Alétris, Blazing Star, Chamaelire Doré, Devil's Bit, Fairywand, False Unicorn Root, Fausse Licorne, Helonias, Plante Étoilée, Starwort, Unicornio Falso.
Ananas de Sibérie, Argasse, Argousier, Argousier Faux-Nerprun, Bourdaine Marine, Buckthorn, Chharma, Dhar-Bu, Épine Luisante, Épine Marrante, Espino Armarillo, Espino Falso, Faux Nerprun, Finbar, Gri…
Alegría, Amarante, Amarante-Grain, Amarante-Grain Géante, Amaranto, Chua, Huantli, Huatlí, Kantanoty, Khaddar-Chaulai, Lady Bleeding, Love-Lies-Bleeding, Lovely Bleeding, Pilewort, Prickly Amaranth, …
Paradella Aquàtica, Patience Aquatique, Patience d'Eau.
Angélique du Japon,
Aralie Japonaise,
Espino de Manchuria,
Manchurian Angelica Tree,
Mandschurische Aralie.
Árbol de la Pagoda, Arbre de Miel, Arbre aux Pagodes, Chinese Scholartree, Huai Chiao,
Huai Hua, Huai Mi,
Japanese Pagoda Tree, Japanese Sophora, Pagode Japonaise, Sófora, Sophora du Japon, Sopho…
Anashca, Banji, Bhang, Blunt, Bud, Cannabis, Charas, Dope, Esrar, Gaga, Ganga, Grass, Haschisch, Hash, Hashish, Herbe, Huo Ma Ren, Joint, Kif, Marie-Jeanne, Mariguana, Marihuana, Marijuana, Marijuan…
1-Amino-2-phenylethane, 2-Phenethylamine, 2-Phenylethylamine, Benzeneethanamine, Beta-phenethylamine, Beta-phenylethylamine, PEA, Phenethylamine HCl, Phenethylamine Hydrochloride, Phenylethylamine, P…
African Rue, Alharma, Espand, Gamarza, Harmal, Harmalkraute, Harmel, Harmelbuske, Peganum Oil, Roghan-e-Espand, Rue Savage, Steppenraute, Wild Rue.
CAUTION: Syrian rue should not be confused with …
American Yam, Atlantic Yam, Barbasco, China Root, Chinese Yam, Colic Root, Devil's Bones, DHEA Naturelle,
Dioscoreae, Dioscorée, Igname Sauvage, Igname Velue, Mexican Yam, Mexican Wild…