, headache, insomnia, muscular tremors, nausea, and restlessness.
Serious Adverse Effects (Rare):
Orally: Stroke has been reported rarely.
...Caffeine can temporarily increase blood pressure.
Usually, blood pressure increases 30 minutes after ingestion, peaks in 1-2 hours, and remains elevated for over 4 hours (36539,37732,37989,38000,38300).
Although acute administration of caffeine can cause increased blood pressure, regular consumption does not seem to increase either blood pressure or pulse, even in mildly hypertensive patients (1451,1452,2722,38335). However, the form of caffeine may play a role in blood pressure increase after a more sustained caffeine use. In a pooled analysis of clinical trials, coffee intake was not associated with an increase in blood pressure, while ingesting caffeine 410 mg daily for at least 7 days modestly increased blood pressure by an average of 4.16/2.41 mmHg (37657). Another meta-analysis of clinical research shows that taking caffeine increases systolic and diastolic blood pressure by approximately 2 mmHg when compared with control. Preliminary subgroup analyses suggest that caffeine may increase blood pressure more in males or at doses over 400 mg (112738).
When used prior to intensive exercise, caffeine can increase systolic blood pressure by 7-8 mmHg (38308). The blood pressure-raising effects of caffeine are greater during stress (36479,38334) and after caffeine-abstinence of at least 24 hours (38241).
Epidemiological research suggests there is no association of caffeine consumption with incidence of hypertension (38190). Habitual coffee consumption also doesn't seem to be related to hypertension, but habitual consumption of sugared or diet cola is associated with development of hypertension (13739).
Epidemiological research has found that regular caffeine intake of up to 400 mg daily is not associated with increased incidence of atrial fibrillation (38018,38076,91028,91034,97451,97453,103708), atherosclerosis (38033), cardiac ectopy (91127), stroke (37804), ventricular arrhythmia (95948,97453), and cardiovascular disease in general (37805,98806). One clinical trial shows that in adults with diagnosed heart failure, consumption of 500 mg of coffee does not result in an increased risk for arrhythmia during exercise (95950). However, caffeine intake may pose a greater cardiovascular risk to subjects that are not regular users of caffeine. For example, in one population study, caffeinated coffee consumption was associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke in subjects that don't regularly drink coffee (38102). In a population study in Japanese subjects, caffeine-containing medication use was modestly associated with hemorrhagic stroke in adults that do not consume caffeine regularly (91059).
The most common side effect of caffeine in neonates receiving caffeine for apnea is tachycardia (98807,114658).
Dermatologic ...There are several case reports of urticaria after caffeine ingestion (36546,36448,36475).
...Some evidence shows caffeine is associated with fibrocystic breast disease or breast cancer in females; however, this is controversial since findings are conflicting (8043,108806).
Restricting caffeine in females with fibrocystic breast conditions doesn't seem to affect breast nodularity, swelling, or pain (8996). A population analysis of the Women's Health Initiative observational study has found no association between consumption of caffeine-containing beverages and the incidence of invasive breast cancer in models adjusted for demographic, lifestyle, and reproductive factors (108806). Also, a dose-response analysis of 2 low-quality observational studies has found that high consumption of caffeine is not associated with an increased risk of breast cancer (108807).
Clinical research in healthy adults shows that an increase consumption of caffeine results in increased insulin resistance (91023).
Gastrointestinal ...Gastrointestinal upset, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fecal incontinence may occur with caffeine intake (36466,37755,37806,37789,37830,38138,38136,38223,95956,95963). Also, caffeine may cause feeding intolerance and gastrointestinal irritation in infants (6023). Perioperative caffeine during cardiopulmonary bypass surgery seems to increase the rate of postoperative nausea and vomiting (97451). Caffeine and coffee consumption have been associated with an increase in the incidence of heartburn (37545,37575,38251,38259,38267) and gastrointestinal esophageal reflux disease (GERD) (38329,37633,37631,37603).
Genitourinary ...Caffeine, a known diuretic, may increase voiding, give a sense of urgency, and irritate the bladder (37874,37961,104580). In men with lower urinary tract symptoms, caffeine intake increased the risk of interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome (38115). Excessive caffeine consumption may worsen premenstrual syndrome. Consumption of up to 10 cups of caffeinated drinks daily was associated with increased severity of premenstrual syndrome (38177). Finally, population research shows that exposure to caffeine was not associated with an increased risk of endometriosis (91035).
Immunologic ...Caffeine can cause anaphylaxis in sensitive individuals, although true IgE-mediated caffeine allergy seems to be relatively rare (11315).
...Caffeine can induce or exacerbate muscular tremors (38136,37673,38161).
There has also been a report of severe rhabdomyolysis in a healthy 40-year-old patient who consumed an energy drink containing 400 mg of caffeine (4 mg/kg) and then participated in strenuous weightlifting exercise (108818).
