• Bloodroot
    Professional Monograph
    Bloodwort, Coon Root, Dr. Hoxsey's paste, Indian Plant, Indian Red Paint, Moh's Fixative, Pauson, Red Indian Paint, Red Puccoon, Red Root, Sang-Dragon, Sang de Dragon, Sanguinaire, Sanguinaire du Can…
  • Gotu Kola
    Professional Monograph
    Asiatic Pennywort, Brahma-Buti, Brahma-Manduki, Brahmi, Bua-Bok, Centella, Centella Asiática, Centella Asiatique, Centellase, Divya, Hydrocotyle, Hydrocotyle Asiatique, Hydrocotyle Indien, Indischer …
  • Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)
    Professional Monograph
    Dimethyl Sulfoxide, Dimethyl Sulphoxide, Dimethylis Sulfoxidum, Diméthylsulfoxyde, Dimetilsulfóxido, Methyl Sulphoxide, NSC-763, SQ-9453, Sulfoxyde de Diméthyl, Sulphinybismethane. CAUTION: Dimeth…
  • L-Carnitine
    Professional Monograph
    Aminocarnitine, Beta-hydroxyl-gamma-tributyl aminobutyrate, B(t) Factor, Carnitine, Carnitine Orotate, Carnitor, D-Carnitine, DL-Carnitine, Facteur B(t), L-b-hydroxy-c-N-trimethylaminobutyric acid, L…
  • Lemon Balm
    Professional Monograph
    Balm, Balm Mint, Bálsamo de Limón, Common Balm, Cure-All, Dropsy Plant, Honey Plant, Melisa, Melissa, Melissae Folium, Mélisse, Mélisse Citronnelle, Mélisse Officinale, Melissenblatt, Monarde, Sweet …
  • Bay Leaf
    Professional Monograph
    Bay, Bay Laurel, Bay Leaf, Bay Tree, Daphne, Grecian Laurel, Laurel, Laurel Común, Laurier d'Apollon, Laurier Noble, Laurier-Sauce, Laurier Vrai, Mediterranean Bay, Noble Laurel, Roman Laurel, Sweet …
  • Carnosine
    Professional Monograph
    Alanyl-L-Histidine, B-Alanyl-L-Histidine, Beta-Alanyl-L-Histidine, Carnosina, L-Carnosine, Levo-Carnosine, N-Acetyl-Carnosine, N-Acetyl-Carnosine, N-Acetyl-L-Carnosine, N-Acetyl-L-Carnosine. C…
  • Hirudotherapy
    Professional Monograph
    Hirudin, Hirudoterapia, Hirudothérapie, Leech, Leech Anticoagulants, Leech Saliva, Leech Therapy, Leeches Medicinalis, Mechanical Leech Therapy, Medicinal Leech Therapy, Medicinal Leeches, Sangsue An…
  • Delta-8-Tetrahydrocannabinol, Delta-8-THC, Diet Weed, Weed Light. CAUTION: Delta-8-THC should not be confused with other plant cannabinoids or synthetic cannabinoids, including Cannabichromene…
  • Diindolylmethane
    Professional Monograph
    Diindolymetano, Diindolylméthane, DIM. CAUTION: Diindolylmethane is a metabolite of Indole-3-Carbinol.