Health Center for Better Living
DHA-S Oil, DHA-T Oil,
High-Oleic Algal Oil,
High DHA Algal Triacylglycerol,
High EPA Algal Oil,
Microalgae Oil,
Single Cell Oil.
CAUTION: Algal oil …
Biofield therapies,
Energy healing,
Energy medicine,
Putative energy therapy,
Veritable energy therapy.
5-Methoxy-N-Acetyltryptamine, MEL, Melatonina, Mélatonine, MLT, N-Acétyl-5-Méthoxytryptamine, Pineal Hormone.
CAUTION: Melatonin should not be confused with a chemical with a similar name, known a…
2,2'-Bis(8-formyl-1,6,7-trihydroxy-5-isopropyl-3-methylnaphthalene), Coton Velu, Cotonnier Herbacé, Cottonseed Oil Extract, Extrait d'Huile de Coton, Gosipol, Karpasa.
CAUTION: Gossypol is sometim…
Cafe, Café, Café Arabica, Café Robusta, Coffea Cruda, Espresso, Expresso, Java, Mocha.
CAUTION: Do not confuse coffee with other products that also contain caffeine or are similarly named to coffe…
Arbre à Cola, Arbre à Kola, Bissey Nut, Bissy Nut, Bitter Kola, Guru Nut, Gworo, Kola Nut, Kolatier, Noix de Cola, Noix de Gourou, Noix de Kola, Noix du Kolatier, Noix de Soudan, Noix du Soudan, Nuez…
Arabica Green Coffee Beans, Café Marchand, Café Verde, Café Vert, Extrait de Café Vert, Extrait de Fève de Café Vert, Fèves de Café Vert, Fèves de Café Vert Arabica, Fèves…
Brazilian Cocoa, Cacao Brésilien, Guarana Seed Extract, Guaranine, Zoom.
CAUTION: Guarana should not be confused with Caffeine or other products that are sources of caffeine, such as Black Tea, Gr…
Arbre à Thé, Black Chinese Tea, Pu'Er, Sheng Pu-erh, Shou Pu-erh, Té Pu-erh, Tea, Thé Pu'Er, Thé Pu-Erh, Thé Puerh.
CAUTION: Do not confuse pu-erh tea with other types of tea, such as Black Tea, G…