• ORAC Energy Greens
    Commercial Product
  • Kratom
    Professional Monograph
    Biak-Biak, Cratom, Gratom, Ithang, Kakuam, Katawn, Kedemba, Ketum, Krathom, Kraton, Kratum, Madat, Maeng Da Leaf, Mambog, Mitragynine, Mitragynine Extract, Thang, Thom.
  • Therapeutic Touch
    Professional Monograph
    Energy Healing, Energy Medicine, Energy Work, Médecine Énergétique, Toque Terapéutico, Touch Therapy, Toucher Thérapeutique, Toucher Guérisseur, TT. CAUTION: Avoid confusion with other Energy Ther…
  • Schisandra
    Professional Monograph
    Bac Ngu Vi Tu, Baie de Schisandra, Bei Wu Wei Zi, Beiwuweizi, Chinese Mongolavine, Chinese Schizandra, Chinesischer Limonenbaum, Chosen-Gomischi, Five-Flavor-Fruit, Fructus Schisandrae, Fructus Schis…
  • Comfrey
    Professional Monograph
    Ass Ear, Beinwellwurzel, Black Root, Blackwort, Bruisewort, Common Comfrey, Consolidae Radix, Consoude, Consoude Officinale, Consound, Consuelda, Grande Consoude, Gum Plant, Healing Herb, Herbe aux …
  • Androstenedione
    Professional Monograph
    4-Androstene 3, 17-dione, 4-Androstenedione, Andro, Androstene, Androstenediona, Androsténédione. CAUTION: Androstenedione should not be confused with other compounds recognized as or marketed a…
  • Pantothenic Acid
    Professional Monograph
    Acide D-Pantothénique, Acide Pantothénique, Ácido Pantoténico, Alcool Pantothénylique, B Complex Vitamin, Calcii Pantothenas, Calcium D-Pantothenate, Calcium Pantothenate, Complexe de Vitamines B, D-…
  • Folic Acid
    Professional Monograph
    5'-methyltetrahydrofolate, 5'-methyltetrahydrofolic acid, 5'-MTHF, (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolate, (6s)-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid, (6S)-5-MTHF, Acide Folique, Acide Ptéroylglutamique, Acide P…
  • Ozone Therapy
    Professional Monograph
    Cure d'Ozone, Medical Ozone, Oxygen-Ozone Autohemotherapy, Oxygen Ozone Therapy, Ozonated Autohemotherapy, Ozone, Ozone Médical, Ozone Therapists, Ozone Treatment, Ozonetherapy, Oz…
  • Eleuthero
    Professional Monograph
    Acanthopanax Obovatus, Acanthopanax Obovatus Hoo, Buisson du Diable, Ci Wu Jia, Ciwujia, Ciwujia Root, Ciwujia Root Extract, Devil's Bush, Devil's Shrub, Éleuthéro, Eleuthero Extract, Eleuthero Ginse…