Ingredients | Amount Per Serving |
Cough & Smoking Ease
1000 mg |
230 mg | |
170 mg | |
75 mg | |
75 mg | |
75 mg | |
75 mg | |
60 mg | |
60 mg | |
30 mg | |
30 mg | |
60 mg | |
30 mg | |
30 mg |
Cellulose, Glycerin, Water
Below is general information about the effectiveness of the known ingredients contained in the product Cough & Smoking Ease. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
Below is general information about the safety of the known ingredients contained in the product Cough & Smoking Ease. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally in amounts commonly found in food. Anise and anise oil have Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status in the US (4912).
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when anise powder is used orally and appropriately in medicinal amounts. Anise powder has been used with apparent safety in clinical research at doses of up to 9 grams daily for up to 4 weeks (94944,94945). ...when anise oil is used orally and appropriately in medicinal amounts. Anise oil has been used with apparent safety in clinical research at doses of up to 600 mg daily for up to 4 weeks (94946,94947).
when used orally in amounts commonly found in food.
Anise and anise oil have Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status in the US (4912). There is insufficient reliable information available about the safety of anise when used by children in medicinal amounts.
when used orally in amounts commonly found in food.
Anise and anise oil have Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status in the US (4912). There is insufficient reliable information available about the safety of anise when taken orally in medicinal amounts during pregnancy or breast-feeding.
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally in amounts commonly found in foods. Eucalyptus has Generally Recognized As Safe status (GRAS) for use in foods as a flavoring in the US (4912).
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when eucalyptol, a constituent of eucalyptus oil, is used orally and appropriately. Eucalyptol appears to be safe for up to 12 weeks (13302).
POSSIBLY UNSAFE ...when the undiluted oil is used topically. Prolonged or widespread exposure has caused neurotoxicity (12869). There is insufficient reliable information available about the safety of diluted eucalyptus oil when used topically.
LIKELY UNSAFE ...when the undiluted oil is ingested orally. Ingesting 3.5 mL of undiluted oil can be fatal in adults (12867). There is insufficient reliable information available about the safety of eucalyptus oil when inhaled as aromatherapy or when eucalyptus leaf is used orally in medicinal amounts.
when used orally in amounts commonly found in foods.
Eucalyptus has Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) status for use in foods in the US (4912).
when eucalyptus oil is used orally (12867,49002,107493,107495).
...when eucalyptus oil is used topically in infants and young children. There are reports of neurotoxicity in infants and young children exposed to topical eucalyptus oil. In one of these cases, a 12-month-old child was bathed in water containing eucalyptus oil and other essential oils; in another case, a child had a dressing containing eucalyptus oil applied every 2-4 hours daily for 2 days (12868,12869). ...when eucalyptus solutions are inhaled using a vaporizer (49002).
when used orally in amounts commonly found in foods (4912).
There is insufficient reliable information available about the safety of medicinal amounts of eucalyptus oil; avoid using.
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when used orally, short-term. Holy basil leaf extract has been used with apparent safety at a dose of 500 mg daily for 60-90 days (12242,18107,19575,91571,96944). ...when used topically in the mouth, short-term. Holy basil has been used with apparent safety as a 4% mouthwash solution for up to 30 days (91570,103621).
when used in high doses during pregnancy or when trying to conceive.
Animal research suggests that relatively high doses of holy basil extract (200 mg/kg) may reduce implantation rate when used for one week, while long-term use of higher doses (2-4 grams/kg) may decrease the number of full-term pregnancies (55040,91569). There is insufficient reliable information available regarding the safety of holy basil during lactation; avoid using.
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally in amounts commonly found in foods. Juniper, juniper berry, and juniper extract have Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status in the US (4912).
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when used topically on limited areas of skin (12230). ...when the oil is used by inhalation and appropriately as aromatherapy (7107). There is insufficient reliable information available about the safety of juniper when used orally in doses of less than 10 grams of berries or 100 mg of oil daily, short-term. Juniper oil and berry have a long history of traditional use (12,103759).
LIKELY UNSAFE ...when used orally in excessive amounts or long-term. Use of daily doses greater than 10 grams of juniper berries (about 60 berries) or 100 mg of juniper essential oil, or prolonged oral use longer than 4 weeks, have been reported to increase the risk of severe adverse effects such as convulsions or kidney damage (8,19,103759).
when used orally.
Juniper can increase uterine tone, interfere with fertility and implantation, and cause abortion (4,19).
Insufficient reliable information available; avoid using.
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when used orally, short-term. Kava extracts have been used safely in clinical trials under medical supervision for up to 6 months (2093,2094,2095,4032,7325,15046,15130,18314,18316,18318)(18320,29663,29671,98980,102086,112642). Historically, there has been some concern that kava preparations could induce hepatotoxicity and liver failure in patients taking relatively normal doses, short-term. At least 100 cases of liver toxicity following kava use have been reported. Although liver toxicity is more frequently associated with prolonged use of very high doses (6401,57346), in some cases the use of kava for as little as 1-3 months has been associated with the need for liver transplants, and even death (390,7024,7068,7086,7096,17086,57252)(57254,57297). However, some experts question the clinical validity of several of these cases (11369,11371).
when used orally.
There is some concern that pyrone constituents in kava can cause loss of uterine tone (19); avoid using.
when used orally.
There is concern that the toxic pyrone constituents of kava can pass into breast milk (19); avoid using.
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when used orally and appropriately. Kudzu appears to be safe for up to 4 months (10386,11386,92257). ...when used intravaginally and appropriately. Kudzu 5% to 6% gel has been used with apparent safety for up to 12 weeks (96740,105521,110702).
Insufficient reliable information available; avoid using.
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally in amounts commonly found in foods. Lemon balm has Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status in the US (4912).
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when used orally and appropriately, short-term. Lemon balm extract has been used with apparent safety at a dose of 500 mg daily for 6 months or at a dose of 3000 mg daily for 2 months (9993,9994,104435,104435,110136). ...when used topically and appropriately, short-term. Lemon balm 1% dried leaf extract has been used up to 4 times daily with apparent safety for a few days (790,9995).
when used orally and appropriate, short-term.
A single dose of lemon balm extract 3-6 mg/kg has been safely used in children aged 6-7 years (19525). A specific combination product providing lemon balm leaf extract 80 mg and valerian root extract 160 mg (Euvegal forte, Dr. Willmar Schwabe Pharmaceuticals) 1-2 tablets once or twice daily has been safely used in children under 12 years of age for 30 days (14416). In infants up to 4 weeks old, multi-ingredient products (ColiMil, ColiMil Plus) containing lemon balm 64-97 mg daily have been used with apparent safety for up to 7 days (16735,96278).
Insufficient reliable information available; avoid using.
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally in amounts commonly found in foods. Licorice has Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status in the US (4912).
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when licorice products that do not contain glycyrrhizin (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) are used orally and appropriately for medicinal purposes. Licorice flavonoid oil 300 mg daily for 16 weeks, and deglycyrrhizinated licorice products in doses of up to 4.5 grams daily for up to 16 weeks, have been used with apparent safety (6196,11312,11313,17727,100984,102960). ...when licorice products containing glycyrrhizin are used orally in low doses, short-term. Licorice extract 272 mg, containing glycyrrhizin 24.3 mg, has been used daily with apparent safety for 6 months (102961). A licorice extract 1000 mg, containing monoammonium glycyrrhizinate 240 mg, has been used daily with apparent safety for 12 weeks (110320). In addition, a syrup providing licorice extract 750 mg has been used twice daily with apparent safety for 5 days (104558). ...when applied topically. A gel containing 2% licorice root extract has been applied to the skin with apparent safety for up to 2 weeks. (59732). A mouth rinse containing 5% licorice extract has been used with apparent safety four times daily for up to one week (104564).
