Ingredients | Not Present |
750 mg |
Acacia Gum, White Rice Bran
Below is general information about the effectiveness of the known ingredients contained in the product Damiana Extract 750 mg. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
Below is general information about the safety of the known ingredients contained in the product Damiana Extract 750 mg. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally in amounts commonly found in foods. Damiana has Generally Recognized As Safe status (GRAS) for use in foods in the US (4912).
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when used orally and appropriately in medicinal amounts (12,46933,11866).
Insufficient reliable information available; avoid using.
Below is general information about the interactions of the known ingredients contained in the product Damiana Extract 750 mg. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
Theoretically, taking damiana with antidiabetes drugs might increase the risk of hypoglycemia.
Below is general information about the adverse effects of the known ingredients contained in the product Damiana Extract 750 mg. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
General ...Orally, adverse effects to damiana seem to be rare; however, a thorough safety evaluation has not been conducted.
Neurologic/CNS ...Orally, 200 grams of damiana extract has caused tetanus-like convulsions and paroxysms resulting in symptoms similar to rabies or strychnine poisoning (4).