Epidemiological evidence regarding the relationship between caffeine use and the risk for osteoporosis is contradictory. Caffeine can release calcium from storage sites and increase its urinary excretion (2669,10202,11317,111489). Females with a genetic variant of the vitamin D receptor appear to be at an increased risk for the detrimental effect of caffeine on bone mass (2669). However, moderate caffeine intake, less than 300 mg daily, does not seem to significantly increase osteoporosis risk in most postmenopausal adults with normal calcium intake (2669,6025,10202,11317). Premature infants treated with intravenous caffeine for apnea of prematurity, have a lower bone mineral content compared with infants who are not treated with caffeine, especially when treatment extends beyond 14 days (111489).
Neurologic/CNS ...Caffeine can cause headaches, anxiety, jitteriness, restlessness, and nervousness (36466,37694,37755,37806,37865,37830,37889,38223,95952). In adolescents, there is an inverse correlation between the consumption of caffeine and various measurements of cognitive function (104579). Insomnia is a frequent adverse effect in children (10755). Caffeine may result in insomnia and sleep disturbances in adults as well (36445,36483,36512,36531,37598,37795,37819,37862,37864,37890)(37968,37971,38091,38242,91022,92952). Additionally, caffeine may exacerbate sleep disturbances in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) (10204). Combining ephedra with caffeine can increase the risk of adverse effects. Jitteriness, hypertension, seizures, temporary loss of consciousness, and hospitalization requiring life support has been associated with the combined use of ephedra and caffeine (2729). Finally, epidemiological research suggests that consuming more than 190 mg of caffeine daily is associated with an earlier onset of Huntington disease by 3.6 years (91078).
...In individuals with glaucoma, coffee consumption and caffeine intake has been found to increase intraocular pressure (8540,36464,36465,37670).
The magnitude of this effect seems to depend on individual tolerance to caffeine. Some research in healthy young adults shows that caffeine increases intraocular pressure to a greater degree in low-consumers of caffeine (i.e., 1 cup of coffee or less daily) when compared to high-consumers (i.e., those consuming 2 cups of coffee or more daily) (100371). The peak increase of intraocular pressure seems to occur at about 1.5 hours after caffeine ingestion, and there is no notable effect 4 hours after ingestion (36462,100371).
Oncologic ...Most human studies which have examined caffeine or methylxanthine intake have found that they do not play a role in the development of various cancers, including breast, ovarian, brain, colon, rectal, or bladder cancer (37641,37737,37775,37900,38050,38169,38220,91054,91076,108806).
...Caffeine may lead to habituation and physical dependence (36355,36453,36512,36599), with amounts as low as 100 mg daily (36355,36453).
An estimated 9% to 30% of caffeine consumers could be considered addicted to caffeine (36355). Higher doses of caffeine have caused nervousness, agitation, anxiety, irritability, delirium, depression, sleep disturbances, impaired attention, manic behavior, psychosis and panic attacks (36505,37717,37818,37839,37857,37982,38004,38017,38028,38072)(38079,38138,38306,38325,38331,38332,97464). Similar symptoms have been reported in a caffeine-naïve individual experiencing fatigue and dehydration after a dose of only 200 mg, with resolution of symptoms occurring within 2 hours (95952).
Withdrawal: The existence or clinical importance of caffeine withdrawal is controversial. Some researchers think that if it exists, it appears to be of little clinical significance (11839). Headache is the most common symptom, due to cerebral vasodilation and increased blood flow (37769,37991,37998). Other researchers suggest symptoms such as tiredness and fatigue, decreased energy, alertness and attentiveness, drowsiness, decreased contentedness, depressed mood, difficulty concentration, irritability, and lack of clear-headedness are typical of caffeine withdrawal (13738). Withdrawal symptoms typically occur 12-24 hours after the last dose of caffeine and peak around 48 hours (37769,36600). Symptoms may persist for 2-9 days. Withdrawal symptoms such as delirium, nausea, vomiting, rhinorrhea, nervousness, restlessness, anxiety, muscle tension, muscle pains, and flushed face have been described. However, these symptoms may be from nonpharmacological factors related to knowledge and expectation of effects. Clinically significant symptoms caused by caffeine withdrawal may be uncommon (2723,11839). In a case report, caffeine consumption of 560 mg daily was associated with increased suicidality (91082).
Renal ...Data on the relationship between caffeine intake and kidney stones are conflicting. Some clinical research shows that caffeine consumption may increase the risk of stone formation (37634,111498), while other research shows a reduced risk with increasing caffeine intakes (111498). A meta-analysis of 7 studies found that overall, there is an inverse relationship, with a 32% decrease in the risk of kidney stones between the lowest and highest daily intakes of caffeine (111498).
Other ...People with voice disorders, singers, and other voice professionals are often advised against the use of caffeine; however, this recommendation has been based on anecdotal evidence. One small exploratory study suggests that caffeine ingestion may adversely affect subjective voice quality, although there appears to be significant intra-individual variability. Further study is necessary to confirm these preliminary findings (2724).
...Orally and intravenously, calcium is well-tolerated when used appropriately.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Orally: Belching, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, and stomach upset.
Serious Adverse Effects (Rare):
Orally: Case reports have raised concerns about calciphylaxis and kidney stones.