POSSIBLY UNSAFE ...when licorice products containing glycyrrhizin are used orally in large amounts for several weeks, or in smaller amounts for longer periods of time. The European Scientific Committee on Food recommends that a safe average daily intake of glycyrrhizin should not exceed 10 mg (108577). In otherwise healthy people, consuming glycyrrhizin daily for several weeks or longer can cause severe adverse effects including pseudohyperaldosteronism, hypertensive crisis, hypokalemia, cardiac arrhythmias, and cardiac arrest. Doses of 20 grams or more of licorice products, containing at least 400 mg glycyrrhizin, are more likely to cause these effects; however, smaller amounts have also caused hypokalemia and associated symptoms when taken for months to years (781,3252,15590,15592,15594,15596,15597,15599,15600,16058)(59731,59740,59752,59785,59786,59787,59792,59795,59805,59811)(59816,59818,59820,59822,59826,59828,59849,59850,59851,59867)(59882,59885,59888,59889,59895,59900,59906,97213,110305). In patients with hypertension, cardiovascular or kidney conditions, or a high salt intake, as little as 5 grams of licorice product or 100 mg glycyrrhizin daily can cause severe adverse effects (15589,15593,15598,15600,59726).
when used orally.
Licorice has abortifacient, estrogenic, and steroid effects. It can also cause uterine stimulation. Heavy consumption of licorice, equivalent to 500 mg of glycyrrhizin per week (about 250 grams of licorice per week), during pregnancy seems to increase the risk of delivery before gestational age of 38 weeks (7619,10618). Furthermore, high intake of glycyrrhizin, at least 500 mg per week, during pregnancy is associated with increased salivary cortisol levels in the child by the age of 8 years. This suggests that high intake of licorice during pregnancy may increase hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis activity in the child (26434); avoid using.
Insufficient reliable information available; avoid using.
LIKELY UNSAFE ...when used orally (3,11). Lobelia leaf can be toxic in doses of 600-1000 mg; 4000 mg of the leaf may be fatal (18). There is insufficient reliable information available about the safety of lobelia when used topically.
when used orally due to its emetic effects (4,12).
There is insufficient reliable information available about the safety of lobelia when used topically during pregnancy and lactation.
LIKELY SAFE ...when marshmallow root and leaf are used in amounts commonly found in foods. Marshmallow root has Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) status for use in foods in the US (4912).
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when marshmallow root and leaf are used orally in medicinal amounts (4,12). ...when used topically (4,62020). There is insufficient reliable information available about the safety of marshmallow flower.
Insufficient reliable information available.
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally and appropriately in food amounts (4960,4969,5792,5797). Oat bran has Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status in the US (4912). Whole grain oats 50-100 grams daily have been used for up to 1 year without serious adverse effects (97520).
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when used topically and appropriately (12). Lotion containing colloidal oat 1% has been used topically without adverse effects for up to 6 weeks (97518,103340). There is insufficient reliable information available about the safety of oats when used orally in medicinal amounts.
when used orally in food amounts (5792,5797).
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally and appropriately. Saw palmetto has been safely used in clinical studies lasting up to 3 years (2735,6750,6752,6764,6772,6773,11354,14274,15550,17202,17306,17684,73315,73383,73384,73385,73389,89441,96410,96412,110540).
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when used rectally and appropriately. Saw palmetto has been used safely in clinical research at a dose of 640 mg once daily for 30 days (73387). However, the long-term safety of saw palmetto administered rectally is not known.
when used orally.
Saw palmetto has hormonal activity (6766); avoid using.
Below is general information about the interactions of the known ingredients contained in the product Cough & Smoking Ease. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
Theoretically, anise oil might decrease the levels and clinical effects of acetaminophen.
Animal research shows that taking anise oil with acetaminophen decreases peak plasma levels of acetaminophen but does not reduce overall bioavailability (94951). Whether this interaction will occur in humans is unclear.
Theoretically, anise seed might increase the risk of hypoglycemia when taken with antidiabetes drugs.
A small clinical study shows that anise seed powder decreases fasting blood glucose levels by 36% when compared to baseline (94953).
Theoretically, anise oil might decrease the efficacy of caffeine.
Animal research shows that taking anise oil with caffeine decreases the bioavailability of caffeine (94951). Whether this interaction will occur in humans is unclear.
Theoretically, anise oil might increase the effects and adverse effects of codeine.
Animal research shows that anise oil increases the analgesic effects of codeine, possibly by inducing its phase I metabolism and increasing conversion to morphine (94950). Whether this interaction occurs in humans is unclear.
Theoretically, anise might interfere with contraceptive drug therapy.
Theoretically, anise oil might increase the effects and adverse effects of diazepam.
Animal research shows that taking anise oil with diazepam increases the motor impairment associated with diazepam, possibly by inhibiting its breakdown by cytochrome P450 3A4 (94950). Whether this interaction occurs in humans is unclear.
Theoretically, anise might interfere with estrogen-based hormone replacement therapy.
Theoretically, anise oil might decrease the efficacy of fluoxetine.
Animal research shows that taking anise oil with fluoxetine reduces the antidepressant effects of fluoxetine, possibly by promoting its breakdown by cytochrome P450 2D6 (94950). Whether this interaction occurs in humans is unclear.
Theoretically, anise oil might decrease the efficacy of imipramine.
Animal research shows that taking anise oil with imipramine reduces the antidepressant effects of imipramine, possibly by promoting its breakdown by cytochrome P450 2D6 (94950). Whether this interaction occurs in humans is unclear.
Theoretically, anise oil might increase the effects and adverse effects of midazolam.
Animal research shows that taking anise oil with midazolam increases the motor impairment associated with midazolam, possibly by inhibiting its breakdown by cytochrome P450 3A4 (94950). Whether this interaction occurs in humans is unclear.
Theoretically, anise might interfere with tamoxifen therapy.
Theoretically, inhaling eucalyptol may reduce the effectiveness of amphetamines.
Animal research suggests that inhaling eucalyptol may reduce the levels of amphetamines in the blood (48987).
Theoretically, eucalyptus leaf might increase the risk of hypoglycemia.
Animal research suggests that eucalyptus leaf might have hypoglycemic activity, and might have additive effects when used with antidiabetes drugs (12871).
Theoretically, eucalyptus might increase the levels of CYP1A2 substrates.
In vitro research suggests that eucalyptus oil might inhibit CYP1A2, although this has not been reported in humans (12479).
Theoretically, eucalyptus might increase the levels of CYP2C19 substrates.
In vitro research suggests that eucalyptus oil might inhibit CYP2C19, although this has not been reported in humans (12479).
Theoretically, eucalyptus might increase the levels of CYP2C9 substrates.
In vitro research suggests that eucalyptus oil might inhibit CYP2C9, although this has not been reported in humans (12479).
Theoretically, eucalyptus might increase the levels of CYP3A4 substrates.
In vitro research suggests that eucalyptus oil might inhibit CYP3A4, although this has not been reported in humans (12479).
Theoretically, inhaling eucalyptol might reduce the effectiveness of pentobarbital.
Animal research suggests that inhaling eucalyptol reduces the level of pentobarbital that reaches the brain (48987).
Theoretically, holy basil seed oil might increase the risk of bleeding when used with anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs.
Animal research shows that holy basil seed oil can prolong bleeding time, possibly due to inhibition of platelet aggregation (13251). However, it is not known if this occurs in humans.
Theoretically, holy basil might increase the risk of hypoglycemia when taken with antidiabetes drugs.
Theoretically, holy basil seed oil might increase the sedative effects of pentobarbital.
Theoretically, taking juniper berry with antidiabetes medications might cause additive hypoglycemia.
