Acide Glycyrrhizique, Acide Glycyrrhizinique, Alcacuz, Alcazuz, Bois Doux, Bois Sucré, Can Cao, Chinese Licorice, Deglycyrrhized Licorice, East European Licorice, Gan Cao, Gan Zao, Glabra, Glycyrrhiz…
Baker's Yeast, Dried Yeast Fermentate, Faex, Faex Medicinalis, Levadura de Cerveza, Levure, Levure de Biere, Levure de Bière Inactive, Levure de Boulangerie, Levure Fermentée, Levure Médicinale, Levu…
L. pentosus,
Lactobacillus pentosus.
CAUTION: Lactiplantibacillus pentosus (L. pentosus) should not be confused with other Probiotics or with fermented food products potentially containing li…
L. jensenii.
CAUTION: Lactobacillus jensenii (L. jensenii) should not be confused with other Probiotics or with fermented food products potentially containing live organisms such as Fermented Mi…
Bengal Madder, Dyer's Madder, Färberröte, Garança, Garance, Garance Des Teinturiers, Granza, Indian Madder,
Krapp, Robbia, Rouge Des Teinturiers, Rubia, Rubia De Tintes, Rubia tinctorum, Rubiae Tin…
Anthémis, Anthémis Odorante, Anthemis nobilis, Babounge, Babuna Ke Phool, Camomille d'Anjou, Camomille Noble, Camomille Romaine, Chamaemelum nobile, Chamomile, Chamomilla, Chamomillae Ramane Flos, Co…
Akhrot, Akschota, Arbre au Sommeil, California Walnut, Coque de Noix, Feuille de Noyer Commun, Fructus Cortex, Gland Divin, Gland de Jupiter, He Tao, He Tao Shu Zhi, Hu Tao Ren, Juglans, Juglandis, J…
Blowball, Cankerwort, Cochet, Common Dandelion, Couronne de Moine, Délice Printanier, Dandelion Extract, Dent-de-Lion, Diente de Leon, Dudal, Endive Sauvage, Fausse Chicorée, Florin d'Or, Florion d'O…
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