...There has been concern that calcium intake may be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary heart disease (CHD), including myocardial infarction (MI).
Some clinical research suggests that calcium intake, often in amounts over the recommended daily intake level of 1000-1300 mg daily for adults, is associated with an increased risk of CVD, CHD, and MI (16118,17482,91350,107233). However, these results, particularly meta-analyses, have been criticized for excluding trials in which calcium was administered with vitamin D (94137). Many of these trials also only included postmenopausal females. Other analyses report conflicting results, and have not shown that calcium intake affects the risk of CVD, CHD, or MI (92994,93533,97308,107231). Reasons for these discrepancies are not entirely clear. It may relate to whether calcium is taken as monotherapy or in combination with vitamin D. When taken with vitamin D, which is commonly recommended, calcium supplementation does not appear to be associated with an increased risk of CVD, CHD, or MI (93533,107231). Also, the association between calcium supplementation and CVD, CHD, or MI risk may be influenced by the amount of calcium consumed as part of the diet. Supplementation with calcium may be associated with an increased risk of MI in people with dietary calcium intake above 805 mg daily, but not in those with dietary calcium intake below 805 mg daily (17482). To minimize the possible risk of CVD, CHD, or MI, advise patients not to consume more than the recommended daily intake of 1000-1200 mg and to consider total calcium intake from both dietary and supplemental sources (17484). While dietary intake of calcium is preferred over supplemental intake, advise patients who require calcium supplements to take calcium along with vitamin D, as this combination does not appear to be associated with an increased risk of MI (93533).
Rarely, calcium intake can increase the risk of calciphylaxis, which usually occurs in patients with kidney failure. Calciphylaxis is the deposition of calcium phosphate in arterioles, which causes skin ulcers and skin necrosis. In a case report, a 64-year-old female with a history of neck fracture, sepsis, and ischemic colitis presented with painful leg ulcers due to calciphylaxis. She discontinued calcium and vitamin D supplementation and was treated with sodium thiosulfate and supportive care (95816).
Gastrointestinal ...Orally, calcium can cause belching, flatulence, nausea, gastrointestinal discomfort, and diarrhea (1824,1843,12950,38803). Although constipation is frequently cited as an adverse effect of calcium, there is no scientific substantiation of this side effect (1824,1843,1844,1845,12950,38978). Calcium carbonate has been reported to cause acid rebound, but this is controversial (12935,12936).
Oncologic ...There is some concern that very high doses of calcium might increase the risk of prostate cancer. Some epidemiological evidence suggests that consuming over 2000 mg/day of dietary calcium might increase the risk for prostate cancer (4825,12949). Additional research suggests that calcium intake over 1500 mg/day might increase the risk of advanced prostate cancer and prostate cancer mortality (14132). Consumption of dairy products has also been weakly linked to a small increase in prostate cancer risk (98894). However, contradictory research suggests no association between dietary intake of calcium and overall prostate cancer risk (14131,14132,104630). More evidence is needed to determine the effect of calcium, if any, on prostate cancer risk.
Renal ...Kidney stones have been reported in individuals taking calcium carbonate 1500 mg daily in combination with vitamin D 2000 IU daily for 4 years (93943).
...Orally, caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee is well tolerated in moderate amounts.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Orally: Drinking coffee containing caffeine can cause agitation, anxiety, chest pain, diuresis, gastric distress, headache, insomnia, nervousness, premature heart rate, ringing in the ears, and vomiting. These effects are more likely with increasing intake of caffeine and in certain populations (e.g., children, elderly). With chronic caffeine use, especially in large amounts, habituation, tolerance, and psychological dependence can occur.
Abrupt discontinuation of caffeine may result in physical withdrawal symptoms, including anxiety, decreased physical energy, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, drowsiness, fatigue, headache, irritability, reduced alertness, and rhinorrhea.
Rectally: Coffee enemas have been linked to proctocolitis, severe electrolyte abnormalities, and septicemia leading to death.
...Orally, coffee containing caffeine can cause chest pain and premature heartbeat (8042,111045).
These effects are more likely with increasing intake of caffeine and in certain populations (e.g., children, elderly) (8042). Excessive doses of caffeine can cause massive catecholamine release and subsequent sinus tachycardia (11832,11838,13734,13735).
Although acute administration of caffeine can cause increased blood pressure, regular consumption does not seem to increase either blood pressure or pulse, even in hypertensive patients (1451,1452,2722,13739,105312). Drinking one or more cups of caffeinated coffee daily also doesn't seem to increase the risk of developing hypertension in habitual coffee drinkers (8033,13739,111037).
