• Turpentine Oil
    Professional Monograph
    Aceite de Trementina, Essence de Térébenthine, Huile de Pin, Huile de Térébenthine, Huile de Térébenthine Purifiée, Pine Oleoresin, Pine Tree Terpenic, Purified Turpentine Oil, Spirits of Turpentine,…
  • Hesperidin
    Professional Monograph
    2S-hesperidin, 3',5,7-trihydroxy-4'-methoxy-flavanone-7-rhamnoglucoside, Alpha-Glucosyl Hesperidin, Alpha-Glucosylhesperidin, Bioflavonoid, Bioflavonoid Complex, Bioflavonoid Concentrate, Bioflavonoi…
  • Lactobacillus gasseri
    Professional Monograph
    L. gasseri, Probiotic, Probiotique CAUTION: Lactobacillus gasseri (L. gasseri) should not be confused with other Probiotics or with fermented food products potentially containing live organisms …
  • Honey
    Professional Monograph
    Beri honey, Blossom Honey, Buckwheat Honey, Chestnut Honey, Clarified Honey, Honeydew Honey, Honig, Jellybush Honey, Langnese Honey, Madhu, Manuka Honey, Medihoney, Mel, Miel, Miel Blanc, Miel Clarif…
  • Jackfruit
    Professional Monograph
    Arbol Del Pan, Baramil, Bo Luo Mi, Cakki, Chakka, Derakhte Nan, Falso Albero Del Pane, Fenesi, Finesy, Fruta Del Pobre, Halasina Hannu, Halasu, Indischer Brotfruchtbaum, Jaca, Jack, Jackfrucht, Jackf…
  • Pomegranate
    Professional Monograph
    Anardana, Dadim, Dadima, Delima, Extrait de Feuille de Grenade, Extrait de Grenade, Extrait de Polyphénol de Grenade, Feuille de Grenade, Fleur de Grenade, Fruit du Grenadier, Fruit of the Dead, Gan…
  • Cade
    Professional Monograph
    Alquitran de Enebro, Cada, Cade Essential Oil, Cade Juniper, Cade Leaf, Cade Oil, Cade Stem, Cade Wood, Cade Wood Essential Oil, Cade Wood Oil, Common Juniper, Essence de Cade, Feuille de Cade, Genév…
  • Light Therapy
    Professional Monograph
    Acu-Light Therapy, Balneophototherapy, Bath PUVA, Bright Light Therapy, Dead Sea Climatotherapy (DSC), Esogetic Colorpuncture, Fiber-Optic Phototherapy, Irradiation, LEDs, Light Irradiation, Light Th…
  • Pancreatic Enzyme Products
    Professional Monograph
    Enzyme Therapy, Fungal Pancreatin, Pancreatic Enzyme Formulation, Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy (PERT), Pancreatic Enzymes, Pancreatin, Pancreatina, Pancréatine, Pancréatine Fongique, Pancrea…
  • Black Hoof Mushroom
    Professional Monograph
    Black Hoof Fungus, Mesima, Meshima, Meshimakobu, Sanghuang, Sanghwang, Song Gen.