Theoretically, juniper berry might increase the risk of adverse effects from diuretic drugs.
Theoretically, juniper berry might reduce lithium excretion and increase serum levels of lithium.
Combining kava with alcohol may increase the risk of sedation and/or hepatotoxicity.
Kava has CNS depressant effects (11373,18316). Concomitant use of kava with other CNS depressants can increase the risk of drowsiness and motor reflex depression (2093,2098). Additionally, kava has been associated with over 100 cases of hepatotoxicity. There is some concern that kava can adversely affect the liver, especially when used in combination with hepatotoxic drugs (7024,7068,7086,7096,17086,57346). Clinical practice guidelines from a joint taskforce of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) and the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) recommend that alcohol not be used with kava (110318). |
Combining kava with CNS depressants can have additive sedative effects.
Kava has CNS depressant effects (11373,18316). Concomitant use of kava with other CNS depressants can increase the risk of drowsiness and motor reflex depression (2093,2098). Clinical practice guidelines from a joint taskforce of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) and the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) recommend that CNS depressants, including alcohol and benzodiazepines, not be used with kava (110318).
It is unclear if kava inhibits CYP1A2; research is conflicting.
Although in vitro research and a case report suggest that kava inhibits CYP1A2 (8743,12479,88593), more robust clinical evidence shows that kava has no effect on CYP1A2. In a clinical study in healthy volunteers, taking kava 1000 mg twice daily (containing a daily dose of 138 mg kavalactones) for 28 days had no effect on CYP1A2 activity (13536,98979).
Theoretically, kava might increase levels of CYP2C19 substrates.
Theoretically, kava might increase levels of CYP2C9 substrates.
It is unclear if kava inhibits CYP1A2; research is conflicting.
Kava might increase levels of CYP2E1 substrates.
In a clinical study in healthy volunteers, taking kava 1000 mg twice daily (containing a daily dose of 138 mg kavalactones) for 28 days inhibited the metabolism of CYP2E1 substrates (13536).
It is unclear if kava inhibits CYP3AA; research is conflicting.
Although in vitro research suggests that kava inhibits CYP3A4 (8743,12479), more robust clinical evidence shows that kava has no effect on CYP3A4. In a clinical study in healthy volunteers, taking kava 1000 mg twice daily (containing a daily dose of 138 mg kavalactones) for 28 days had no effect on CYP3A4 activity (13536,98979).
Combining kava and haloperidol might increase the risk of cardiovascular adverse effects and hypoxia.
Atrial flutter and hypoxia has been reported for a patient who received intramuscular injections of haloperidol and lorazepam after using kava orally. The side effects were attributed to kava-induced inhibition of CYP2D6, but might also have been related to additive adverse effects with the concomitant use of haloperidol, lorazepam, and kava (88593).
Theoretically, using kava with hepatotoxic drugs might increase the risk of liver damage.
It is unclear if kava inhibits P-glycoprotein (P-gp); research is conflicting.
In vitro research shows that kava can inhibit P-gp efflux (15131). However, a clinical study in healthy volunteers shows that taking kava standardized to provide 225 mg kavalactones daily for 14 days does not affect the pharmacokinetics of digoxin, a P-gp substrate (15132,98979). It is possible that the use of other P-gp substrates or higher doses of kava might still inhibit P-gp.
Taking kava with ropinirole might increase the risk for dopaminergic toxicity.
A case of visual hallucinations and paranoid delusions has been reported for a patient who used kava in combination with ropinirole. The adverse effects were attributed to kava-induced inhibition of CYP1A2, which may have reduced the metabolism of ropinirole, resulting in excessive dopaminergic stimulation (88593).
Theoretically, kudzu may increase the risk of bleeding if used with antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs.
Theoretically, taking kudzu with antidiabetes drugs might increase the risk of hypoglycemia.
Theoretically, taking kudzu with caffeine might increase levels of caffeine.
In healthy males injected with the kudzu constituent puerarin, caffeine clearance and metabolism is inhibited (23583). This effect has been attributed to inhibition of cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) enzyme, which is involved in caffeine metabolism. It is unclear if taking kudzu orally would have this same effect.
Theoretically, kudzu might alter the effects of estrogen therapy.
Theoretically, concomitant use might have additive hepatotoxic effects.
Theoretically, taking kudzu with methotrexate might increase the risk of methotrexate toxicity.
Preclinical research suggests that kudzu extract greatly reduces the elimination and increases the toxicity of methotrexate. Kudzu might inhibit organic anion transporters (OATs) that are responsible for hepatobiliary and renal excretion of anions, similar to the interaction between methotrexate and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (13296).
Theoretically, kudzu might interfere with tamoxifen activity.
Theoretically, concomitant use of lemon balm might have additive effects with CNS depressant drugs.
Theoretically, lemon balm might interfere with thyroid hormone replacement therapy.
In vitro, constituents of lemon balm extract bind to thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), preventing TSH receptor-binding and leading to the inhibition of TSH-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity (19727,19728). In animals, lemon balm extract has been shown to decrease levels of circulating TSH and inhibit thyroid secretion (19726).
Theoretically, licorice might reduce the effects of antihypertensive drugs.
Theoretically, licorice might reduce the effects of cisplatin.
In animal research, licorice diminished the therapeutic efficacy of cisplatin (59763).
Theoretically, concomitant use of licorice and corticosteroids might increase the side effects of corticosteroids.
Case reports suggest that concomitant use of licorice and oral corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone, can potentiate the duration of activity and increase blood levels of corticosteroids (3252,12672,20040,20042,48429,59756). Additionally, in one case report, a patient with neurogenic orthostatic hypertension stabilized on fludrocortisone 0.1 mg twice daily developed pseudohyperaldosteronism after recent consumption of large amounts of black licorice (108568).
Theoretically, licorice might decrease the levels and clinical effects of CYP1A2 substrates.
In vitro research shows that licorice induces CYP1A2 enzymes (111404).
Theoretically, licorice might increase levels of drugs metabolized by CYP2B6.
In vitro research shows that licorice extract and glabridin, a licorice constituent, inhibit CYP2B6 isoenzymes (10300,94822). Licorice extract from the species G. uralensis seems to inhibit CYP2B6 isoenzymes to a greater degree than G. glabra extract in vitro (94822). Theoretically, these species of licorice might increase levels of drugs metabolized by CYP2B6; however, these interactions have not yet been reported in humans.
Theoretically, licorice might increase levels of drugs metabolized by CYP2C19.
In vitro, licorice extracts from the species G. glabra and G. uralensis inhibit CYP2C19 isoenzymes in vitro (94822). Theoretically, these species of licorice might increase levels of drugs metabolized by CYP2C19; however, this interaction has not yet been reported in humans.
Theoretically, licorice might increase levels of drugs metabolized by CYP2C8.
In vitro, licorice extract from the species G. glabra and G. uralensis inhibits CYP2C8 isoenzymes (94822). Theoretically, these species of licorice might increase levels of drugs metabolized by CYP2C8; however, this interaction has not yet been reported in humans.
Theoretically, licorice might increase or decrease levels of drugs metabolized by CYP2C9.
There is conflicting evidence about the effect of licorice on CYP2C9 enzyme activity. In vitro research shows that extracts from the licorice species G. glabra and G. uralensis moderately inhibit CYP2C9 isoenzymes (10300,94822). However, evidence from an animal model shows that licorice extract from the species G. uralensis can induce hepatic CYP2C9 activity (14441). Until more is known, licorice should be used cautiously in people taking CYP2C9 substrates.
Theoretically, licorice might increase or decrease levels of drugs metabolized by CYP3A4.
