• Codonopsis
    Professional Monograph
    Bastard Ginseng, Bellflower, Bonnet Bellflower, Campanule à Bonnet, Chuan Dang, Codonopsis Modestae, Codonopsis Pilosula Modesta, Dangshen, Deodeok, Dong Seng, Ginseng Bâtard, Ginseng du Pauvre, Poor…
  • Iboga
    Professional Monograph
    Bois Sacré, Eboka.
  • Indian Snakeroot
    Professional Monograph
    Ajmaline, Alseroxylon, Arbre aux Serpents, Arbre de Serpents, Bois de Couleuvre, Chandra, Chandrika, Chota-Chand, Covanamilpori, Dhan-barua, Dhanburua, Dhanmarna, Java Devil-Pepper, Pagla-K…
  • Pregnenolone
    Professional Monograph
    Pregnenolona, Pregnénolone. CAUTION: Pregnenolone should not be confused with a related hormone, Progesterone, or with Wild Yam, which is sometimes used as a source of supplemental pregnenolone.
  • Ornithine
    Professional Monograph
    Chlorhydrate d'Ornithine, L-Ornithine, L-Ornithine HCl, L-Ornithine Hydrochloride, Ornithine HCl, Ornitina. CAUTION: Do not confuse ornithine with other salt forms, including Ornithine Ketoglutara…
  • Pantothenic Acid
    Professional Monograph
    Acide D-Pantothénique, Acide Pantothénique, Ácido Pantoténico, Alcool Pantothénylique, B Complex Vitamin, Calcii Pantothenas, Calcium D-Pantothenate, Calcium Pantothenate, Complexe de Vitamines B, D-…
  • Valerian
    Professional Monograph
    All-Heal, Amantilla, Baldrian, Baldrianwurzel, Belgium Valerian, Common Valerian, Fragrant Valerian, Garden Heliotrope, Garden Valerian, Grande Valériane, Guérit Tout, Herbe à la Femme Meurtrie, Herb…
  • Gotu Kola
    Professional Monograph
    Asiatic Pennywort, Brahma-Buti, Brahma-Manduki, Brahmi, Bua-Bok, Centella, Centella Asiática, Centella Asiatique, Centellase, Divya, Hydrocotyle, Hydrocotyle Asiatique, Hydrocotyle Indien, Indischer …
  • Glucomannan
    Professional Monograph
    Glucomanano, Glucomannane, Konjac, Konjac Mannan.
  • Garcinia
    Professional Monograph
    Acide Hydroxycitrique, AHC, Brindal Berry, Brindle Berry, Gorikapuli, HCA, Hydroxycitrate, Hydroxycitric Acid, Kankusta, Kudam puli, Malabar Tamarind, Tamarinier de Malabar, Vrikshamla. CAUTION: D…