• Poison Ivy
    Professional Monograph
    Bois de Chien, Caquistle, Caxuistle, Herbe à la Puce, Herbe à Puce, Hiedra Venenosa, Markweed, Poison Vine, Rhus Tox, Sumac Grimpant, Sumac Vénéneux, Three-Leafed Ivy.
  • Wine
    Professional Monograph
    Alcohol, Alcool, Ethanol, Éthanol, Extrait de Vin, Red Wine, Vin, Vin Rouge, Vino, Wine Extract. CAUTION: Wine should not be confused with Resveratrol, which is found in wine. Wine also should not…
  • Maggot Therapy
    Professional Monograph
    Biodebridement, Biosurgery, Biosurgical Debridement, Biosurgical Management, Biosurgical Wound Debridement, Biotherapy, Green Bottle Fly Larvae, Larva Therapy (LT), Larvae Therapy, Larval Debridement…
  • Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound
    Professional Monograph
    Arabinoxylan rice bran, Arabinoxylane, Arabinoxylane Compound Proprietary Blend, BioBran, Hemicellulose Complex with Arabinoxylane, MGN-3, MGN-3 Arabinoxylan, RBAC, Rice Bran Arabinoxylan. C…
  • Sangre de Grado
    Professional Monograph
    Blood of the Dragon, Crofelemer, Drago, Dragon's Blood, Dragon's Blood Croton, Lan-Hiqui, Laniqui, Palo de Grado, Sang de Dragon, Sangre de Drago, Sangre de Dragon, Sangre de Grado, Sangue de Agua, …
  • Chromium
    Professional Monograph
    Acétate de Chrome, Chélate de Chrome, Chelated Chromium, Chlorure Chromique, Chlorure de Chrome, Chrome, Chrome III, Chrome 3+, Chrome Chélaté, Chrome FTG, Chrome Facteur de Tolérance au Glucose, Chr…
  • Lupin
    Professional Monograph
    Altramuz Amarillo, Andean lupin, Australian Sweet Lupin, Bitter Lupin, Blue Lupin, Hasenklee, Lupin Jaune, Lupine, Lupini Beans, Narrow Leaf Lupin, Narrow Leaved Lupin, Pearl Lu…
  • Madagascar Periwinkle
    Professional Monograph
    Cape Periwinkle, Catharanthe, Catharanthus, Chang Chu Hua, Church-Flower, Magdalena, Myrtle, Old Maid, Periwinkle, Pervenche de Madagascar, Pervenche Rose, Ram-Goat Rose, Ratanjot, Red Periwinkle, Ro…
  • Savin Tops
    Professional Monograph
    Chaparra, Coronas de Sabino, Genévrier Sabine, Sabina, Sabina Chaparra, Sabina Rastrera, Sabina Real, Sabina Terrera, Sabine, Sabinier, Savin, Savine, Sommités du Genévrier Sabine.
  • Selenium
    Professional Monograph
    Chélate de Sélénium, Chelated Selenium, Dioxyde de Sélénium, Ebselen, L-Selenomethionine, L-Sélénométhionine, Levure Sélénisée, Numéro Atomique 34, Quelato de Selenio, Selenio, Selenio Quelado, Selen…