Pharmacokinetic research shows that the licorice constituent glycyrrhizin, taken in a dosage of 150 mg orally twice daily for 14 days, modestly decreases the area under the concentration-time curve of midazolam by about 20%. Midazolam is a substrate of CYP3A4, suggesting that glycyrrhizin modestly induces CYP3A4 activity (59808). Animal research also shows that licorice extract from the species G. uralensis induces CYP3A4 activity (14441). However, licorice extract from G. glabra species appear to inhibit CYP3A4-induced metabolism of testosterone in vitro. It is thought that the G. glabra inhibits CYP3A4 due to its constituent glabridin, which is a moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor in vitro and not present in other licorice species (10300,94822). Until more is known, licorice should be used cautiously in people taking CYP3A4 substrates.
Theoretically, concomitant use of licorice with digoxin might increase the risk of cardiac toxicity.
Overuse or misuse of licorice with cardiac glycoside therapy might increase the risk of cardiac toxicity due to potassium loss (10393).
Theoretically, concomitant use of licorice with diuretic drugs might increase the risk of hypokalemia.
Overuse of licorice might compound diuretic-induced potassium loss (10393,20045,20046,59812). In one case report, a 72-year-old male with a past medical history of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, arrhythmia, stroke, and hepatic dysfunction was hospitalized with severe hypokalemia and uncontrolled hypertension due to pseudohyperaldosteronism. This was thought to be provoked by concomitant daily consumption of a product containing 225 mg of glycyrrhizin, a constituent of licorice, and hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg for 1 month (108577).
Theoretically, licorice might increase or decrease the effects of estrogen therapy.
Theoretically, loop diuretics might increase the mineralocorticoid effects of licorice.
Theoretically, loop diuretics might enhance the mineralocorticoid effects of licorice by inhibiting the enzyme that converts cortisol to cortisone; however, bumetanide (Bumex) does not appear to have this effect (3255).
Theoretically, licorice might increase levels of methotrexate.
Animal research suggests that intravenous administration of glycyrrhizin, a licorice constituent, and high-dose methotrexate may delay methotrexate excretion and increase systemic exposure, leading to transient elevations in liver enzymes and total bilirubin (108570). This interaction has not yet been reported in humans.
Theoretically, licorice might decrease levels of midazolam.
In humans, the licorice constituent glycyrrhizin appears to moderately induce the metabolism of midazolam (59808). This is likely due to induction of cytochrome P450 3A4 by licorice. Until more is known, licorice should be used cautiously in people taking midazolam.
Theoretically, licorice might decrease the absorption of P-glycoprotein substrates.
In vitro research shows that licorice can increase P-glycoprotein activity (104561).
Theoretically, licorice might decrease plasma levels and clinical effects of paclitaxel.
Multiple doses of licorice taken concomitantly with paclitaxel might reduce the effectiveness of paclitaxel. Animal research shows that licorice 3 grams/kg given orally for 14 days before intravenous administration of paclitaxel decreases the exposure to paclitaxel and increases its clearance. Theoretically, this occurs because licorice induces cytochrome P450 3A4 enzymes, which metabolize paclitaxel. Notably, a single dose of licorice did not affect exposure or clearance of paclitaxel (102959).
Theoretically, licorice might decrease plasma levels and clinical effects of warfarin.
Licorice seems to increase metabolism and decrease levels of warfarin in animal models. This is likely due to induction of cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) metabolism by licorice (14441). Advise patients taking warfarin to avoid taking licorice.
Lobelia is thought to have diuretic properties. Theoretically, due to these potential diuretic effects, lobelia might reduce excretion and increase levels of lithium. The dose of lithium might need to be decreased.
Theoretically, marshmallow flower might have antiplatelet effects.
Animal research suggests that marshmallow flower extract has antiplatelet effects (92846). However, the root and leaf of marshmallow, not the flower, are the plant parts most commonly found in dietary supplements. Theoretically, use of marshmallow flower with anticoagulant/antiplatelet drugs can have additive effects, and might increase the risk for bleeding in some patients.
Theoretically, due to potential diuretic effects, marshmallow might reduce excretion and increase levels of lithium.
Marshmallow is thought to have diuretic properties. To avoid lithium toxicity, the dose of lithium might need to be decreased when used with marshmallow.
Theoretically, mucilage in marshmallow might impair absorption of oral drugs.
Theoretically, oats may have additive effects with antidiabetic agents and might increase the risk of hypoglycemia.
Concomitant use of oats and insulin might increase the risk of hypoglycemia.
In patients with insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes, taking oats 100 grams daily for 2 days reduces the insulin dose required to achieve metabolic control (103336).
Saw palmetto might increase the risk of bleeding with anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs.
Saw palmetto is reported to prolong bleeding time (8659). Theoretically, it might increase the risk of bleeding when used concomitantly with anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs.
Saw palmetto might reduce the effectiveness of contraceptive drugs.
Saw palmetto might have antiestrogenic effects (6766). Theoretically, it might interfere with contraceptive drugs taken concomitantly.
Saw palmetto might reduce the effectiveness of estrogens.
Saw palmetto might have antiestrogenic effects (6766). Theoretically, it might interfere with estrogens taken concomitantly.
Below is general information about the adverse effects of the known ingredients contained in the product Cough & Smoking Ease. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
...Orally, anise seems to be well tolerated.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Topically: Contact dermatitis in sensitive individuals.
Serious Adverse Effects (Rare):
Orally: Anaphylaxis in sensitive individuals.
Dermatologic ...Topically, anise, in combination with other herbs, has been reported to cause localized pruritus (13483).
Immunologic ...Anise can cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Orally or by inhalation, anise can cause rhinoconjunctivitis, occupational asthma, and anaphylaxis (13484). Topically, anise can cause contact dermatitis, rhinitis, and asthma (31319,31341). Contact dermatitis and cheilitis have also been reported following the use of toothpaste containing anethole, a constituent of anise (31403,31528).
...Orally, diluted eucalyptus oil is generally well tolerated, but the undiluted oil can cause toxicity.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Orally: Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
Topically: Burning, itching, redness, stinging.
Serious Adverse Effects (Rare):
Orally: Signs of toxicity can occur with the undiluted oil at doses as low as 1 mL and include central nervous system depression, shallow respiration, rapid pulse, apnea, coma, and death.
Topically: Prolonged exposure or large amounts of eucalyptus oil can cause agitation, ataxia, drowsiness, muscle weakness, seizures, and slurred speech. The risk of toxicity may be greater in children.
Inhalation (as aromatherapy): Seizures.
Cardiovascular ...Orally, one case of premature ventricular contractions has been reported in a previously healthy 29-year-old male who ingested approximately one ounce of eucalyptus oil (48983).
Dermatologic ...Topically, eucalyptus pollen, leaves, oil, and the constituent eucalyptol can cause contact dermatitis in sensitive people (13303,48931,92856,92858,92859,98497). In some cases, symptoms respond to treatment with topical corticosteroids and tacrolimus (92856). In one case report, transient local redness, burning, and irritation was reported in a 4-year-old child who was bathed in water containing eucalyptus oil. The symptoms resolved within one hour of rinsing the skin with clear water (48983). In a clinical study, treatment with a combination of eucalyptus oil and lemon tea tree oil caused burning, redness, itching, or stinging in up to 20% of the patients. Stinging usually resolved within 10 minutes of application and redness within 30 minutes (19188,98492).
Gastrointestinal ...Orally, eucalyptus oil can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea (48983,48993,48995). Abdominal pain has been reported in a trial of the eucalyptus constituent eucalyptol for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (48936).
...A case of IgE-mediated exacerbation of asthma and rhinitis symptoms has been reported in a patient who consumed eucalyptus.
Similar worsening of symptoms occurred when the patient inhaled eucalyptus pollen (48957).
Occupational exposure to eucalyptus may cause allergic dermatitis (98497).