Epidemiological research has found that regular caffeine intake of up to 400 mg daily, or approximately 4 cups of caffeinated coffee, is not associated with an increased incidence of atrial fibrillation (38018,38076,91028,91034,97451,97453,105310), atherosclerosis (38033), cardiac ectopy (91127), stroke (37804), ventricular arrhythmia (95948,97453,105310), or cardiovascular disease (CVD) in general (37805,98806,104882). However, some observational research suggests that drinking at least 1 cup of coffee per week is associated with a 40% increased risk of atrial fibrillation, with the highest incidence of atrial fibrillation occurring in adults consuming at least 6 cups daily (111042). Also, one large, observational study found a J-shaped association between regular coffee consumption and the risk of developing acute coronary syndromes. Moderate consumption of less than 300 mL daily (about 1.3 cups) was associated with a lower risk of developing acute coronary syndromes, whereas regular consumption of 300 mL daily or more was associated with an increased risk (11318). In contrast, other observational research in people without a history of CVD has found that drinking more than 6 cups of coffee daily does not appear to be associated with an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease (14343). Also, in people with a history of CVD, population research has found that coffee consumption is associated with a reduction in CVD-related mortality (97373,97374,103997,103998,104594,104595,104882,105308,105311,105313,105314); however not all research agrees (112735). However, in current smokers with a history of acute coronary syndrome, consuming more than 3 cups of coffee daily is associated with more than a two-fold increased risk of overall mortality (105313). Also, population research in patients with severe hypertension, but not mild hypertension, suggests that drinking at least two cups of coffee daily is associated with a 2-fold increase in CVD mortality compared with non-coffee drinkers (111027).
Caffeine intake may pose a greater cardiovascular risk to subjects who are not regular caffeine users. Population research suggests that drinking caffeinated coffee might trigger a myocardial infarction (MI) in some people. People who drink one or fewer cups of coffee daily and are sedentary and have multiple risk factors for heart disease have a significantly increased risk of MI within an hour after drinking coffee. However, this risk appears diminished in people who routinely consume greater amounts of coffee on a daily basis (14497). In another population study, caffeinated coffee consumption was associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke in subjects who didn't regularly drink coffee (38102).
Boiled coffee that is prepared without a filter appears to increase serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels (1353,4200,8036,8539). Drinking one liter of strong, unfiltered coffee daily for two weeks can raise serum cholesterol by 10% and serum triglycerides by 36% (1353). Tell patients to use coffee filters since these effects do not seem to occur with filtered coffee (4200,8036,8539).
Coffee can adversely affect homocysteine levels. Higher homocysteine levels have been associated with CVD. One liter of unfiltered strong coffee daily for two weeks can increase plasma homocysteine levels by 10% (1353). The same amount of filtered strong coffee appears to raise plasma homocysteine levels by 20%, although there have been no head-to-head comparisons of filtered versus unfiltered coffee (3344).
Dermatologic ...Some researchers suggest symptoms such as flushed face occur during caffeine withdrawal. However, withdrawal symptoms may be due to nonpharmacological factors related to knowledge and expectation of effects. Clinically significant symptoms caused by caffeine withdrawal may be uncommon (2723,11839).
...Orally, excessive doses of caffeine can cause massive catecholamine release and subsequent metabolic acidosis, hyperglycemia, and ketosis (13734).
Other symptoms include hypokalemia and respiratory alkalosis (11832,11838,13735).
Some evidence shows that caffeine, a constituent of coffee, is associated with fibrocystic breast disease, breast cancer, and endometriosis in females; however, this is controversial since findings are conflicting (8043). Restricting caffeine intake in patients with fibrocystic breast conditions doesn't seem to affect breast nodularity, swelling, or pain (8996). Population research suggests that exposure to caffeine is not associated with an increased risk of endometriosis (91035).
A population analysis of the Women's Health Initiative observational study has found no association between consumption of caffeine-containing beverages, such as coffee, and the incidence of invasive breast cancer in models adjusted for demographic, lifestyle, and reproductive factors (108806). Also, a dose-response analysis of 2 low-quality observational studies has found that high consumption of caffeine is not associated with an increased risk of breast cancer (108807).
...Orally, coffee containing caffeine can cause gastric distress and vomiting.
These effects are more likely with increasing intake of caffeine and in certain populations (e.g., children, elderly) (8042,13734). There is also some evidence that consumption of three or more cups of caffeinated coffee might increase the risk of Helicobacter pylori infection (8034).
Caffeine withdrawal symptoms such as nausea and vomiting have been described. However, these symptoms may be due to nonpharmacological factors related to knowledge and expectation of effects. Clinically significant symptoms caused by caffeine withdrawal may be uncommon (2723,11839).
Rectally, at least 5 cases of proctocolitis related to the use of coffee enemas have been reported (96868,103273).
Genitourinary ...The caffeine found in coffee is a known diuretic and may increase voiding, give a sense of urgency, and irritate the bladder (37874,37961,104580). In males with lower urinary tract symptoms, caffeine intake increased the risk of interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome (38115). Excessive caffeine consumption may worsen premenstrual syndrome. Consumption of up to 10 cups of caffeinated drinks daily has been associated with increased severity of premenstrual syndrome (38177).
...There is evidence that coffee containing caffeine shortens whole blood fibrinolysis time (8030).
