Acide Docosahexaénoïque, Acide Gras d'Huile de Poisson, Acide Gras Oméga 3, Acide Gras N-3, Acide Gras W-3, Acido Docosahexaenoico, ADH, DHA, Fish Oil Fatty Acid, N-3 Fatty Acid, Neuromins, Omega 3, …
5-Methoxy-N-Acetyltryptamine, MEL, Melatonina, Mélatonine, MLT, N-Acétyl-5-Méthoxytryptamine, Pineal Hormone.
CAUTION: Melatonin should not be confused with a chemical with a similar name, known a…
Andrographolide, Bhunimba, Bidara, Carmantina, Carmantine, Chiretta, Chirette Verte, Chirreta, Chuan Xin Lian, Chuanxinlian, Creat, Échinacée d'Inde, Fa-Tha-Lai-Jone, Gubak, Herba Andrographitis, Ind…
Black Leaf Tea,Chinese Tea, English Tea, Feuille de Thé Noir, Té Negro, Tea, Thé Anglais, Thé Noir, Theaflavin, Théaflavine.
CAUTION: Black Tea should not be confused with Caffeine or other produ…
Homeopathic, Homeopathic Medicine, Homeopathic Nosodes, Homeopathic Remedies, Homeopathie, Homéopathique, Homeopatía, Homeoprophylaxis, Maladie Semblable, Médecine Homéopathique, Nosodes, Remède Homé…
Acu-Light Therapy, Balneophototherapy, Bath PUVA, Bright Light Therapy, Dead Sea Climatotherapy (DSC), Esogetic Colorpuncture, Fiber-Optic Phototherapy, Irradiation, LEDs, Light Irradiation, Light Th…
Bei Chai Hu, Bupleuri, Bupleurum Chinese, Buplèvre, Buplèvre Chinois, Buplèvre à Feuilles Rondes, Buplèvre à Feuilles de Scorsonère, Buplèvre à Longues Feuil…
Barberry, Berberis, Blue Barberry, Creeping Barberry, Holly Barberry, Holly Mahonia, Holly-Leaved Berberis, Mahonia, Mahonia Faux Houx, Mahonia à Feuilles de Houx, Mahonie, Mountain-Grape, Oregon Bar…
Bac Ngu Vi Tu, Baie de Schisandra, Bei Wu Wei Zi, Beiwuweizi, Chinese Mongolavine, Chinese Schizandra, Chinesischer Limonenbaum, Chosen-Gomischi, Five-Flavor-Fruit, Fructus Schisandrae, Fructus Schis…
Basidiomycetes Mushroom, Champignon Basidiomycète, Champignon d'Immortalité, Champignon Reishi, Champignons Reishi, Ganoderma, Hongo Reishi, Ling Chih, Ling Zhi, Lingzh, Mannentake, Mushroom, Mushroo…