...Orally, eucalyptus oil can cause central nervous system depression, coma, and status epilepticus (12867,48946,48983).
Topically, orally, and by inhalation, eucalyptus oil has been associated with seizures. A systematic review describes the characteristics of 49 children and 61 adults with seizures associated with various routes of administration. Patients with no seizure history were classified as a eucalyptus oil-induced seizure (EOIS), while patients with a history of seizure or susceptibility to seizure were defined as a eucalyptus oil-provoked seizure (EOPS). In EOIS cases, topical use was reported in 74%, inhalation in 22.5%, and ingestion in 3.5%; for EOPS cases, topical use was reported in 79%, inhalation in 16%, and ingestion in 5%. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures are the most prominent type of seizure in EOIS cases (96%). Among EOPS patients, 37% had focal onset motor seizures with impaired awareness, 24% had focal onset aware motor seizures, 13% had focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures, and 26% had generalized onset tonic-clonic seizures (107494). One prospective observational study that was included in this systematic review provided additional details on eucalyptus-induced seizures. This study included 18 reports of EOIS and 28 reports of EOPS in adults and children after topical or inhaled use of eucalyptus oil, either alone or in combination with camphor. The time to seizure onset was 0.5-48 hours after topical application, 2-30 minutes after inhalation, and 0.5-6 hours after ingestion. (105028).
One prospective observational study and one case series have described 20 case reports of seizures occurring in children after ingestion of eucalyptus oil. Most of these seizures are generalized tonic-clonic in nature, occur 15-30 minutes after exposure, and do not reoccur following the discontinuation of eucalyptus oil. Seizures have been reported with both overdoses and therapeutic doses (107493,107495) and include cases of both EOIS and EOPS (107495). Additionally, children appear more likely to require intensive care and mechanical ventilation when compared with adult cases (107494).
A case of fever and headache has been reported in a patient who routinely applied a teaspoon of gel containing eucalyptus extract in his throat or nose to treat sore throat or rhinitis (48946).
...Orally and topically, holy basil extract seems to be well tolerated.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Orally: Loose stools and nausea.
Topically: Bitter taste with oral application.
...Orally, two out of 24 participants taking capsules containing holy basil extract in one clinical study experienced nausea or loose stools (55037).
Topically, holy basil mouthwash has been reported to cause a bitter taste in clinical trials (55038).
...Orally and topically, juniper seems to be generally well tolerated when used short-term in low doses.
However, a thorough evaluation of safety outcomes has not been conducted.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Topically: Allergies, skin irritation.
Dermatologic ...Topically, juniper can cause skin irritation. Signs of topical poisoning include burning, erythema, inflammation with blisters, and edema (4). Repeated exposure to the juniper pollen can cause occupational allergies that affect the skin (6). In a case report, a 62-year-old woman developed burn-like blistering lesions after carrying juniper in close contact to her skin. Concurrent sun exposure was thought to worsen the skin irritation caused by juniper (103756).
Genitourinary ...Orally, large amounts of the juniper berry can cause purplish urine (4).
Pulmonary/Respiratory ...Repeated exposure to the juniper pollen can cause occupational allergies that affect the respiratory tract (6).
...Orally, kava seems to be well tolerated.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Orally: Drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness, gastrointestinal upset, headache, memory problems, tremor.
Serious Adverse Effects (Rare):
Orally: There have been over 100 reported cases of hepatotoxicity and a few reported cases of rhabdomyolysis.
Cardiovascular ...Long-term use of very large amounts of kava, especially in high doses (400 mg kava pyrones daily), has been associated with overall poor health including symptoms of low body weight, reduced protein levels, puffy face, hematuria, increased red blood cell volume, decreased platelets and lymphocytes, and possibly pulmonary hypertension (4032,6402). Tachycardia and electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities (tall P waves) have been reported in heavy kava users (6402).
Dermatologic ...Orally, kava can cause allergic skin reactions, including sebotropic eruptions, delayed-type hypersensitivity, or urticarial eruption (4032,11370,28489,57277,57325,57343,114683). In one case of kava-associated urticarial eruption, biopsy revealed neutrophilic sebaceous glands with lymphocytic infiltrate (114683). Chronic use of high doses of kava has also been associated with kava dermopathy, which consists of reddened eyes; dry, scaly, flaky skin; and temporary yellow discoloration of the skin, hair, and nails (6240,6401,8414,8417,11370,28485,57342). This pellagra-like syndrome is unresponsive to niacinamide treatment (6240,7728,11370). The cause is unknown, but may relate to interference with cholesterol metabolism (6240). Kava's adverse effects on liver function might also contribute to kava dermopathy (6401,8417). Kava dermopathy usually occurs within three months to one year of regular kava use, and resolves when the kava dose is decreased or discontinued (6401,8414). Kava dose should be decreased or discontinued if kava dermopathy occurs (6401). In addition to kava cessation, oral or topical corticosteroids have been described as treatment options in some cases of kava associated dermatitis (114683).
Gastrointestinal ...Orally, kava may cause gastrointestinal upset, nausea, or dry mouth (2093,2094,4032,11370,18316,57228,57343).
Hematologic ...Orally, chronic use of very high doses of kava has been associated with increased red blood cell volume, reduced platelet volume, reduced lymphocyte counts, and reduced serum albumin (6402,57258). Hematuria has also been reported anecdotally (6402).
...Since the early 2000's, hepatotoxicity has been a particular concern with kava.
Worldwide, there have been at least 100 reported cases of hepatotoxicity following use of kava products (7024,7068,7086,7096,11795,17086)(57252,57254,57297). However, some experts question the clinical validity of several of these cases (11369,11371). Some cases were reported multiple times and in some cases it was unlikely that kava was the causative agent (7068,57253).
In susceptible patients, symptoms can show up after as little as 3-4 weeks of kava use. Symptoms include yellowed skin (jaundice), fatigue, and dark urine (7024,7068). Liver function tests can be elevated after 3-8 weeks of use, possibly followed by hepatomegaly and onset of encephalopathy (7024). Kava has also been reported to exacerbate hepatitis in patients with a history of recurrent hepatitis (390). However, in many cases, symptoms seem to resolve spontaneously, and liver function tests usually normalize within eight weeks (390,7068).
Liver toxicity is more frequently associated with prolonged use of very high doses (6401,57346). But there is some concern that even short-term use of kava in typical doses might cause acute hepatitis in some patients, including severe hepatocellular necrosis. The use of kava for as little as 1-3 months has resulted in need for liver transplant and death, although these events are rare (7024,7068,7086,7096,17086).
There is some speculation that the type of extraction method could be responsible for these rare cases of hepatotoxicity (17086). The "Pacific kava paradox" holds that while the alcohol and acetone extracts of kava used for commercial products cause liver toxicity, the traditional kava rhizome preparation mixed with water might not be toxic (11794,17086). However, a more recent analysis reports cases of hepatotoxicity from the aqueous kava extract and suggests that kava's hepatotoxic effects may be due to contaminants such as mold (29676). Other suggested causes of hepatotoxicity include quality of the kava plant, concomitant medications, large doses and prolonged use, and toxic constituents and metabolites of kava (57300,88532).
Some commercial kava extracts contain parts of the stems and other aerial parts in addition to the rhizome, and it has been suggested that a constituent called pipermethysine, which is only found in these aerial parts, might be partly responsible for hepatotoxicity (17086). Other constituents of kava which might contribute to hepatotoxicity are kavalactones, which are metabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYP450) enzymes in the liver. Reactive metabolites are produced which conjugate with glutathione, and might deplete glutathione in a similar manner to acetaminophen (17086). Increased levels of gamma-glutamyl transferase, involved in the production of glutathione, have been reported in chronic kava users (17086). One of the enzymes involved in production of reactive metabolites from kavalactones is cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1), which is induced by chronic alcohol intake. Alcohol may also compete for other enzymes which clear kavalactone metabolites from the body. This might explain the observation that alcohol ingestion seems to increase the risk of hepatotoxicity with kava (7068,17086).
