Ascophyllum nodosum powder (kelp).
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Below is general information about the effectiveness of the known ingredients contained in the product Kelp Powder. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
Below is general information about the safety of the known ingredients contained in the product Kelp Powder. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when used orally, short-term. Ascophyllum nodosum dried powder has been used with apparent safety at a dose of up to 500 mg daily for up to 6 months (94996,94997,103900). However, marine products such as Ascophyllum nodosum are known to accumulate heavy metals such as arsenic (94997,94999). Some supplement products are prospectively analyzed to confirm a lack of contaminants and that heavy metal levels are below threshold (94997).
Insufficient reliable information available; avoid using amounts greater than those found in food.
Below is general information about the interactions of the known ingredients contained in the product Kelp Powder. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
Theoretically, combining Ascophyllum nodosum with amiodarone might cause excessively high iodine levels.
Ascophyllum nodosum contains iodine (94997,95000,95102), although the bioavailability of iodine from Ascophyllum nodosum is lower than that of potassium iodide (94997). Amiodarone contains 37.3% iodine and can increase iodine levels. Concomitant use might increase the risk of having excessive iodine levels and adversely affecting thyroid function (7135,17574). Monitor thyroid function.
Due to its iodine content, Ascophyllum nodosum might alter the effects of antithyroid drugs.
Ascophyllum nodosum contains iodine (94997,95000,95102), although the bioavailability of iodine from Ascophyllum nodosum is lower than that of potassium iodide (94997). Iodine in high doses has been reported to cause both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, depending on the individual's past medical history. Taking Ascophyllum nodosum while using antithyroid drugs could alter the effects of the antithyroid drugs (17574).
Due to its iodine content, Ascophyllum nodosum might alter the effects of thyroid hormone.
Ascophyllum nodosum contains iodine (94997,95000,95102), although the bioavailability of iodine from Ascophyllum nodosum is lower than that of potassium iodide (94997). Iodine in high doses has been reported to cause both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, depending on the individual's past medical history. Taking Ascophyllum nodosum while using thyroid hormone could alter the effects of thyroid hormone (17574).
Below is general information about the adverse effects of the known ingredients contained in the product Kelp Powder. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
General ...Orally, Ascophyllum nodosum seems to be generally well-tolerated.
Endocrine ...Orally, taking Ascophyllum nodosum powder 500 mg daily for 14 days has been reported to cause elevated levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in 2 of 22 women in a clinical trial. The powder contained 356 mcg iodine per 500 mg. Levels of free thyroxine (T4) were unaffected (94997).
Gastrointestinal ...Orally, Ascophyllum nodosum has been reported to cause stomach discomfort in one clinical trial (94996).