5H program, Art of Living (AOL), Art of Living Foundation (AOLF)' Art of Living Intuition Program, Prajna Yoga.
CAUTION: Art of Living uses some techniques from yoga. See separate listing for Yoga.
Arabic gum, Arbre à Mastic, Arbre au Mastic, Chios Mastic, Lentisco, Lentisk, Mastic Gum, Mastich, Mastiha, Mastika, Mastix, Mata Charneca, Pistachier Lentisque.
CAUTION: Mastic is sometimes calle…
A5MP, Acide 5'-adénylique, Adenine Nucleoside, Adénine Nucléoside, Adenine Riboside, Adénine Riboside, Adenosina, Adénosine, Adénosine Diphosphate (ADP), Adénosine Monophosphate (AMP), Adenosine Phos…
AFA, Algae, Algas Verdiazul, Algues Bleu-Vert, Algues Bleu-Vert du Lac Klamath, BGA, Blue Green Algae, Blue Green Algas, Blue-Green Micro-Algae, Cyanobacteria, Cyanobactérie, Cyanophycée, Dihe, Espir…
Alcanfor, Camphora, Camphre, Camphre de Laurier, Camphre Gomme, Camphrier, Cemphire, dl-Camphor, Formosa Camphor,
dl-Camphre, Gum Camphor, Kampfer, Karpoora, Karpuram, L…
Cape Periwinkle, Catharanthe, Catharanthus, Chang Chu Hua, Church-Flower, Magdalena, Myrtle, Old Maid, Periwinkle, Pervenche de Madagascar, Pervenche Rose, Ram-Goat Rose, Ratanjot, Red Periwinkle, Ro…
CBD, Nano-cannabidiol.
CAUTION: Cannabidiol should not be confused with other cannabinoids, including Cannabichromene (CBC), Cannabidivarin (CBDV), Cannabigerol (CBG), Cannabinol (CBN), Delta-8-te…
Professional Monograph
Arishta, Arishtha, Bead Tree, Holy Tree, Huile de Neem, Indian Lilac, Indian Neem, Lilas des Indes, Lilas de Perse, Margosa, Margosa Tree, Margousier, Margousier à Feuilles de Frêne, Margousier d'Ind…
Professional Monograph
Anis, Anís, Anis Vert, Aniseed, Anise Essential Oil, Anise Oil, Anisi Fructus, Graine d'Anis Vert, Green Anise, Huile Essentielle d'Anis, Phytoestrogen, Phyto-Œstrogène, Pinella, Semen A…
Angel Tulip, Chasse-Taupe, Datura, Datura Officinal, Datura Parviflora, Devil's Apple, Devil's Trumpet, Endormeuse, Estramonio, Herbe du Diable, Herbe aux Magiciens, Herbe aux Sorciers, Herbe aux Tau…