Morera Negra, Mulberry, Mûrier Noir, Purple Mulberry.
CAUTION: Black mulberry should not be confused with White Mulberry.
Chlorine Dioxide Protocol, Chlorine Dioxide Complex Cleanser, Master Mineral Solution, Miracle Mineral Solution, Miracle Mineral Supplement, MMS, Sodium chlorite, Water Purification Solution, WPS.
Professional Monograph
Al-Tin, Anjeer, Arbre à Cariques, Caricae Fructus, Common Fig, Feigen, Figs, Figue, Figuier, Figuier de Carie, Figuier Comestible, Figuier Commun, Figuier Domestique, Higuera.
Dé de Bergère, Dead Man's Bells, Digitale, Digitale Laineuse, Digitale Pourpre, Digitale Pourprée, Doigtier, Fairy Cap, Fairy Finger, Foxglove, Gant-de-Bergère, Gant-de-Notre-Dame, Gant…
Bitter Root, Bitterwort, Gall Weed,
Gelber Enzian,
Geneciana, Gentianae Radix, Gentiane, Gentiane Acaule, Gentiane Jaune, Gentiane Pâle, Gentiane Sans Tige, Gentiane Sauvage, Grande G…
Blue Mallow Flower, Blue Malva, Cheeseflower, Common Mallow, Dwarf Mallow, Fromagère, Grande Mauve, Gul-Khair, High Mallow, Kunzi, Malva Silvestre, Malvae Flos, Malvae Folium, Mauls, Mauve, Ma…
Charogne, Chou Puant, Chou Sconse, Col de Mofeta, Dracontium, Meadow Cabbage, Polecatweed, Skunkweed, Spathyema Foetida, Spathyéma Mouffette, Swamp Cabbage, Symplocarpe Chou-Puant, Symplocarpe Fétide…
Antidote à l'Opium, Antidote d'Opium, Antídoto de Opio, Combretum, Geza, Jungle Weed, Kinkeliba, Kinkéliba, Long-Life Herbal Tea, Opium Antidote, Plant to Heal.
Bodywork Therapy,
Ear Reflexology,
Energy Health,
Energy Medicine,
Energy Work,
Foot Reflexology,
Foot Therapy,
Hand Reflexology,
Lymphatic Reflexology,
Massage Réflexologique,