• Cascara Sagrada
    Professional Monograph
    Aulne Noir, Bitter Bark, Bois Noir, Bois à Poudre, Borzène, Bourgène, Buckthorn, California Buckthorn, Cáscara, Cascara Sagrada, Chittem Bark, Dogwood Bark, Écorce Sacrée, Nerprun, Pastel Bourd, Purs…
  • Blond Psyllium
    Professional Monograph
    Balle de Psyllium, Blond Plantago, Blonde Psyllium, Che Qian Zi, Dietary Fiber, Englishman's Foot, Fibre Alimentaire, Indian Plantago, Ipágula, Isabgola, Isabgul, Ispaghul, Ispaghula, Ispagol, Pale P…
  • Comfrey
    Professional Monograph
    Ass Ear, Beinwellwurzel, Black Root, Blackwort, Bruisewort, Common Comfrey, Consolidae Radix, Consoude, Consoude Officinale, Consound, Consuelda, Grande Consoude, Gum Plant, Healing Herb, Herbe aux …
  • Ozone Therapy
    Professional Monograph
    Cure d'Ozone, Medical Ozone, Oxygen-Ozone Autohemotherapy, Oxygen Ozone Therapy, Ozonated Autohemotherapy, Ozone, Ozone Médical, Ozone Therapists, Ozone Treatment, Ozonetherapy, Oz…
  • Black Pepper
    Professional Monograph
    Black Peppercorn, Extrait de Poivre, Grain de Poivre, Hu Jiao, Kali Mirchi, Kosho, Marich, Maricha, Miris, Peber, Peper, Pepe, Peppar, Pepper, Pepper Extract, Peppercorn, Pfeffer, Pimenta, Pimienta, …
  • Phellodendron
    Professional Monograph
    Amur Cork Bark, Amur Cork Tree, Amur Corktree, Arbre à Liège de l'Amour, Arbre au Liège de l'Amour, Arbre de Liège de Chine, Corktree, Cortex Phellodendri, Huang Bai, Huang Bo, Huangbai, Phellodendri…
  • Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy, Commercial Stem Cell Therapy, Commercial Stem Cell Transplant, Commercial Stem Cell Transplantation, Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy, Mesenchymal Stromal Ce…
  • Thyme
    Professional Monograph
    Common Thyme, Farigoule, Farigoulette, French Thyme, Frigoule, Garden Thyme, Huile Essentielle de Thym, Huile de Thym, Huile de Thym Blanc, Huile de Thym Rouge, Mignotise des Genevois, Oil of Thyme, …
  • Lotus
    Professional Monograph
    Bean of India, Blue Lotus, Chinese Water Lily, East Indian Lotus, He Ye, Indian Lotus, Kamal, Lian Fang, Lian Xu, Lian Zi, Lian Zi Xin, Lotier, Loto, Lotus Bleu, Lotus d'Égypte, Lotus des Indes, Lotu…
  • Amaranth
    Professional Monograph
    Alegría, Amarante, Amarante-Grain, Amarante-Grain Géante, Amaranto, Chua, Huantli, Huatlí, Kantanoty, Khaddar-Chaulai, Lady Bleeding, Love-Lies-Bleeding, Lovely Bleeding, Pilewort, Prickly Amaranth, …