There is also speculation that "poor metabolizers" or those patients with deficiency in the cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) isoenzyme, which occurs in up to 10% of people of European descent, may be at increased risk for hepatotoxic effects from kava (7068). This deficiency has not been found in Pacific Islanders. However, this theory has not been confirmed.
Due to the concerns regarding the potential hepatotoxicity of kava, kava supplements were withdrawn from European and Canadian markets in 2002 (7086). However, many of the market withdrawals of kava have been lifted after re-evaluation of kava suggested that the risk of hepatotoxicity was minimal (91593,91594,91615). Still, clinical practice guidelines from a joint taskforce of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) and the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) recommend exercising caution when using kava in patients with preexisting liver issues (110318). Until more is known, tell patients to use kava cautiously and recommend liver function tests for routine users or those with underlying liver disease.
Immunologic ...Sjögren syndrome has been associated with an herbal supplement containing kava, echinacea, and St. John's wort. Echinacea may have been the primary cause, because Sjögren syndrome is an autoimmune disorder. The role of kava in this syndrome is unclear (10319).
...Kava has been linked with reports of rhabdomyolysis.
A 34-year-old man who consumed kava tea several times a week developed rhabdomyolysis with a peak creatine kinase level of 32,500 units/liter (18212). However, there is speculation that this might have been due to product impurities rather than kava itself. Another case report describes rhabdomyolysis with myoglobinuria and a creatine kinase level of 100,500 units/liter in a 29-year-old man who had taken kava in combination with guarana and ginkgo biloba (18213).
Cases of ataxia and tremors have been reported in patients taking single doses of kava powder 205 grams (11373).
...Orally, kava may cause headache, dizziness, and drowsiness (4032,6402,11370,11372,11373,18316,112642).
It might also cause extrapyramidal side effects such as involuntary oral and lingual reflexes, twisting movements of the head and trunk, tremors, and other parkinsonian-like symptoms possibly due to dopamine antagonism (534,4055,7727,8415,102086). In one clinical trial, patients taking a kava supplement providing 120 mg of kavalactones twice daily for 16 weeks had a 3.2-fold greater risk of experiencing tremors when compared with patients taking placebo (102086). Theoretically, kava may worsen symptoms in patients with Parkinson disease or precipitate Parkinson-like symptoms in certain patients (4055,7727). Unlike benzodiazepines, kava is not thought to be associated with impaired cognitive function (2097,2098,11373,57332,57333). However, one clinical trial shows that taking a kava supplement providing 120 mg of kavalactones twice daily for 16 weeks increases the risk for memory impairment by 55% when compared with placebo (102086).
Orally, kava may reduce alertness and impair motor coordination in a dose-dependent manner. Some preliminary reports have noted a decline in accuracy of visual attention and slower reaction times after kava ingestion, particularly at higher doses and in combination with alcohol (11373,95926). Population research has also found that ingesting large amounts of kava tea (typically 50 times higher than what is used medicinally in the US) within a 12-hour period before driving increases the odds of being involved in a serious motor vehicle crash resulting in death or serious injury by almost 5-fold when compared to not drinking kava tea (95927). Use of normal doses of kava may also affect the ability to drive or operate machinery, and driving under the influence (DUI) citations have been issued to individuals observed driving erratically after drinking large amounts of kava tea (535). However, in computer-based driving simulator tests, there are no reported adverse effects of kava on performance (95926). Additionally, other research shows that consuming over 4400 mg of kavalactones over a 6-hour kava session does not seem to impair alertness or attention when compared with non-kava drinkers (103867). Similar research using a specific psychometric tool (Brain Gauge) shows that consuming approximately 3680 mg of kavalactones in a 6-hour kava session seems to impair temporal order judgment, which is associated with the brain's ability to track the order of events, when compared with non-kava drinkers. However, it does not seem to impact cognitive domains related to focus, accuracy, timing perception, plasticity, or fatigue when compared with non-kava drinkers (110435).
Ocular/Otic ...Orally, high doses of kava may cause eye irritation (7728). There is one case report of impaired accommodation and convergence, increased pupil diameter, and oculomotor disturbance following a single dose of kava (9920).
Psychiatric ...Apathy has been associated with traditional use of kava at high doses (57313).
Pulmonary/Respiratory ...Orally, kava may cause shortness of breath, possibly due to pulmonary hypertension (6402).
Renal ...Orally, kava may cause acute urinary retention (57349).
...Orally and intravaginally, kudzu seems to be well tolerated.
Serious Adverse Effects (Rare):
Orally: Elevated liver transaminases.
Cardiovascular ...Orally, side effects of kudzu reported in clinical trials have included palpitations and chest discomfort; however, these effects did not occur more frequently than with placebo (57924,57927).
Dermatologic ...Orally, a side effect of kudzu reported in one clinical trial has included urticaria; however, this effect did not occur more frequently than with placebo (57924). There is one case report of allergic reaction following use of a combination herbal product (Kakkonto) containing kudzu involving a maculopapular eruption starting on the thighs and spreading over the entire body (13111,57886).
Gastrointestinal ...Orally, some side effects of kudzu reported in clinical trials have included nausea, dyspepsia, and bloating; however, these effects did not occur more frequently than with placebo (57927,57942).
Genitourinary ...Intravaginally, irritation of the vulva has been reported with kudzu gel. These cases were generally mild and transient (110702).
Hematologic ...Intravenously, the kudzu derivative, puerarin, has caused intravascular hemolysis (13298,15025,57947).
Hepatic ...Orally, there are several cases reports of liver injury following use of kudzu involving elevated aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels (88777,92260).
Neurologic/CNS ...Orally, a side effect of kudzu reported in one clinical trial has included dizziness; however, this effect did not occur more frequently than with placebo (57924).
Other ...Orally, a side effect of kudzu reported in one clinical trial has included mastodynia; however, this effect did not occur more frequently than with placebo (57942).
...Orally, lemon balm seems to be well tolerated in food amounts and larger, medicinal amounts.
Topically, lemon balm seems to be well tolerated.
Serious Adverse Effects (Rare):
Orally: Wheezing has been rarely reported.
Cardiovascular ...Orally, a case of transient complete atrioventricular block and QT prolongation is reported in a 25-year-old female following the post-workout use of a specific product (Muscle Eze Advanced) containing lemon balm and several other ingredients. Symptoms of fatigue and lightheadedness started 1 week into use of the product. Product discontinuation led to restoration of normal sinus rhythm within 24 hours and normalization of the electrocardiogram within 2 weeks (112556). It is unclear whether this occurrence is due to lemon balm, other ingredients, or the combination.
Dermatologic ...Topically, lemon balm 1% cream applied 5 times daily to cold sores has been associated with two cases of irritation and one case of cold sore exacerbation. However, these effects do not appear to occur more often with lemon balm than with placebo (790).
Gastrointestinal ...Orally, lemon balm might increase appetite in some patients (91732,104433). Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain have been reported rarely and do not seem to occur more often than in patients taking placebo (9993).
Neurologic/CNS ...Orally, lemon balm has been reported to cause dizziness and sedation; however, it does not seem to occur more often with lemon balm than placebo (9993,104433). Additionally, other clinical research shows that using lemon balm in conjunction with alcohol does not affect reaction time or influence cognitive performance (19427,19723).
Pulmonary/Respiratory ...Orally, lemon balm has been associated with rare cases of wheezing (9993).
