Maqui berry, raw, freeze-dried.
Brand name products often contain multiple ingredients. To read detailed information about each ingredient, click on the link for the individual ingredient shown above.
Below is general information about the effectiveness of the known ingredients contained in the product Maqui Berry. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
Below is general information about the safety of the known ingredients contained in the product Maqui Berry. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when used orally and appropriately, short-term. Maqui berry extract has been used safely in doses of up to 180 mg daily for up to 3 months (98669,98673).
Insufficient reliable information available; avoid using.
Below is general information about the interactions of the known ingredients contained in the product Maqui Berry. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
Theoretically, maqui fruit extract may increase the risk of hypoglycemia when used with antidiabetes drugs.
Animal research shows that maqui berry reduces fasting blood glucose. However, maqui berry extract taken orally, either as a single dose or daily for 3 months, does not decrease fasting blood glucose in prediabetic patients (98668,98669,98672). It is unknown whether it might reduce blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes.
Below is general information about the adverse effects of the known ingredients contained in the product Maqui Berry. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
General ...No adverse effects have been reported; however, a thorough evaluation of safety outcomes has not been conducted.