Alcaravea, Anis Canadien, Anis des Prés, Anis des Vosges, Apium Carvi, Carraway, Carvi, Carvi Commun, Carvi Fructus, Cumin des Montagnes, Cumin des Prés, Faux Anis, Haravi, Jeera, Jira, Kala Jira, Ka…
Detox Foot Pads, Detox Footpads, Detoxification Foot Pads, Detoxification Foot Patches, Foot Detox Pads, Sap Sheets.
Ai Chi,
Aqua Lymphatic Therapy,
Aquatic Physical Therapy,
Motion-Based Hydrotherapy,
Physiothérapie Aquatique,
Pool Therapy,
Thérapie Aqua-Lymphatique,
Thérapie Physique …
Professional Monograph
Bière, Cerveza.
CAUTION: Beer should not be confused with Barley, Hops, and Yeast, from which it is brewed. Beer also should not be confused with Wine, another alcohol-containing beverage.
Garden Burnet, Grand Boucage, Grand Burnet, Grande Pimprenelle, Pimpinela Mayor, Sanguisorba, Sanguisorbe Officinale, Zi Yu.
Extrait de Moule, GLM, Green Lipped Mussel, Green Shell Mussel, Mejillón Verde de Nueva Zealandia, Moule à Coquille Verte, Moule à Coquille Verte de Nouvelle-Zélande, Moule aux Lèvres Verte de…
Champignon Dansant, Champignon des Fous Dansants, Champignon Maitake, Dancing Mushroom, Grifola, Hen Of The Woods, Hongo Maitake, King Of Mushrooms, Maitake, Monkey's Bench, Mushroom, Ram's Head, Ro…
Aveleira, Avelinier, Avellana, Avellano, Cobnut, Coudrier, European Filbert, European Hazel, Haselnuss, Haselstrauch, Hazel, Hazel Nut, Noisetier, Noisetier Commun, Noisetier du Japon, Noisette, Nois…
5'-methyltetrahydrofolate, 5'-methyltetrahydrofolic acid, 5'-MTHF,
(6s)-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid,
(6S)-5-MTHF, Acide Folique, Acide Ptéroylglutamique, Acide P…
Ebernia Prunasti, Évernia, Évernie, Lahiat Alshaykh, Lichen Oak Moss, Mousse de Chêne, Musgo de Roble, Oakmoss, Tree Moss.
CAUTION: Oak Moss should not be confused with other lichens, including Us…