...Orally, licorice is generally well tolerated when used in amounts commonly found in foods.
It seems to be well tolerated when licorice products that do not contain glycyrrhizin (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) are used orally and appropriately for medicinal purposes or when used topically, short-term.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Orally: Headache, nausea, and vomiting.
Topically: Contact dermatitis.
Intravenously: Diarrhea, itching, nausea, and rash.
Serious Adverse Effects (Rare):
Orally: Case reports have raised concerns about acute renal failure, cardiac arrest, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, hypokalemia, muscle weakness, paralysis, pseudohyperaldosteronism, and seizure associated with long-term use or large amounts of licorice containing glycyrrhizin.
...Orally, excessive licorice ingestion can lead to pseudohyperaldosteronism, which can precipitate cardiovascular complications such as hypertension and hypertensive crisis, ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia, sinus pause, and cardiac arrest.
These effects are due to the licorice constituent glycyrrhizin and usually occur when 20-30 grams or more of licorice product is consumed daily for several weeks (781,15590,15592,15594,15596,15597,15599,15600,16835,97213) (104563,108574,108576,110305,112234). In one case report, an 89-year-old female taking an herbal medicine containing licorice experienced a fatal arrhythmia secondary to licorice-induced hypokalemia. The patient presented to the hospital with recurrent syncope, weakness, and fatigue for 5 days after taking an herbal medicine containing licorice for 2 months. Upon admission to the hospital, the patient developed seizures, QT prolongation, and ventricular arrhythmia requiring multiple defibrillations. Laboratory tests confirmed hypokalemia and pseudohyperaldosteronism (112234).
However, people with cardiovascular or kidney conditions may be more sensitive, so these adverse events may occur with doses as low as 5 grams of licorice product or glycyrrhizin 100 mg daily (15589,15593,15598,15600,59726). A case report in a 54-year-old male suggests that malnutrition might increase the risk of severe adverse effects with excessive licorice consumption. This patient presented to the emergency room with cardiac arrest and ventricular fibrillation after excessive daily consumption of licorice for about 3 weeks. This caused pseudohyperaldosteronism and then hypokalemia, leading to cardiovascular manifestations. In spite of resuscitative treatment, the patient progressed to kidney failure, refused dialysis, and died shortly thereafter (103791).
...There have been reports of contact allergy, resulting in an itchy reddish eruption, occurring in patients that applied cosmetic products containing oil-soluble licorice extracts (59912).
There have also been at least 3 cases of allergic contact dermatitis reported with the topical application of glycyrrhizin-containing products to damaged skin. In one case report, a 31-year-old female with acne presented with a 2-year history of pruritic erythematous-scaly plaques located predominantly on the face and neck after the use of a cosmetic product containing licorice root extract 1%. The patient had a positive skin patch test to licorice root extract, leading the clinicians to hypothesize that the use of benzoyl peroxide, a strong irritant, might have sensitized the patient to licorice (108578). Burning sensation, itching, redness, and scaling were reported rarely in patients applying a combination of licorice, calendula, and snail secretion filtrate to the face. The specific role of licorice is unclear (110322).
In rare cases, the glycyrrhizin constituent of licorice has caused rash and itching when administered intravenously (59712).
...Orally, excessive licorice ingestion can cause a syndrome of apparent mineralocorticoid excess, or pseudohyperaldosteronism, with sodium and water retention, increased urinary potassium loss, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis due to its glycyrrhizin content (781,10619,15591,15592,15593,15594,15595,15596,15597,15598)(15600,16057,16835,25659,25660,25673,25719,26439,59818,59822)(59832,59864,91722,104563,108568,108574,110305,112234).
These metabolic abnormalities can lead to hypertension, edema, EKG changes, fatigue, syncope, arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, headache, lethargy, muscle weakness, dropped head syndrome (DHS), rhabdomyolysis, myoglobinuria, paralysis, encephalopathy, respiratory impairment, hyperparathyroidism, and acute kidney failure (10393,10619,15589,15590,15593,15594,15596,15597,15599)(15600,16057,16835,25660,25673,25719,26439,31562,59709,59716)(59720,59740,59787,59820,59826,59882,59889,59900,91722,97214,100522) (104563,108576,108577). These effects are most likely to occur when 20-30 grams of licorice products containing glycyrrhizin 400 mg or more is consumed daily for several weeks (781,15590,15592,15594,15596,15597,15599,15600,16835,108574). However, some people may be more sensitive, especially those with hypertension, diabetes, heart problems, or kidney problems (15589,15593,15598,15600,59726,108576,108577) and even low or moderate consumption of licorice may cause hypertensive crisis or hypertension in normotensive individuals (1372,97213). The use of certain medications with licorice may also increase the risk of these adverse effects (108568,108577). One case report determined that the use of large doses of licorice in an elderly female stabilized on fludrocortisone precipitated hypokalemia and hypertension, requiring inpatient treatment (108568). Another case report describes severe hypokalemia necessitating intensive care treatment due to co-ingestion of an oral glycyrrhizin-specific product and hydrochlorothiazide for 1 month (108577). Glycyrrhetinic acid has a long half-life, a large volume of distribution, and extensive enterohepatic recirculation. Therefore, it may take 1-2 weeks before hypokalemia resolves (781,15595,15596,15597,15600). Normalization of the renin-aldosterone axis and blood pressure can take up to several months (781,15595,108568). Treatment typically includes the discontinuation of licorice, oral and intravenous potassium supplementation, and short-term use of aldosterone antagonists, such as spironolactone (108574,108577).
Chewing tobacco flavored with licorice has also been associated with toxicity. Chewing licorice-flavored tobacco, drinking licorice tea, or ingesting large amounts of black licorice flavored jelly beans or lozenges has been associated with hypertension and suppressed renin and aldosterone levels (12671,12837,97214,97215,97217,108574). One case report suggests that taking a combination product containing about 100 mg of licorice and other ingredients (Jintan, Morishita Jintan Co.) for many decades may be associated with hypoaldosteronism, even up to 5 months after discontinuation of the product (100522). In another case report, licorice ingestion led to hyperprolactinemia in a female (59901). Licorice-associated hypercalcemia has also been noted in a case report (59766).
Gastrointestinal ...Nausea and vomiting have been reported rarely following oral use of deglycyrrhizinated licorice (25694,59871). Intravenously, the glycyrrhizin constituent of licorice has rarely caused gastric discomfort, diarrhea, or nausea (59712,59915).
Immunologic ...There have been reports of contact allergy, resulting in an itchy reddish eruption, occurring in patients that applied cosmetic products containing oil-soluble licorice extracts (59912). There have also been at least 3 cases of allergic contact dermatitis reported with the topical application of glycyrrhizin-containing products to damaged skin. In one case report, a 31-year-old female with acne presented with a 2-year history of pruritic erythematous-scaly plaques located predominantly on the face and neck after the use of a cosmetic product containing licorice root extract 1%. The patient had a positive skin patch test to licorice root extract, leading the clinicians to hypothesize that the use of benzoyl peroxide, a strong irritant, might have sensitized the patient to licorice (108578).
Musculoskeletal ...In a case report, excessive glycyrrhizin-containing licorice consumption led to water retention and was thought to trigger neuropathy and carpal tunnel syndrome (59791).
Neurologic/CNS ...Orally, licorice containing larger amounts of glycyrrhizin may cause headaches. A healthy woman taking glycyrrhizin 380 mg daily for 2 weeks experienced a headache (59892). Intravenously, the glycyrrhizin constituent of licorice has rarely caused headaches or fatigue (59721). In a case report, licorice candy ingestion was associated with posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome accompanied by a tonic-clonic seizure (97218).
Ocular/Otic ...Orally, consuming glycyrrhizin-containing licorice 114-909 grams has been associated with transient visual loss (59714).
