Ingredients | Amount Per Serving |
5 Calorie(s) |
Total Carbohydrates
1 Gram(s) |
Total Sugars
1 Gram(s) |
Added Sugars
1 Gram(s) |
(2,000 USP units/mg)
28 mg |
(Aspergillus oryzae)
24 mg |
(Aspergillus oryzae)
24 mg |
( papaya )
(non-GMO papaya)
22 mg |
Fructose, Mannitol, Cellulose, Stearic Acid, Starch, Maltodextrin, Glycine, Papaya Flavor, Natural, Magnesium Stearate (Alt. Name: Mg Stearate), Silica, Pineapple Flavor, Natural
Below is general information about the effectiveness of the known ingredients contained in the product Tropical Papaya. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
Proteolytic enzymes represent a wide group of enzymes that are used alone or in combination. See specific monographs for effectiveness information.
Below is general information about the safety of the known ingredients contained in the product Tropical Papaya. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally in amounts commonly found in foods. Papain has Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status in the US (4912).
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when used orally and appropriately for medicinal purposes, short-term. Papain has been used in combination with other proteolytic enzymes at a dose of up to 1200 mg daily for up to 9 weeks (964,965,968,67831,67834). ...when used topically as a diluted solution in appropriate doses for up to 20 minutes (67835,67843,67845).
POSSIBLY UNSAFE ...when used orally in large amounts. In excessive doses, papain can cause significant side effects including esophageal perforation (6). ...when raw papain is used topically. Raw papain or papaya latex is a severe irritant and vesicant (6).
when used orally.
There is some concern that crude papain is teratogenic and embryotoxic (6).
Insufficient reliable information available; avoid using.
LIKELY SAFE ...when the ripe fruit is used orally in amounts commonly found in foods. Papaya has Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status in the US (4912).
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when the leaf extract is used orally and appropriately in medicinal amounts, short term. The leaf extract has been used with apparent safety in doses of up to 3300 mg daily for up to 5 days (102799,102800). ...when the ripe fruit is used topically and appropriately, short term. The fruit has been applied with apparent safety to the gingiva or skin for up to 10 days (93090,93091).
POSSIBLY UNSAFE ...when the unripe fruit containing papaya latex and raw papain is used orally. Raw papain has been reported to cause esophageal perforation (6,93083). ...when papaya latex is used topically. Papaya latex, which contains raw papain, is a severe irritant and vesicant (6).
when the ripe fruit is consumed in amounts commonly found in foods.
when the unripe fruit containing papaya latex is used orally; avoid using.
There is some concern that crude papain, a constituent of papaya latex, is teratogenic and embryotoxic (6); however, this might be due to extraneous substances rather than papain (11). Some evidence also suggests that high doses of papaya seed extract have abortifacient activity and can adversely affect fetal development (67870). Theoretically, eating large amounts of papaya seeds may have similar effects.
when the ripe fruit is consumed in amounts commonly found in foods.
There is insufficient reliable information available about the safety of using papaya medicinally; avoid using.
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when used orally and appropriately. Various proteolytic enzymes have been safely used orally in clinical research (716,964,965,968,969,6252,6253,10622,11457,18281,18284) (91104,91105,91106,91111,96449). Side effects are typically mild to moderate and most often include gastrointestinal effects. See specific monographs for more detailed information related to the safety of individual proteolytic enzymes. ...when used topically and appropriately. Various proteolytic enzymes have been safely used topically in clinical research (67835,67843,67845,91113). Some proteolytic enzymes might cause allergic reactions when used topically. See specific monographs for more detailed information related to the safety of individual proteolytic enzymes.
Insufficient reliable information available; avoid using.
Below is general information about the interactions of the known ingredients contained in the product Tropical Papaya. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
Theoretically, papain might increase the effects and side effects of warfarin.
In one case report, a patient previously stable on warfarin was found to have an international normalization ratio (INR) of 7.4, which was attributed to ingestion of a supplement containing papain from papaya extract (613).
Theoretically, papaya extract may increase the levels and clinical effects of amiodarone.
Animal research in rats shows that a single oral dose of papaya extract, as well as multiple doses of papaya extract daily over 14 days, prior to a single dose of amiodarone delays the time to maximum amiodarone concentration. However, only the 14-day papaya extract regimen increases systemic amiodarone exposure by 60% to 70% (93093). This interaction has not been reported in humans.
Concomitant use of antidiabetic drugs with fermented papaya can produce additive effects. It is unclear if other forms of papaya have the same effect.
A small low-quality clinical study in patients with type 2 diabetes who are taking glibenclamide shows that taking a fermented papaya preparation 3 grams daily for 2 months decreases fasting and postprandial blood glucose levels when compared to baseline. Additionally, of the 25 patients in the study, 9 required a reduction in glibenclamide dose (67902).
Theoretically, consuming large quantities of papaya fruit can reduce the clinical effects of levothyroxine.
In one case-report, a 37-year-old male with a history of thyroidectomy who was stabilized on levothyroxine for 5 years presented with hypothyroidism after consuming 5-6 papaya fruits daily for 14 days during vacation. In a controlled re-challenge test involving 5-6 papayas daily, the patient remained euthyroid for 7 days, but developed mild hypothyroidism after 14 days. Both times, thyroid levels normalized 40-45 days after discontinuing papaya (93087).
