• Great American Health Products
  • Job's Tears
    Professional Monograph
    Adlai, Adlay, Adlay Millet, Adlay Seed, Chinese Pearl Barley, Coix, Coïx, Coix Lachrymal, Coix Lacryma, Coix Seed, Coixseed, Dehulled Adlay, Gromwell Grass, Herbe aux Perles, Job's-tears, Lágrimas de…
  • Jewelweed
    Professional Monograph
    Alegria del Hogar, Balsam-Weed, Balsamine du Cap, Balsamine des Jardins, Balsamine Orangée, Feng Xian Hua, Garden Balsam, Herbal Impatiens Balsamihal, Impatiens, Impatiente, Impatiente Biflore, Impat…
  • Wormseed
    Professional Monograph
    Absinthe Maritime, Absinthe de Mer, Armoise de Judée, Barbotine, Levant, Santonica, Santónica, Sea Wormwood, Semen Contra, Sémentine, Worm Seed. CAUTION: Wormseed should not be confused with other…
  • Allspice
    Professional Monograph
    All Spice, Allspice Essential Oil, Aqua Pimentae, Clove Pepper, Eugenia Piment, Jamaica Pepper, Jamaican Pepper, Kiln-Dried Allspice, Piment de la Jamaïque, Pimenta, Pimento, Pimienta de Jamaica, Poi…
  • Elm Bark
    Professional Monograph
    Corteza de Olmo, Écorce d'Orme, Narvan Elm, Orme Champêtre, Orme Commun, Smooth-Leaved Elm.
  • Iodine
    Professional Monograph
    Cadexomer Iodine, Diatomic Iodine, I2, Iode, Iode de Cadexomer, Iode Diatomique, Iode Moléculaire, Iode Mono-atomique, Iode de Povidone, Iode de Sodium, Iodide, Iodized Salt, Iodure, Iodure de Potass…
  • Zhengjiang Chinese Medicine Works | Off Market Discontinued
  • Yunnan Baiyao
    Commercial Product
    Shenyi Center of Chinese Medicine
  • Miracle Fruit
    Professional Monograph
    Agbayun, Fruit Miracle, Fruit Miraculeux, Fruta Milagrosa, Magic Berry, Miracle Berry, Miraculin, Miraculous Berry, Sweet Berry, Uni.CAUTION: See separate listings for Aloe (Miracle Plant), Gymnema (…