• Qi Gong
    Professional Monograph
    Ba Duan Jin, Baduanjin Qi Gong, Biyun Method, Biyun Qi Gong, Chan Mi Gong, Chi'I Kung, Chi Gung, Chi Kung, Dantian, Daoyin Qi Gong, Dongeui Qi Gong, Eight-Section Brocades Qi Gong, Energy Hea…
  • Prayer, Distant Healing
    Professional Monograph
    Absent Healing, Attitudinal Healing, Centering Prayer, Compassion and Healing, Compassionate Intention, Distant Healing, Divining, External Qigong, Faith Healing, Intentionality, Intercessory Prayer …
  • Graviola
    Professional Monograph
    Brazilian Cherimoya, Brazilian Paw Paw, Corossol, Corossol Épineux, Corossolier, Durian Benggala, Ekitafeli, Guanabana, Guanábana, Guanavana, Nangka Blanda, Nangka Londa, Omusitafeli, Paw-Paw, Prickl…
  • Shiatsu
    Professional Monograph
    Asian Bodywork, Asian Bodywork Therapy, Bodywork Therapy, Energy Health, Energy Medicine, Energy Work, Finger Pressure, Japanese Shiatsu, Médecine Énergétique, Meridian Shiatsu, Movement Shiatsu, Nam…
  • Art of Living
    Professional Monograph
    5H program, Art of Living (AOL), Art of Living Foundation (AOLF)' Art of Living Intuition Program, Prajna Yoga. CAUTION: Art of Living uses some techniques from yoga. See separate listing for Yoga.
  • Alexander Technique
    Professional Monograph
    Alexander Proprioception, AT, F.M. Alexander Technique, Technique Alexander, Técnica Alexander.
  • Raw Food Diet
    Professional Monograph
    Instinct Therapy, Instinctotherapy, Raw Foodism, Raw Foods Diet, Raw Paleolithic Nutrition, Rawism, Wai Diet. CAUTION: See other listing for Vegetarian Diet.
  • Calabar Bean
    Professional Monograph
    Chop Nut, Esere Nut, Faba Calabarica, Fève de Calabar, Haba de Calabar, Haricot de l'Ordalie, Legume, Ordeal Bean, Physostigma.
  • Hawaiian baby woodrose
    Professional Monograph
    Baby Hawaiian Woodrose, Baby Woodrose, Bidhara, Elephant Climber, Elephant Creeper, Liane d'Argent, Rose des Bois, Silver-Morning-Glory, Vidhara, Vriddadaru, Vridhadaru, Wood-Rose, Woolly Morning Glo…
  • Chiropractic
    Professional Monograph
    Chiro Therapy, Chirotherapy, Chiropractic Physician, Chiropraticien, Chiropractie, Chiropractors, Chiropratique, Chiropraxie, Manipulation Rachidienne, Manipulation Vertébrale, Manipulative Therapy, …