Rectally, coffee enemas have been linked to severe electrolyte abnormalities leading to death (3026,3347,3349,6652)
Hepatic ...Boiled coffee that is prepared without a filter appears to increase liver aminotransferase enzymes. Tell patients to use coffee filters since these effects do not seem to occur with filtered coffee (8539).
...Caffeine can cause anaphylaxis in sensitive individuals, although true IgE-mediated caffeine allergy seems to be relatively rare (11315).
Rectally, coffee enemas have been linked to septicemia leading to death (3026,3347,3349,6652).
...Orally, there is preliminary evidence that use of greater than four cups of coffee daily can increase the risk of rheumatoid factor positive rheumatoid arthritis, but this association has not been confirmed (6482).
Epidemiological evidence regarding the relationship between caffeine use and the risk for osteoporosis is contradictory. Caffeine can increase urinary excretion of calcium (2669,10202,11317). Females identified with a genetic variant of the vitamin D receptor appear to be at an increased risk for the detrimental effect of caffeine on bone mass (2669). However, moderate caffeine intake of less than 400 mg daily does not seem to significantly increase osteoporosis risk in most postmenopausal adults with normal calcium intake (2669,6025,10202,11317,98806).
Caffeine withdrawal symptoms, such as muscle tension and muscle pains, have been described. However, these symptoms may be due to nonpharmacological factors related to knowledge and expectation of effects. Clinically significant symptoms caused by caffeine withdrawal may be uncommon (2723,11839).
...Orally, coffee containing caffeine can cause agitation, headache, insomnia, and nervousness, .
These effects are more likely with increasing intake of caffeine and in certain populations (e.g., children, elderly) (8042,11832,11838,13734,13735).
Combining ephedra with coffee can increase the risk of adverse effects, due to the caffeine contained in coffee. Jitteriness, seizures, and temporary loss of consciousness have been associated with the combined use of ephedra and caffeine (2729).
Some researchers suggest that symptoms such as headache; tiredness and fatigue; decreased energy, alertness, and attentiveness; drowsiness; decreased contentedness; difficulty concentrating; irritability; and lack of clear-headedness are typical of caffeine withdrawal (13738). Withdrawal symptoms such as delirium, nervousness, and restlessness have also been described. However, these symptoms may be due to nonpharmacological factors related to knowledge and expectation of effects. Clinically significant symptoms caused by caffeine withdrawal may be uncommon (2723,11839).
Ocular/Otic ...Orally, coffee containing caffeine can cause ringing in the ears. This is more likely with increasing intake of caffeine and in certain populations (e.g., children, elderly) (8042,13734). Coffee containing caffeine also increases intraocular pressure, starting about 30 minutes after consumption and persisting for at least 90 minutes. Decaffeinated coffee does not appear to affect intraocular pressure (8540).
...The association between consumption of coffee and pancreatic cancer is controversial.
Coffee may increase the incidence of some types of pancreatic cancers, but it may decrease other types (8535,8536,8537). Some studies do not support this association, especially in patients that have never smoked (8038,8040,93878,103999). Patients who are at risk of pancreatic cancer (pancreatitis) should limit their consumption of coffee.
People who consume 2-4 or more cups of caffeinated coffee dail might have a significantly increased risk of developing lung cancer (13191,90177). But drinking decaffeinated coffee seems to be associated with a decreased risk of lung cancer (13191).
Coffee consumption has also been associated at various times with an increased risk of breast cancer, bladder cancer, colon cancer, and other types of cancers, but there's no good evidence that coffee consumption increases cancer risk (8039,8040,8041). Most human studies that have examined caffeine or coffee intake have found that they do not play a role in the development of various cancers, including breast or most gastric cancers (91054,91076,98806). However, drinking caffeinated coffee might increase the risk of gastric cardia cancer (91076).
Psychiatric ...Orally, coffee containing caffeine can cause anxiety. This is more likely with increasing intake of caffeine and in certain populations (e.g., children, elderly) (8042,13734). With chronic use, especially in large amounts, habituation, tolerance, and psychological dependence can occur (3719). Other researchers suggest symptoms such as depressed mood are typical of caffeine withdrawal (13738). However, withdrawal symptoms may be due to nonpharmacological factors related to knowledge and expectation of effects. Clinically significant symptoms caused by caffeine withdrawal may be uncommon (2723,11839).
Pulmonary/Respiratory ...Caffeine withdrawal symptoms such as rhinorrhea have been described. However, these symptoms may be due to nonpharmacological factors related to knowledge and expectation of effects. Clinically significant symptoms caused by caffeine withdrawal may be uncommon (2723,11839).
Renal ...Orally, coffee containing caffeine can cause diuresis. This is more likely with increasing intake of caffeine and in certain populations (e.g., children, elderly) (8042,13734).
...Magnesium is generally well tolerated.
Some clinical research shows no differences in adverse effects between placebo and magnesium groups.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Orally: Diarrhea, gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, and vomiting.
Intravenously: Bradycardia, dizziness, flushing sensation, hypotension, and localized pain and irritation. In pregnancy, may cause blurry vision, dizziness, lethargy, nausea, nystagmus, and perception of warmth.