Pulmonary/Respiratory ...Orally, large amounts of licorice might lead to pulmonary edema. In one case report, a 64-year old male consumed 1020 grams of black licorice (Hershey Twizzlers) containing glycyrrhizin 3.6 grams over 3 days, which resulted in pulmonary edema secondary to pseudohyperaldosteronism (31561). Intravenously, the glycyrrhizin constituent of licorice has caused cold or flu-like symptoms, although these events are not common (59712,59721).
General ...Orally, lobelia can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, dizziness, tremors, and throat irritation. These adverse effects have been reported with doses as low as 50 mg (4,16414). Lobelia leaf can cause toxicity when taken in doses of 600 mg or higher. Symptoms of lobelia toxicity include sweating, tachycardia, convulsions, hypothermia, hypotension, coma, and death (4,11).
Cardiovascular ...Orally, high doses of lobelia leaf can cause toxicity. Symptoms of lobelia toxicity include tachycardia, hypotension, and death (4,11).
Gastrointestinal ...Orally, lobelia can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and throat irritation (4,16414).
Neurologic/CNS ...Orally, lobelia can cause dizziness and tremors. High doses of lobelia leaf can cause toxicity. Symptoms of lobelia toxicity include convulsions, coma, and death (4,11).
Pulmonary/Respiratory ...Orally, lobelia can cause coughing and throat irritation (4,16414).
Other ...Orally, high doses of lobelia leaf can cause toxicity resulting in death. Toxicity has been reported to occur at doses as low as 600 mg, with doses of 4000 mg or more considered to be fatal (4,11).
General ...Orally and topically, no adverse effects have been reported. However, a thorough evaluation of safety outcomes has not been conducted.
General ...Information regarding the adverse effects of mullein is limited. A thorough evaluation of safety outcomes has not been conducted.
Dermatologic ...Two case reports have described dermatitis, with positive patch tests, after topical exposure to the whole plant, or by occupational inhalation of plant dust (92839,97316). In the case of topical exposure, the patient also had positive patch tests to other plants.
...Orally, oats are well tolerated.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Orally: Abdominal distension, bloating, flatulence, and unpleasant taste.
Topically: Burning, contact dermatitis, itching, and redness.
Dermatologic ...Topically, oat-containing preparations can cause contact dermatitis (12515). Redness, burning, and itchiness have also been reported (103340).
...When consumed orally, oats provide fiber.
Increasing fiber in the diet can cause flatulence, bloating, abdominal distention, and unpleasant taste. To minimize side effects, doses should be slowly titrated to the desired level. These adverse effects usually subside with continued use (12514).
In patients who have difficulty chewing food, or those with conditions that decrease small bowel motility, oat bran may cause bezoars (concretions) and intestinal obstruction. Oats and oat bran are unlikely to cause obstruction without other causative factors (4979,4985).
Immunologic ...In a case report, a 45-year-old male developed acute generalized urticaria, facial angioedema, and dyspnea immediately after consuming oat flour. The reaction resolved after emergency care for anaphylaxis. Further investigation revealed an IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reaction to oat proteins (113490).
...Orally, saw palmetto is well tolerated and adverse effects are mild, infrequent, and reversible.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Orally: Abdominal pain, constipation, decreased libido, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, headache, nausea, rhinitis, vomiting.
Cardiovascular ...Occasionally, cases of hypertension, postural hypotension, tachycardia, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, extrasystole, angiopathy, myocardial infarction, and congestive heart failure have been reported in patients using saw palmetto orally (6424,6484,6752,6772,17684,73388,89441). One case of severe bradycardia and second degree heart block was reported in a 64 year-old male taking an unknown amount of saw palmetto for a few weeks (96413).
Dermatologic ...A case report describes a 61-year-old male who developed a fixed drug eruption with localized blisters and erosions three days after starting oral saw palmetto. The lesions resolved when saw palmetto was stopped, but recurred when it was reintroduced six months later. Topical corticosteroid treatment was necessary and the patient was left with some residual hyperpigmented patches (104805). A combination of saw palmetto and beta-sitosterol has been associated with a single report of worsening acne (15550).
Endocrine ...Two case reports involving one 11-year-old female undergoing treatment for telogen effluvium and another 10-year-old female undergoing treatment for hirsutism, describe hot flashes and the onset of menarche associated with use of saw palmetto. One of these patients was consuming saw palmetto in a food supplement; the other was taking a supplement containing saw palmetto 320 mg daily (73361,96414). In both cases, the hot flashes resolved following treatment discontinuation. In one case, a rechallenge with saw palmetto caused a recurrence of hot flashes.
Gastrointestinal ...Gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, gastralgia, and halitosis are the most frequently reported adverse effects associated with saw palmetto (6484,6752,60442,73315,73320,73348,73354,73383,73385,73388,89441). Less often, cases of duodenal ulcer, dyspepsia, or heartburn have been reported (6772,73329,73354). Meteorism (intestinal gas accumulation) has also been reported with saw palmetto, although causality was unclear (60442).
Genitourinary ...Some clinicians are concerned that saw palmetto might cause erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory disturbance, or altered libido because of its potential effects on 5-alpha-reductase. Some preliminary clinical studies have reported sexual dysfunction, particularly ejaculatory dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, and reduced libido, in patients taking saw palmetto (5093,17202,17684,73383,89441). However, most of these patients were previously diagnosed with prostate disorders, so causality is unclear. Additionally, several clinical studies indicate that the occurrence of impotence in males taking saw palmetto is similar to placebo and tamsulosin (Flomax), and significantly less than finasteride (Proscar) (2732,6424,17306,107481). Rarely, cases of testicular pain, vesical tenesmus, and urinary tract infections have been reported in patients using saw palmetto extract orally (73388).
Hematologic ...Saw palmetto might have antiplatelet effects and potentially increase the risk of bleeding in some patients. There is one report of excessive intraoperative bleeding in a patient who took saw palmetto prior to surgery. Bleeding time normalized when saw palmetto was discontinued (8659). Also, one case of cerebral hemorrhage has been reported, but details are not available to determine causality (6772,73348). A case of retroperitoneal hematoma after bilateral inguinal hernia repair is reported in a male patient taking saw palmetto. The patient was discharged after a 3-day hospitalization in stable condition (112177).
Hepatic ...A case report describes a patient who developed acute hepatitis and pancreatitis while taking saw palmetto. Symptoms resolved when saw palmetto was discontinued, and reemerged upon re-challenge (14457). Other cases of acute hepatitis and pancreatitis, with elevated alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and bilirubin have been reported in patients using saw palmetto orally (14457,73350,73351).
Musculoskeletal ...Orally, saw palmetto may cause fatigue, weakness, muscle pain, and back pain, although these adverse events are rare (6424,73388,89441). A case of saw palmetto-related rhabdomyolysis was reported in an 82-year-old male presenting with kidney dysfunction, increased C-reactive protein levels, and elevated serum creatine kinase (73358).
Neurologic/CNS ...Orally, saw palmetto can cause headaches, dizziness, insomnia, and fatigue (6750,6752,6772,11354,60442,73348,73385,73388,89441).
Ocular/Otic ...A case of intraoperative floppy-iris syndrome (IFIS) has been reported in a patient using saw palmetto orally (73340). However, no statistically significant association between saw palmetto and IFIS was found in a case series of 660 patients undergoing cataract surgery (73347).
Pulmonary/Respiratory ...Rhinitis is one of the more commonly reported adverse effects of saw palmetto (73348). One patient taking saw palmetto extract 160 mg twice daily reported "breathlessness" (73388). Two cases of respiratory depression have been reported in patients using saw palmetto extract (Permixon) 320 mg (6772).