Ajaka, Albahaca Santa, Bai Gkaprow, Baranda, Basilic Indien, Basilic Sacré, Basilic Sacré Pourpre, Basilic Saint, Brinda, Green Holy Basil, Hot Basil, Indian Basil, Kala Tulsi, Kemangen, Krishna Tula…
All-Heal, Amantilla, Baldrian, Baldrianwurzel, Belgium Valerian, Common Valerian, Fragrant Valerian, Garden Heliotrope, Garden Valerian, Grande Valériane, Guérit Tout, Herbe à la Femme Meurtrie, Herb…
Acide Dihydropérillique, Acide Périllique, Alcohol Perílico, Alcool Périllique, Dihydroperillic Acid, Monoterpene Perillyl Alcohol, Monoterpène, Perillic Acid, Périllique, Perillyl, Perilyl, P…
Attentional Focus, Attentional Focus And Symptom Management Intervention (AFSMI), Body-State Focusing, External Focusing, Focusing-Oriented Therapy, Focusing Process, Focusing Therapy, Interactive Fo…
Professional Monograph
Aloe Capensis, Aloe Gel,
Aloe Latex, Aloe Leaf Gel, Aloe Perfoliata, Aloe Vera Barbenoids, Aloe Vera Gel, Aloes, Aloès, Aloès de Curaçao, Aloès des Barbades, Aloès du Cap, Aloès Vrai, Aloès Vulgair…
Professional Botanicals
Anashca, Banji, Bhang, Blunt, Bud, Cannabis, Charas, Dope, Esrar, Gaga, Ganga, Grass, Haschisch, Hash, Hashish, Herbe, Huo Ma Ren, Joint, Kif, Marie-Jeanne, Mariguana, Marihuana, Marijuana, Marijuan…
Acide Aminoacétique, Acide Amino-Acétique, Athenon, Free Base Glycine, G Salt, Glicina, Glycine de Base Libre, Glycocoll, Glycosthene, Iconyl, L-Glycine, Monazol.
L-Triptofano, L-Trypt, L-Tryptophane, Tryptophan.
CAUTION: See separate listing for 5-HTP, which is a derivative of L-tryptophan.
Professional Monograph
3b-Hydroxy-Androst-5-Ene-17-One, 3BetaHydroxy-Androst-5-Ene-17-One, Androstenolone, Déhydroépiandrostérone, DHEA-S, GL701, Prasterone.
CAUTION: DHEA should not be confused with 7-alpha-hydroxy-DHE…