Serious Adverse Effects (Rare):
All ROAs: With toxic doses, loss of reflexes and respiratory depression can occur. High doses in pregnancy can increase risk of neonatal mortality and neurological defects.
...Intravenously, magnesium can cause bradycardia, tachycardia, and hypotension (13356,60795,60838,60872,60960,60973,60982,61001,61031,114681).
Inhaled magnesium administered by nebulizer may also cause hypotension (113466). Magnesium sulfate may cause rapid heartbeat when administered antenatally (60915,114681).
In one case report, a 99-year-old male who took oral magnesium oxide 3000 mg daily for chronic constipation was hospitalized with hypermagnesemia, hypotension, bradycardia, heart failure, cardiomegaly, second-degree sinoatrial block, and complete bundle branch block. The patient recovered after discontinuing the magnesium oxide (108966).
Dermatologic ...Intravenously, magnesium may cause flushing, sweating, and problems at the injection site (including burning pain) (60960,60982,111696,114681). In a case study, two patients who received intravenous magnesium sulfate for suppression of preterm labor developed a rapid and sudden onset of an urticarial eruption (a skin eruption of itching welts). The eruption cleared when magnesium sulfate was discontinued (61045). Orally, magnesium oxide may cause allergic skin rash, but this is rare. In one case report, a patient developed a rash after taking 600 mg magnesium oxide (Maglax) (98291).
...Orally, magnesium can cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea (1194,4891,10661,10663,18111,60951,61016,98290).
In rare cases, taking magnesium orally might cause a bezoar, an indigestible mass of material which gets lodged in the gastrointestinal tract. In a case report, a 75-year-old female with advanced rectal cancer taking magnesium 1500 mg daily presented with nausea and anorexia from magnesium oxide bezoars in her stomach (99314). Magnesium can cause nausea, vomiting, or dry mouth when administered intravenously or by nebulization (60818,60960,60982,104400,113466,114681). Antenatal magnesium sulfate may also cause nausea and vomiting (60915,114681). Two case reports suggest that giving magnesium 50 grams orally for bowel preparation for colonoscopy in patients with colorectal cancer may lead to intestinal perforation and possibly death (90006).
Delayed meconium passage and obstruction have been reported rarely in neonates after intravenous magnesium sulfate was given to the mother during pregnancy (60818). In a retrospective study of 200 neonates born prematurely before 32 weeks of gestation, administration of prenatal IV magnesium sulfate, as a 4-gram loading dose and then 1-2 grams hourly, was not associated with the rate of meconium bowel obstruction when compared with neonates whose mothers had not received magnesium sulfate (108728).
Genitourinary ...Intravenously, magnesium sulfate may cause renal toxicity or acute urinary retention, although these events are rare (60818,61012). A case of slowed cervical dilation at delivery has been reported for a patient administered intravenous magnesium sulfate for eclampsia (12592). Intravenous magnesium might also cause solute diuresis. In a case report, a pregnant patient experienced polyuria and diuresis after having received intravenous magnesium sulfate in Ringer's lactate solution for preterm uterine contractions (98284).
Hematologic ...Intravenously, magnesium may cause increased blood loss at delivery when administered for eclampsia or pre-eclampsia (12592). However, research on the effect of intravenous magnesium on postpartum hemorrhage is mixed. Some research shows that it does not affect risk of postpartum hemorrhage (60982), while other research shows that intrapartum magnesium administration is associated with increased odds of postpartum hemorrhage, increased odds of uterine atony (a condition that increases the risk for postpartum hemorrhage) and increased need for red blood cell transfusions (97489).
...Intravenously, magnesium may cause decreased skeletal muscle tone, muscle weakness, or hypocalcemic tetany (60818,60960,60973).
Although magnesium is important for normal bone structure and maintenance (272), there is concern that very high doses of magnesium may be detrimental. In a case series of 9 patients receiving long-term tocolysis for 11-97 days, resulting in cumulative magnesium sulfate doses of 168-3756 grams, a lower bone mass was noted in 4 cases receiving doses above 1000 grams. There was one case of pregnancy- and lactation-associated osteoporosis and one fracture (108731). The validity and clinical significance of this data is unclear.
...Intravenously, magnesium may cause slurred speech, dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, or headaches (60818,60960,114681).
With toxic doses, loss of reflexes, neurological defects, drowsiness, confusion, and coma can occur (8095,12589,12590).
A case report describes cerebral cortical and subcortical edema consistent with posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES), eclampsia, somnolence, seizures, absent deep tendon reflexes, hard to control hypertension, acute renal failure and hypermagnesemia (serum level 11.5 mg/dL), after treatment with intravenous magnesium sulfate for preeclampsia in a 24-year-old primigravida at 39 weeks gestation with a previously uncomplicated pregnancy. The symptoms resolved after 4 days of symptomatic treatment in an intensive care unit, and emergency cesarian delivery of a healthy infant (112785).
Ocular/Otic ...Intravenously, magnesium may cause blurred vision (114681). Additionally, cases of visual impairment or nystagmus have been reported following magnesium supplementation, but these events are rare (18111,60818).
