Aceite de Onagra, Acide Cis-linoléique, Cis-Linoleic Acid, EPO, Evening Primrose Oil, Evening Primrose Seed Oil, Evening Star, Fever Plant, Herbe-aux-ânes, Huile de Graines d'Onagre, Huile D'Onagre, …
Adénosylcobalamine, B-12, B12, B Complex, B Complex Vitamin, Bedumil, Cobalamin, Cobalamin Enzyme, Cobalamine, Cobamamide, Cobamin, Cobamine, Coenzyme B12, Co-Enzyme B12, Coenzyme B-12, Co-Enzyme B-1…
11-hydroxy Yohimbine, Coryanthe Yohimbe, Corynanthe Johimbe, Johimbi, Yohimbehe, Yohimbehe Cortex, Yohimbine, Yohimbine HCl, Yohimbinum Muriaticum.
CAUTION: Yohimbe should not be confused with pla…
Bee Plant, Beebread, Borage Oil, Borage Seed Oil, Borago, Borraja, Bourrache, Bourrache Commune, Burage, Burrage, Common Borage, Common Bugloss, Cool Tankard, Feuille de Bourrache, Fleur de Bourrache…
American Mandrake, Citron Sauvage, Citronnier, Devil's Apple, Duck's Foot, Ground Lemon, Himalayan Mayapple, Hog Apple, Indian Apple, Indian Podophyllum, Ipécacuanha de la Caroline, Mandrake, Mayappl…
Aminocarnitine, Beta-hydroxyl-gamma-tributyl aminobutyrate, B(t) Factor, Carnitine, Carnitine Orotate, Carnitor, D-Carnitine, DL-Carnitine, Facteur B(t), L-b-hydroxy-c-N-trimethylaminobutyric acid, L…
Arbre à Oliban Indien, Boswella, Boswellin, Boswellin Serrata Resin, Encens Indien, Gajabhakshya, Indian Frankincense, Oliban Indien, Salai Guggal, Salai Guggul, Sallaki Guggul, Shallaki.
Common Periwinkle Extract,
Common Periwinkle Vinpocetine,
Eburnamenine-14-Carboxylic Acid,
Ethyl Apovincaminate, Ethylapovincaminoate,
Lesser Periwinkle Extract,
Altamisa, Bachelor's Buttons, Chrysanthème Matricaire, Featerfoiul, Featherfew, Featherfoil, Flirtwort Midsummer Daisy, Grande Camomille, Matricaria, Partenelle, Pyrèthre Doré, Pyrèthre Mousse, Santa…
18:3n-6, Acide Gammalinolénique, Acide Gamma-Linolénique, Ácido Gama Linolénico, AGL, Gammalinolenic Acid, Gamma Linolenic Acid, Gamolenic Acid, GLA, (Z,Z,Z)-Octadeca-6,9,12-trienoic acid