Bioenergy Healing, Biofield Therapy, Energy Healing, Energy Work, HT, Spiritual Healing, Therapeutic Touch, Touch Therapy.
CAUTION: See separate listing for Massage, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch.
Absent Healing, Attitudinal Healing, Centering Prayer, Compassion and Healing, Compassionate Intention, Distant Healing, Divining, External Qigong, Faith Healing, Intentionality, Intercessory Prayer …
Curandera, Curandero, Folk Healers, Latin American Folk Medicine, Latin American Healing, Mexican American Healing Tradition.
Bioenergy Therapy, Biofield Energy Therapy, Buddhist Reiki, Énergie Universelle de Vie, Energy Health, Energy Medicine, Energy Work, Healing Touch, Japanese Reiki, Médecine Énergétique, Ray-kee, Reik…
Energy Healing, Energy Medicine, Energy Work, Médecine Énergétique, Toque Terapéutico, Touch Therapy, Toucher Thérapeutique, Toucher Guérisseur, TT.
CAUTION: Avoid confusion with other Energy Ther…
Biofield therapies,
Energy healing,
Energy medicine,
Putative energy therapy,
Veritable energy therapy.
Ba Duan Jin, Baduanjin Qi Gong, Biyun Method, Biyun Qi Gong, Chan Mi Gong, Chi'I Kung, Chi Gung, Chi Kung, Dantian,
Daoyin Qi Gong,
Dongeui Qi Gong,
Eight-Section Brocades Qi Gong,
Energy Hea…
Electromagnetic Field Therapy, Electromagnetic Healing, Electromagnetic Pulse, Electromagnetic Radiation, Electromagnetic Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy, Transcranial …
Cristaux, Crystal Healing, Crystals, Electrocrystal Therapy, Gem Therapy, Gemstone Therapy, Guérison par les Pierres, Lithothérapie, Pierre Précieuse, Terapia de Cristal, Thérapie par les Cristaux, T…
Ass Ear, Beinwellwurzel, Black Root, Blackwort, Bruisewort, Common Comfrey, Consolidae Radix, Consoude, Consoude Officinale, Consound, Consuelda, Grande Consoude, Gum Plant, Healing Herb, Herbe aux …