Psychiatric ...A case of delirium due to hypermagnesemia has been reported for a patient receiving intravenous magnesium sulfate for pre-eclampsia (60780).
Pulmonary/Respiratory ...Intravenously, magnesium may cause respiratory depression and tachypnea when used in toxic doses (12589,61028,61180).
Other ...Hypothermia from magnesium used as a tocolytic has been reported (60818).
...Orally, intravenously, and rectally, phosphate salts are generally well tolerated when used appropriately and/or as prescribed.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Orally: Abdominal pain, anal irritation, bloating, diarrhea, headache, gastrointestinal irritation, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, malaise, nausea, sleep disturbance, and vomiting.
Rectally: Hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia.
Serious Adverse Effects (Rare):
Orally: Extraskeletal calcification.
Cardiovascular ...Orally, a case of allergic acute coronary syndrome e., Kounis syndrome) is reported in a 43-year-old female after ingesting a specific sodium phosphate laxative product (Travad oral). She presented with maculopapular rash that progressed to anaphylaxis and a non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome. The patient recovered after hospitalization for 3 days with medical management (112894).
Gastrointestinal ...Orally, phosphate salts can cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, anal irritation, and vomiting (15,2494,2495,2496,2497,93846,93848,93850,93851,93853,107008). Sodium and potassium phosphates can cause diarrhea (15). Aluminum phosphate can cause constipation (15). A large comparative study shows that, when taken orally as a bowel preparation for colonoscopy, sodium phosphate is associated with gastric mucosal lesions in about 4% of patients (93868).
Neurologic/CNS ...Orally, phosphate salts can commonly cause malaise (93846). Headaches and sleep disturbance may also occur (93848,93851).
Renal ...Orally, use of sodium phosphate for bowel cleansing has been associated with an increased risk of acute kidney injury in some patients (93863). However, a pooled analysis of clinical research suggests that results are not consistent for all patients (93864). Some evidence suggests that female gender, probably due to lower body weight, iron-deficiency anemia, dehydration, and chronic kidney disease are all associated with an increased risk of sodium phosphate-induced kidney dysfunction (93865).
...Orally, phosphate salts can cause fluid and electrolyte disturbances including hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia, and extraskeletal calcification.
Potassium phosphates can cause hyperkalemia. Sodium phosphates can cause hypernatremia and hypokalemia (15,2494,2495,2496,2497,107008).
Rectally, phosphate salts can cause fluid and electrolyte disturbances including hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia (15,112922).
Deaths related to intake of oral or rectal phosphate salts are rare and most have occurred in infants and are related to overdose (93866). However, death has also been reported in elderly patients using sodium phosphate enemas, mainly at standard doses of 250 mL (93867).
...Orally or intravenously, potassium is generally well-tolerated.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Orally: Abdominal pain, belching, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, and vomiting.
Serious Adverse Effects (Rare):
All ROAs: High potassium levels can cause arrhythmia, heart block, hypotension, and mental confusion.
Cardiovascular ...Orally or intravenously, high potassium levels can cause hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, heart block, or cardiac arrest (15,16,3385,95011,95626,95630).
Gastrointestinal ...Orally or intravenously, high doses of potassium can cause, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and flatulence (95010,95011). Bleeding duodenal ulcers have also been associated with ingestion of slow-release potassium tablets (69625,69672).
Neurologic/CNS ...Orally or intravenously, high potassium levels can cause paresthesia, generalized weakness, flaccid paralysis, listlessness, vertigo, or mental confusion (15,16,3385,95011).
...Orally, sodium is well tolerated when used in moderation at intakes up to the Chronic Disease Risk Reduction (CDRR) intake level.
Topically, a thorough evaluation of safety outcomes has not been conducted.
Serious Adverse Effects (Rare):
Orally: Worsened cardiovascular disease, hypertension, kidney disease.
...Orally, intake of sodium above the CDRR intake level can exacerbate hypertension and hypertension-related cardiovascular disease (CVD) (26229,98176,100310,106263).
A meta-analysis of observational research has found a linear association between increased sodium intake and increased hypertension risk (109398). Observational research has also found an association between increased sodium salt intake and increased risk of CVD, mortality, and cardiovascular mortality (98177,98178,98181,98183,98184,109395,109396,109399). However, the existing research is unable to confirm a causal relationship between sodium intake and increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality; high-quality, prospective research is needed to clarify this relationship (100312). As there is no known benefit with increased salt intake that would outweigh the potential increased risk of CVD, advise patients to limit salt intake to no more than the CDRR intake level (100310).
A reduction in sodium intake can lower systolic blood pressure by a small amount in most individuals, and diastolic blood pressure in patients with hypertension (100310,100311,106261). However, post hoc analysis of a small crossover clinical study in White patients suggests that 24-hour blood pressure variability is not affected by high-salt intake compared with low-salt intake (112910). Additionally, the available research is insufficient to confirm that a further reduction in sodium intake below the CDRR intake level will lower the risk for chronic disease (100310,100311). A meta-analysis of clinical research shows that reducing sodium intake increases levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides, but not low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, by a small amount (106261).
