B. Breve, Probiotic, Probiotique.
CAUTION: Bifidobacterium breve (B. breve) should not be confused with other Probiotics, or with fermented food products potentially containing live organisms such…
Professional Monograph
Brazilian Ginseng, Brazilien Ginseng, Ginseng Brasilero, Ginseng Brésilien, Ginseng du Brésil, Pfaffia.
Altamisa, Bachelor's Buttons, Chrysanthème Matricaire, Featerfoiul, Featherfew, Featherfoil, Flirtwort Midsummer Daisy, Grande Camomille, Matricaria, Partenelle, Pyrèthre Doré, Pyrèthre Mousse, Santa…
B. Bifidum, Probiotic, Probiotique.
CAUTION: Bifidobacterium bifidum (B. bifidum) should not be confused with other Probiotics, or with fermented food products potentially containing live organism…
Acuponcture, Acuponcture Auriculaire, Acuponcture Chinoise, Acuponcture Coréenne, Acuponcture Japonaise, Acuponcture de la Main, Acuponcture Occidentale, Acuponcture de l'Oreille, Acuponcture du Pied…
Chinese Pepper, Flatspine Prickly Ash, Frêne Épineux Chinois, Fresno Espinoso Chino, Hua Jiao, Pimienta China, Red Huajiao, Sansho, Sichuan Pepper, Szechwan Pepper, Szechuan Peppercorn.
Benfothiamine, Benfotiamin
CAUTION: For information about the main metabolite of benfotiamine, see Thiamine .
A-Lipoic Acid, Acetate Replacing Factor, Acide Alpha-Lipoïque, Acide Alpha-Lipoïque R, Acide DL-Alpha-Lipoïque, Acide Lipoïque, Acide Thioctique, Acide 1,2-dithiolane-3-pentanoïque, Acide 1,2-dithiol…
Acu-Light Therapy, Balneophototherapy, Bath PUVA, Bright Light Therapy, Dead Sea Climatotherapy (DSC), Esogetic Colorpuncture, Fiber-Optic Phototherapy, Irradiation, LEDs, Light Irradiation, Light Th…
Professional Monograph
Alexandrian Senna, Alexandrinische Senna, Casse, Fan Xie Ye, Indian Senna, Khartoum Senna, Khatoum Senna, Sen, Sena Alejandrina, Séné, Séné d'Alexandrie, Séné d'Egypte, Séne d'Inde, Séné de Tinnevell…