Vitamin K1: Methylphytyl Naphthoquinone, Phylloquinone, Phytomenadione, Phytonadione, 2-Methyl-3-Phytyl-1,4-Naphthoquinone.
Vitamin K2: Menaquinone, Ménaquinone, Menatetrenone, Menatétrenone, MK-1, …
Common Periwinkle, Earlyflowering, Evergreen, Herbe à la Capucine, Herbe de Fidélité, Lesser Periwinkle, Myrtle, Petite Pervenche, Pervenche Mineure, Small Periwinkle, Vincae Minoris Herba, Vincaperv…
Professional Monograph
Baie de Goji,
Barberry Matrimony Vine,
Chinese Boxthorn,
Chinese Wolfberry,
Di Gu Pi,
Duke of Argyll's Teaplant,
Duke of Argyll's Teatree,
Fructus Lychii Chinensis,
Fructus …
Cankerroot, Chinese Coptis, Chinese Goldthread, Coptide, Coptide à Trois Feuilles, Coptide Chinois, Coptide du Groenland, Coptide Savoyane, Coptide Trifoliolée, Coptidis Rhizome, Coptis, Coptis Rhizo…
Balle de Psyllium, Blond Plantago, Blonde Psyllium, Che Qian Zi, Dietary Fiber, Englishman's Foot, Fibre Alimentaire, Indian Plantago, Ipágula, Isabgola, Isabgul, Ispaghul, Ispaghula, Ispagol, Pale P…
Arbre à Savon, Bois de Panama, China Bark, Murillo Bark, Panama Bark, Quillaja, Quillay, Soap Tree, Savonnier, Soap Tree Bark, Soapbark.
Chuchasha, Chuchuasi, Chuchuhuasca, Chuchuhuasha.
L. plantarum, Lactobacillus Plantarum, Probiotic, Probiotique.
CAUTION: Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (L. plantarum) should not be confused with other Probiotics or with fermented food products …
Adderwort, Bistorta, Couleuvrée, Couleuvrine, Dragonwort, Easter Giant, Easter-Ledges, Easter Mangiant, Langue de Bœuf, Langue-de-Veau, Meadow Bistort, Oderwort, Osterick, Patience Dock, Polygo…
Acide Isovalérique de Leucine, Acides Aminés à Chaîne Ramifiée, Acides Aminés Ramifiés, Aminoacidos Con Cadenas Laterales Ramificadas, BCAA, BCAAs, Branched-Chain Amino Acid, Branched Chain Amino Aci…