Auricular Candles, Auriculothérapie, Bougie Creuse, Bougie Hopi, Bougie d'Oreille, Chandelles Auriculaires, Cônage d'Oreille, Ear Candle, Ear Candle Therapy, Ear Candle Treatment, Ear Coning, Terapia…
Bodywork Therapy,
Ear Reflexology,
Energy Health,
Energy Medicine,
Energy Work,
Foot Reflexology,
Foot Therapy,
Hand Reflexology,
Lymphatic Reflexology,
Massage Réflexologique,
Appareil Mora, Biocom, Biocommunication, Biophysical Information, Biorésonance, Bioresonance Therapy, Biorresonancia, Information Biophysique, Mora Device, Mora Therapy, Morathérapie, Multicom, Multi…
Intégration Structurale par le Rolfing, Intégration Structurelle, Manipulative Therapy, Médecine Physique, Méthode Rolfing, Physical Medicine, Rolfer, Rolfing Method, Rolfing Structural Integration, …
Juice Cleanse, Juice Detox,Juice Therapy,Juicing.
CAUTION: See separate listing for Detoxification.
11-hydroxy Yohimbine, Coryanthe Yohimbe, Corynanthe Johimbe, Johimbi, Yohimbehe, Yohimbehe Cortex, Yohimbine, Yohimbine HCl, Yohimbinum Muriaticum.
CAUTION: Yohimbe should not be confused with pla…
Médecin Naturopathe, Médecine Naturopathique, Naturopath, Naturopathe, Naturopathic, Naturopathic Doctor, Naturopathic Medical Doctor, Naturopathic Medicine, Naturopathic Physician, Naturopathie, Nat…
Instinct Therapy, Instinctotherapy, Raw Foodism, Raw Foods Diet, Raw Paleolithic Nutrition, Rawism, Wai Diet.
CAUTION: See other listing for Vegetarian Diet.
Asian Bodywork, Asian Bodywork Therapy, Bodywork Therapy, Energy Health, Energy Medicine, Energy Work, Finger Pressure, Japanese Shiatsu, Médecine Énergétique, Meridian Shiatsu, Movement Shiatsu, Nam…
Antenatal Self-Hypnosis,
Clinical Hypnosis,
Cognitive Hypnotherapy,
Erikson Hypnosis,
Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy,