Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletions*

Most healthcare professionals are aware of concerns about the potential for drug-supplement interactions.  Drug-induced nutrient depletion is a separate issue. Some prescription and over-the-counter drugs have the potential to change physiology in a way that results in nutrient deficiencies over time.  Each of these interactions can be rated based on the potential severity of the interaction as follows:

Despite these general classifications, it is important to understand that different people respond differently to medications and supplements. It is possible that certain interactions will occur in some people, but not others. 

Medication(s) Nutrient/Supplement Rating Comments


  • Carbamazepine
  • Phenytoin
  • Phenobarbital



Vitamin D

 Moderate Certain anticonvulsants make vitamin D inactive. This can slow calcium absorption from the gut. Calcium and vitamin D supplementation is needed if anticonvulsants are used for more than 6 months.
Folic acid  Moderate Certain anticonvulsants might reduce absorption and increase excretion of folic acid. Monitor for depletion; a supplement is needed in some patients. Patients should consult their physicians before taking folic acid. Folic acid, in high doses, can reduce levels of phenytoin and increase the risk of seizures.


  • Metformin
Vitamin B12  Moderate Long term use and higher doses of metformin can reduce vitamin B12 absorption. Monitor for depletion; a supplement is needed in some patients.
Bile Acid Sequestrants

Vitamin A

Vitamin D

Vitamin K
 Moderate Bile acid sequestrants reduce absorption of fat soluble vitamins from the gut. Monitor for depletion; a supplement is needed in some patients.


  • Hydrocortisone
  • Prednisone 




 Moderate Long-term use of corticosteroids decreases absorption and increases excretion of calcium. This can lead to problems with bone formation and increased fracture risk. A calcium and vitamin D supplement is needed if steroids are used chronically. Vitamin D is given to improve calcium absorption.


 Moderate Corticosteroids cause sodium retention and potassium depletion. Monitor for potassium depletion; a supplement is needed in some patients.


  • Oral contraceptives

Folic acid


 Moderate Estrogens can reduce levels of folic acid and magnesium in the body. This is unlikely to become a problem in women with adequate dietary intake of folate and magnesium. Monitor for depletion; a supplement is needed in some patients
Loop Diuretics Calcium  Moderate Loop diuretics, especially in high doses, can increase calcium excretion. Monitor for depletion; a supplement is needed in some patients.
Loop Diuretics & Thiazide Diuretics


Potassium  Major Diuretics increase potassium excretion in the urine. A supplement is needed for most patients. 


 Moderate Diuretics, especially loop diuretics, increase magnesium and thiamine excretion in the urine. Monitor for depletion; a supplement is needed in some patients.


  • Aspirin
Vitamin C Insignificant Large doses of aspirin might reduce the uptake of vitamin C from the blood and gut. However, taking a baby aspirin long-term or taking larger doses intermittently for pain relief is unlikely to result in a significant depletion. A supplement is not needed for most patients.
Thiazide Diuretics Zinc  Moderate Diuretics increase zinc excretion. Monitor for depletion; a supplement is needed in some patients.
Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) Magnesium  Major

PPIs reduce absorption of magnesium, especially when used for longer than one year. A supplement is needed for most patients

PPIs & H2-Blockers Vitamin B12 Moderate

H2-blockers and PPIs can reduce absorption of dietary vitamin B12. This is unlikely to be a problem unless H2-blockers and PPIs are used chronically (2 years or more) and in high doses. Monitor for depletion; a supplement is needed in some patients taking these drugs in high doses for prolonged periods.

Statins Coenzyme Q10 Insufficient Evidence

Statins can reduce coenzyme Q10 levels in the blood. This is thought to contribute to statin-induced muscle pain. However, there’s conflicting evidence on whether coenzyme Q10 supplements reduce statin-induced muscle pain.

*Not a comprehensive list. For comprehensive information, go to our Nutrient Depletion Checker.