Acide Dihydropérillique, Acide Périllique, Alcohol Perílico, Alcool Périllique, Dihydroperillic Acid, Monoterpene Perillyl Alcohol, Monoterpène, Perillic Acid, Périllique, Perillyl, Perilyl, P…
Armoise Âcre, Dragonne, Estragon, Estragón, French Tarragon, Herbe Dragon, Herbe au Dragon, Little Dragon, Mugwort, Petit Dragon.CAUTION: See separate listing for Mugwort.
Ébénier de Guyane, Ébène Vert, Ipe, Ipe Roxo, Ipes, Lapacho, Lapacho Colorado, Lapacho Morado, Lébène, Pink Trumpet Tree, Purple Lapacho, Quebracho, Red Lapacho, Taheebo, Taheebo Tea, Thé Taheebo, Tr…
Professional Monograph
Cosse de Soja, Cosse de Soya, Daidzein, Daidzéine, Edamame, Estrogène Végétal, Fermented Soy, Fève de Soja, Fève de Soya, Fibre de Soja, Fibre de Soya, Frijol de Soya, Genistein, Génistéine, Haba So…
Kangniling (KNL) Pharmaceutical Company
Professional Monograph
Arbre Sacré des Druides, Chinwood, Common Yew, English Yew, European Yew, Himalayan Yew, If, If à Baies, If Commun, If de l'Himalaya, If de l'Ouest, Ifreteau, Japanese Yew, Pacific Yew, Taleespatra, …
Bolet à Couleurs Variées, Bolet Versicolore, Champignon Coriolus, Champignon de Queue de Dinde, Cloud Mushroom, Coriolus, Coriolus Mushroom, Hongo Coriolus, Kawaratake, Krestin, Polypore à Couleurs V…
Bing Ling Cao, Blushred Rabdosia, Dong Ling Cao, Liu Yue Ling, Po Xue Cao, Rubescens, Sui Mi Ya.
4-Androstene 3, 17-dione, 4-Androstenedione, Andro, Androstene, Androstenediona, Androsténédione.
CAUTION: Androstenedione should not be confused with other compounds recognized as or marketed a…
Professional Monograph
3b-Hydroxy-Androst-5-Ene-17-One, 3BetaHydroxy-Androst-5-Ene-17-One, Androstenolone, Déhydroépiandrostérone, DHEA-S, GL701, Prasterone.
CAUTION: DHEA should not be confused with 7-alpha-hydroxy-DHE…