• Goldthread
    Professional Monograph
    Cankerroot, Chinese Coptis, Chinese Goldthread, Coptide, Coptide à Trois Feuilles, Coptide Chinois, Coptide du Groenland, Coptide Savoyane, Coptide Trifoliolée, Coptidis Rhizome, Coptis, Coptis Rhizo…
  • Bistort
    Professional Monograph
    Adderwort, Bistorta, Couleuvrée, Couleuvrine, Dragonwort, Easter Giant, Easter-Ledges, Easter Mangiant, Langue de Bœuf, Langue-de-Veau, Meadow Bistort, Oderwort, Osterick, Patience Dock, Polygo…
  • Yerba Santa
    Professional Monograph
    Bear's Weed, Consumptive's Weed, Eriodictyon, Gum Bush, Gum Plant, Herbe des Montagnes, Herbe à Ourse, Herbe Sacrée, Herbe Sainte, Hierba Santa, Holy Herb, Holy Weed, Mountain Balm, Sacred Herb, Sant…
  • Alder Buckthorn
    Professional Monograph
    Alder Dogwood, Arraclán, Arrow Wood, Aulne Noir, Black Dogwood, Bois Noir, Bois à Poudre, Bourdaine, Bourgène, Buckthorn, Coudrier Noir, Dog Wood, Frángula, Frangula, Frangulae Cortex, Frangul…
  • Sweet Gale
    Professional Monograph
    Bayberry, Bog Myrtle, Bois-Sent-Bon, Dutch Myrtle, Galé Odorant, Lorette, Mirto de Brabante, Mirto de Turbera, Myrique Baumier, Myrte Bâtard, Myrte des Marais, Piment Aquatique, Piment Royal, Poivre …
  • Yohimbe
    Professional Monograph
    11-hydroxy Yohimbine, Coryanthe Yohimbe, Corynanthe Johimbe, Johimbi, Yohimbehe, Yohimbehe Cortex, Yohimbine, Yohimbine HCl, Yohimbinum Muriaticum. CAUTION: Yohimbe should not be confused with pla…
  • Pimpinella
    Professional Monograph
    Bibernellkraut, Boucage, Boucage Saxifrage, Burnet Saxifrage, Fausse Saxifrage, Grand Boucage, Greater Burnet-Saxifrage, Persil de Bouc, Pied-de-Chèvre, Pimpernell, Pimpinellae Herba, Pimpinel…
  • New Jersey Tea
    Professional Monograph
    Céanothe d'Amérique, Jersey Tea, Indian Tea, Lirios de California, Mountain-Sweet, Red Root, Redroot, Té de Nueva Jersey, Thé du New Jersey, Walpole Tea, Wild Snowball.
  • Red Maple
    Professional Monograph
    Arce Rojo, Bird's Eye Maple, Érable de Plaine, Érable de Virginie, Érable Rouge, Plaine Rouge, Sugar Maple, Swamp Maple.
  • Gamboge
    Professional Monograph
    Baie de Brindall, Camboge, Gambodia, Gambooge, Gomme-Gutte, Gummigutta, Gutta Cambodia, Gutta Gamba, Guttagamba, Tom Rong.CAUTION: See separate listing for Garcinia.