It is unclear whether there are safety concerns when sodium is consumed in amounts lower than the adequate intake (AI) levels. Some observational research has found that the lowest levels of sodium intake might be associated with increased risk of death and cardiovascular events (98181,98183). However, this finding has been criticized because some of the studies used inaccurate measures of sodium intake, such as the Kawasaki formula (98177,98178,101259). Some observational research has found that sodium intake based on a single 24-hour urinary measurement is inversely correlated with all-cause mortality (106260). The National Academies Consensus Study Report states that there is insufficient evidence from observational studies to conclude that there are harmful effects from low sodium intake (100310).
Endocrine ...Orally, a meta-analysis of observational research has found that higher sodium intake is associated with an average increase in body mass index (BMI) of 1. 24 kg/m2 and an approximate 5 cm increase in waist circumference (98182). It has been hypothesized that the increase in BMI is related to an increased thirst, resulting in an increased intake of sugary beverages and/or consumption of foods that are high in salt and also high in fat and energy (98182). One large observational study has found that the highest sodium intake is not associated with overweight or obesity when compared to the lowest intake in adolescents aged 12-19 years when intake of energy and sugar-sweetened beverages are considered (106265). However, in children aged 6-11 years, usual sodium intake is positively associated with increased weight and central obesity independently of the intake of energy and/or sugar-sweetened beverages (106265).
Gastrointestinal ...In one case report, severe gastritis and a deep antral ulcer occurred in a patient who consumed 16 grams of sodium chloride in one sitting (25759). Chronic use of high to moderately high amounts of sodium chloride has been associated with an increased risk of gastric cancer (29405).
...Observational research has found that low sodium levels can increase the risk for osteoporosis.
One study has found that low plasma sodium levels are associated with an increased risk for osteoporosis. Low levels, which are typically caused by certain disease states or chronic medications, are associated with a more than 2-fold increased odds for osteoporosis and bone fractures (101260).
Conversely, in healthy males on forced bed rest, a high intake of sodium chloride (7.7 mEq/kg daily) seems to exacerbate disuse-induced bone and muscle loss (25760,25761).
Oncologic ...Population research has found that high or moderately high intake of sodium chloride is associated with an increased risk of gastric cancer when compared with low sodium chloride intake (29405). Other population research in patients with gastric cancer has found that a high intake of sodium is associated with an approximate 65% increased risk of gastric cancer mortality when compared with a low intake. When zinc intake is taken into consideration, the increased risk of mortality only occurred in those with low zinc intake, but the risk was increased to approximately 2-fold in this sub-population (109400).
Pulmonary/Respiratory ...In patients with hypertension, population research has found that sodium excretion is modestly and positively associated with having moderate or severe obstructive sleep apnea. This association was not found in normotensive patients (106262).
Renal ...Increased sodium intake has been associated with impaired kidney function in healthy adults. This effect seems to be independent of blood pressure. Observational research has found that a high salt intake over approximately 5 years is associated with a 29% increased risk of developing impaired kidney function when compared with a lower salt intake. In this study, high salt intake was about 2-fold higher than low salt intake (101261).
...Orally, whey protein is generally well tolerated.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Orally: Acne, bloating, cramps, diarrhea, fatigue, headache, nausea, reflux, reduced appetite, and thirst. Most adverse effects are dose-related.
Cardiovascular ...In one case report, use of an unclear quantity of whey protein over one month was thought to be probably responsible for the development of coronary embolism in three coronary arteries in a 33-year-old male with no history of atherosclerosis risk factors. The patient required treatment with intravenous glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor and heparin (96023).
Dermatologic ...Orally, whey protein has been reported to trigger the onset or worsening of acne. Multiple case reports in teenagers and young adults have associated intake of whey protein with the development of acne or the worsening of existing acneiform lesions. In these reports, the discontinuation of whey protein was typically associated with the clearance of acne lesions. In some cases, patients who were unresponsive to acne treatments while using whey protein became responsive after whey protein discontinuation (103965,103970,103971). Cow's milk, which is comprised of 20% whey protein, is also thought to exacerbate acne. It is theorized that this effect may be due to the growth factor and alpha-lactalbumin content of whey protein (103971,103982).
Gastrointestinal ...Orally, whey protein, especially in higher doses of 2. 3-6.5 grams/kg daily, may cause increased bowel movements, nausea, thirst, bloating, esophageal reflux, cramps, and reduced appetite (2640,85961,85702,86043,86074,86075,86084,86089,86095).
Hepatic ...In two case reports, acute cholestatic liver injury occurred after consumption of the combination of whey protein and creatine supplements (46701,90319).
Musculoskeletal ...In one case report, a 26-year-old male experienced fasciitis, or swelling of the forearms, hands, and legs, after consuming the supplement Pure Whey (85895).
Neurologic/CNS ...Orally, high doses of whey protein may cause tiredness or fatigue and headache (2640). Mild drowsiness has also been reported (86089,86092,86124).