Theoretically, concomitant use of warfarin with papain-containing papaya extract might increase the effects and side effects of warfarin.
In one case report, a patient previously stable on warfarin was found to have an international normalization ratio (INR) of 7.4, which was attributed to ingestion of a supplement containing papain from papaya extract (613).
Below is general information about the adverse effects of the known ingredients contained in the product Tropical Papaya. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
...Orally and topically, papain seems to be well tolerated when used short-term at appropriate doses.
Taking high oral doses may be unsafe.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Orally: Allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.
Topically: Urticaria and pruritus in sensitive individuals.
Serious Adverse Effects (Rare):
Orally: Esophageal perforation and severe gastritis with high doses.
Dermatologic ...Topically, papain can cause itching (966). Urticarial reactions and itching have been reported in people occupationally exposed to papain, with papain confirmed as the causative agent by skin prick tests or radioallergosorbent tests (RAST) (95533,95534). In a randomized controlled trial assessing the effects of papain, trypsin, and chymotrypsin on adverse effects from radiotherapy, moderate to severe epitheliolysis was more frequent in the enzyme-treated group than the placebo group (67834). It is unclear if this adverse effect is due to papain, other enzymes, or the combination.
Gastrointestinal ...Orally, papain has been associated with diarrhea. In a randomized controlled trial assessing the effects of papain, trypsin, and chymotrypsin on adverse effects from radiotherapy, moderate to severe diarrhea was more frequent in the enzyme-treated group than the placebo group (67834). However, it is unclear if this adverse effect is due to papain, other enzymes, or the combination. Papain has also been associated with gastric ulcers and esophageal perforation in case reports of phytobezoars treated with papain (67848). In general, large amounts of papain can cause esophageal perforation (6). Ingestion of papaya latex (raw papain) can cause severe gastritis.
Genitourinary ...Orally, papain has been associated with hypernatremia in case reports of phytobezoars treated with papain (67848).
Immunologic ...Orally, papain may cause allergic reactions, including itchy watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, abdominal cramps, sweating, and diarrhea, in individuals sensitive to papain (6,967). Occupational exposure to airborne papain dust may also cause respiratory allergic reactions (95532,95533,95534,95535,95536).
Pulmonary/Respiratory ...Occupational exposure to airborne papain dust may cause respiratory allergic reactions. Symptoms include rhinitis, sneezing, conjunctivitis, dyspnea, wheezing, cough, and asthma. In most cases, papain is confirmed as the causative agent by skin prick tests, radioallergosorbent tests (RAST), or detection of papain-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) and IgG (95532,95533,95534,95535,95536).
...Orally, papaya fruit is well tolerated when consumed in food amounts.
Papaya leaf extract seems to be generally well tolerated.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Orally: Nausea and vomiting from papaya leaf extract.
Topically: Burning sensation from unripe papaya.
Serious Adverse Effects (Rare):
Orally: Severe allergic reactions.
...Orally, high doses of papaya might cause yellow skin discoloration.
A case of carotenemia has been reported for a 42-year-old female who consumed 1.5-2 papayas daily for 6 months. The condition resolved when she stopped eating papayas (67929).
Topically, unripe papaya fruit may cause occasional burning sensation when applied to skin ulcers (67856).
Gastrointestinal ...Orally, the leaf extract has been reported to cause nausea and vomiting in clinical research (102799). A case of esophageal perforation has been reported for a previously healthy 27-year-old female who used papain, a constituent of papaya latex, to digest a piece of meat stuck in her esophagus (93083).
Immunologic ...Orally, papain, a constituent of raw, unripe papaya, has been reported to cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals, including itchy watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, abdominal cramps, sweating, and diarrhea (6,967). Papaya may also cause hypersensitivity reactions such as systemic contact dermatitis, which occur more commonly in people who are allergic to latex (6197,7853,57635). A case of systemic contact dermatitis has been reported for a 55-year-old female with no prior history of atopic disease or drug allergy after ingesting a throat lozenge containing papaya juice (67942).
Other ...In regions with arsenic-contaminated soil, papaya fruits contain a higher mean concentration of arsenic compared with many other forms of vegetation grown in the regions. Eating papaya from these regions is thought to contribute to higher dietary levels of arsenic (32461,67879).
...Orally, proteolytic enzymes are generally well tolerated.
See specific monographs for detailed safety information related to individual proteolytic enzymes.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Orally: Gastrointestinal upset.
Serious Adverse Effects (Rare):
Topically: Allergic reactions.
Gastrointestinal ...Orally, some patients taking proteolytic enzymes may have gastrointestinal complaints (101517).
Immunologic ...Proteolytic enzymes are commonly found in laundry detergents and pre-spotter products. Rarely, protease specific IgE positive tests possibly related to these products have occurred. Exposure may be airborne or topical (102705). In addition, in case reports, occupational exposure to the airborne proteolytic enzyme pepsin has resulted in allergic rhinoconjunctivitis or asthma (102706,102707).