• Rauvolfia Vomitoria
    Professional Monograph
    African Serpentwood, African Snakeroot, Akanta, Asofeyeje, Eto Mmong Eba Ebot In, Ira, Ira-Igboo, Mmoneba, Msesewe, Poison Devil-pepper, Rauwolfia vomitoria, Serpent Snake Root, Serpent W…
  • Adrenal extract
    Professional Monograph
    ACE, Adrenal, Adrenal Complex, Adrenal Concentrate, Adrenal Cortex, Adrenal Cortex Extract, Adrenal Factors, Adrenal Medulla, Adrenal Polypeptide Fractions, Adrenal Powder, Adrenal Substance, Cortex …
  • Artemisia Herba-Alba
    Professional Monograph
    Absinthe du Désert, AHAE, AHE, Armoise Herbe Blanche, Artemisia, Chih, Common Wormwood, Common Worm Wood, Desert Wormwood, Herba Alba, Shih, Thym des Steppes. CAUTION: Do not confuse Artemisia her…
  • Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)
    Professional Monograph
    20:5n-3, Acide Eicosapentaénoïque, Acide Éthyle-Eicosapentaénoïque, Acide Gras Essentiel, Acide Gras d'Huile de Poisson, Acide Gras N-3, Acide Gras Omega, Acide Gras Oméga 3, Acide Gras Polyinsaturé,…
  • Astaxanthin
    Professional Monograph
    Astaxanthine, Astaxantina, Dihydroxy-3,3' dioxo-4,4' bêta-carotène, Microalgae, Microalgue, Micro-Algue, Ovoester. CAUTION: Don't confuse astaxanthin with other carotenoids such as Beta-Carotene…
  • Adrafinil
    Professional Monograph
    2-((Diphenylmethyl)Sulfinyl)-N-Hydroxyacetamide, Adrafinilum, Benzhydryl Sulfinyl Acetyl Hydroxamic Acid, CRL-40028, Olmifon.
  • Ligandrol
    Professional Monograph
    Anabolicum, LGD-4033, VK5211.
  • Oak Moss
    Professional Monograph
    Ebernia Prunasti, Évernia, Évernie, Lahiat Alshaykh, Lichen Oak Moss, Mousse de Chêne, Musgo de Roble, Oakmoss, Tree Moss. CAUTION: Oak Moss should not be confused with other lichens, including Us…
  • Terminalia bellirica
    Professional Monograph
    Baheda, Bahera, Bahira, Balera, Behada, Beleric Myrobalan, Belleric Myrobalan, Belliric Myrobalan, Bhibitaki, Bibhitak, Bibitaki, Bihara, Kalidruma, Karshaphala, Myrobolan…
  • Clove
    Professional Monograph
    Bourgeon Floral de Clou de Girofle, Bouton Floral de Clou de Girofle, Caryophylli Flos, Caryophyllum, Clavo de Olor, Clous de Girolfe, Clove Flower, Clove Flowerbud, Clove Leaf, Clove Oil, Clove Stem…