Asthmaplant, Euforbia, Euphorbe, Garden Spurge, Pill Bearing Spurge, Tawa-Tawa.
CAUTION: See separate listing for Cypress Spurge.
L. casei, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Zeae, Probiotic, Probiotique.
CAUTION: Lacticaseibacillus casei (L. casei) should not be confused with other Probiotics or with fermented food products…
Aceite de Citronela, Ceylon Citronella, Citronnelle de Ceylan, Citronnelle de l'Inde, Citronnelle de Java, Herbe Citron, Huile de Citronnelle, Java Citronella, Jonc Odorant, Lenabatu, Maha Pengiri, N…
Balsam, Bálsamo de Copaiba, Baume de Copahu, Copaiba, Copaiba Oil, Copaiba Oleoresin, Copaïer, Copaiva, Copayer, Jesuit's Balsam, Oléorésine de Copahu.
CAUTION: Do not confuse Copaiba balsam wit…
Bugle, Bugle Jaune, Bugle Petit Pin, Búgula Amarilla, Camaepitium, European Ground Pine, Yellow Bugle, Ive, Ivette.
CAUTION: See separate listings for Dwarf Pine Needle, Pine, Korean Pine, Maritim…
Chijol, Cornouiller de Jamaïque, Dogwood Jamaica, Fishfudle, Fish Poison Bark, Fish-Poison Tree, Jabín, Jamaican Cornouiller, Piscidia, West Indian Dogwood.
CAUTION: See separate listing for America…
Airelle, Airelle d'Ida, Airelle à Fruits Rouges, Airelle à Pomme de Terre, Airelle Rouge, Airelle Vigne d'Ida, Airelle Vigne du Mont Ida, Alpine Cranberry, Arándano Europeo, Cowberry, Dry Ground Cran…
Absent Healing, Attitudinal Healing, Centering Prayer, Compassion and Healing, Compassionate Intention, Distant Healing, Divining, External Qigong, Faith Healing, Intentionality, Intercessory Prayer …
Araca d'agua, Araza de Agua, Cacari, Camo Camo, Camocamo, Camu-Camu, Camu-camu Negro, Guapuro Blanco, Rumberry.