B. Bifidum, Probiotic, Probiotique.
CAUTION: Bifidobacterium bifidum (B. bifidum) should not be confused with other Probiotics, or with fermented food products potentially containing live organism…
Bee Saliva, Bee Spit, Gelée Royale, Honey Bee Milk, Jalea Real, Lait des Abeilles, Royal Bee Jelly.
CAUTION: Royal jelly should not be confused with other bee products including Bee Pollen, Bee Ve…
Arctium, Bardana, Bardana-minor, Bardanae Radix, Bardane, Bardane Comestible, Bardane Géante, Bardane Majeure, Beggar's Buttons, Burdock Root Extract, Burr Seed, Clotbur, Cocklebur, Cockle Buttons, …
Casein-Derived Peptide,
Casein Glycomacropeptide,
Casein Glycopeptide,
Casein Macropeptide,
Caséinoglycomacropeptide ,
Acide Alpha-aminohydrocinnamique, Acide Isovalérique de Phénylalanine, Alpha-aminohydrocinnamic Acid, Beta-phenyl-alanine, Bêta-phenyl-alanine, DLPA, D-Phenylalanine, D-Phénylalanine, DL-Phenylalanin…
Curled Mint, Fish Mint, Garden Mint, Green Mint, Hierbabuena, Huile Essentielle de Menthe Verte, Lamb Mint, Mackerel Mint, Menta Verde, Menthe Crépue, Menthe Douce, Menthe à Épis, Menthe Frisée, Ment…
Black Leaf Tea,Chinese Tea, English Tea, Feuille de Thé Noir, Té Negro, Tea, Thé Anglais, Thé Noir, Theaflavin, Théaflavine.
CAUTION: Black Tea should not be confused with Caffeine or other produ…
Professional Monograph
Bean of India, Blue Lotus, Chinese Water Lily, East Indian Lotus, He Ye, Indian Lotus, Kamal, Lian Fang, Lian Xu, Lian Zi, Lian Zi Xin, Lotier, Loto, Lotus Bleu, Lotus d'Égypte, Lotus des Indes, Lotu…
2-Oxopentanedioic Acid-L-Ornithine,
ACO, Alpha-Cétoglutarate de L-Ornithine, Alpha-Cétoglutarate de L(+)-ornithine, Alpha-Cétoglutarate d'Ornithine, Cétoglutarate d'Ornithine, Di-Ornithine Alpha-Ket…
L. reuteri, Lactobacillus reuteri, Probiotic, Probiotique.
CAUTION: Limosilactobacillus reuteri (L. reuteri) should not be confused with other Probiotics, or with fermented food products potential…